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Puppy Rash

kim & Tilly

New Member
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Scrumpy Jack has a rash around his willy, the same as babys get under their nappies...

What can i apply to help? or should i leave it alone?

He has a bit of a wee smell to him as well, so should he be getting regular baths??

I never had this problem with the girls :- "
kim you will find boys smell of wee quite often as they hit there front legs when they wee :wacko: i usually give them regular front leg washes which keeps them smelling better (w00t)

as for the rash could it be a heat rash??? or could it be a urine infection,hopefully someone else might have a better idea as ive never come across this with mine.
trish g said:
kim you will find boys smell of wee quite often as they hit there front legs when they wee :wacko: i usually give them regular front leg washes which keeps them smelling better (w00t) as for the rash could it be a heat rash??? or could it be a urine infection,hopefully someone else might have a better idea as ive never come across this with mine.

Lol, eewwww smelly boys :x

It looks like nappy rash, wondered if a bit of nappy cream may help
Has he been in any longish grass yet?? Personally I would leave it...and not put anything on there yet. Could be urine Trish said.
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Janimal said:
Has he been in any longish grass yet??  Personally I would leave it...and not put anything on there yet.

i wouldnt put anything on it either,plus you dont want him licking the cream off as it might be harmful to him.
:)) hi - rinse the area with cooled boiled water and pat dry.

cover area with aloe vera jelly - a natural antibacterial healing plant which is very healing - i use it a lot very successfully on all of my dogs for cuts or scratches or any occasional rashes that have appeared - i alos use it on myself and its very effective.

best wishes
should of had another girl - they smell lovely!!!!

bean sends a lick to the new addition and we all help that his little whiff is solved soon x

i go with sudacream too :thumbsup:

Bloggs had a bout of what can only be described as acne in his general wilily area a couple of weeks ago - sudacream soon cleared it up!
Sorry i didnt reply :)

Its not the long grass rash, bean had that and it was yellow pus spots, this is just like nappy rash

He is off this morning for hs second set of injections i will ask the vet :thumbsup:
The vet recomended a smear of sudacream too and a bath (cause he smells :D )

Thats Scrumpy Jack not the vet (w00t)
Kim, we always have wet wipes handy in case of wee'd on legs. After having bitches for years and not wanting to keep a dog because of the wee wee leg problem, and then eventually keeping a dog - I think the wee'd on legs are a small price to pay for the gorgeous, kind, cuddly, loving temperament of a dog. The bitches are lovely of course, but give me dogs any day :wub:
kim & Tilly said:
Scrumpy Jack has a rash around his willy, the same as babys get under their nappies...
What can i apply to help? or should i leave it alone?

He has a bit of a wee smell to him as well, so should he be getting regular baths??

I never had this problem with the girls  :- "

Sounds to me like an infection Kim, and his water is burning him, but i must be wrong if youve been to the vets just try and keep the area clean with warm water, dry off thoroughly then put the cream on :luck:

If it is urine burn i would wash it with pure soap (non perfumed). Urine is acidic, soap alkaline, Then rinse well and dry thoroughly, then apply cream. :)
kim & Tilly said:
Scrumpy Jack has a rash around his willy, the same as babys get under their nappies...
What can i apply to help? or should i leave it alone?

He has a bit of a wee smell to him as well, so should he be getting regular baths??

I never had this problem with the girls  :- "

For the wee smell, we have dog wipes (kind of like a baby wipe) here in the states. They work great and not as laborious to draw water in the tub and give him a whole bath. My IG wees all over his front legs all the time. Also My IG has skin allergies in the spring and fall. I think its worth the vet checking it out.
Thank you for all the advice, i will put wet wipes on the list and give him a nice bath with non smelling soap :D

Then a small smear of sudacream

Its not an infection, just a wet rash type of thing :thumbsup: