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Puppy Bought by Teenagers being kept in a shed


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I've had a really stressful weekend! My son, aged almost 16, came in the other night and I could tell something was bothering him (he has an Autistic Spectrum Disorder so doesn't disclose his feelings readily). On Saturday he started asking me questions about what age puppies had their Vaccs and when they could be allowed out. After some gentle questioning it transpired that three lads he knows, had bought a 10 week old lurcher pup from a man off an allotment :rant: They took the pup home and none of their parents would allow it in the they camped out in the woods overnight with it!! In addition to this they'd been trawling the poor little thing around the village.

After making lots of enquiries I finally tracked down one of the lads concerned and explained that I was really concerned for the pup's welfare and, that if they were struggling, to bring it to me. Another 'waster' in the making, he said that they'd paid £50 for it and it was ok because they'd found a shed to keep it in! :rant: :rant: I wasn't nasty to him, in fact I was the opposite, because I really wanted to get him 'on-side' so that he would bring the pup to me but he was having none of it. End result.......sleepless nights for me, and another poor pup that will probably end up in a rescue or worse still dumped somewhere!! :rant: :rant: Incidentally, before anyone suggests me contacting the parents, the parents are the sort that would tell me to 'Eff off and mind my own business'.

Some people just make me sick.....starting with the idiot who sold the lads this poor pup! :angry:
Oh gawd, how depressing. He's only a baby and I bet he ends up spending most of his time shut up alone in a shed :angry:

For the pup's sake I hope they get fed up with him sooner rather than later before he ends up being damaged for life :(

There are so many lurcher pups coming into rescue at the moment, I wish people would think before they breed and take some responsibility for what happens to their pups :rant:
That is just appalling.

The parents obviously unaware of the boys actions - I wouldn't care what sort of chav they are, you can't keep a puppy(or indeed any animal) in a shed.

Poor bloody animal - RSPCA perhaps?
Sadly, as long as the animal has shelter, water and food then the RSPCA cannot/will not intervene. I haven't checked the law (because one of the lads is 18), but I'm pretty sure that had they been under 18 then it would have been illegal for anyone to sell them the puppy. The frighteneing thing is that evidently this poor little pup was one of 9!! Grey x Bull x Collie Dad X Saluki x Whippet Mum...... ten a penny in any rescue I would guess!
Oh Lal that's awful ... so depressing :( Hugs hunni, you did what you could xxx
That's awful. What's so bad it it seems to be impossible to stop these people. The RSPCA should be able, under the new Animal Welfare Act, to take the pup away as it is shut in a shed and unable to have access to fresh air and behave normally. Why don't they do this, the act is law???????
I'm still hoping, and I have various 'locals' on the case, that these lads will realise that they cannot keep this pup and, knowing that I have offered to take it, will contact me when they find (sooner rather than later, please God!) that they are out of their depth :(
A little bit of progress. Two of the lads have been to see me to ask my advice about worming. They have booked the pup in at the Vet for a check up and Vaccs on Thursday and have gone off with my scales so that they can weigh him. Still not ideal but at least they are trying to do things right, I'm hoping they'll let me go and see where he is living later....
Well done Lal, it sounds as though at least some of what you are saying is getting through and they are trying to do things right at least. If the puppy gets vet checked, wormed and vaxed that will be a big step forward.
Sounding hopeful?

If you can mentor the lads through this, then just maybe the poor little pup will have a chance :unsure:
I really hope these boys see some sense, and give the poor mite up - what life has it got cooped up in a shed, only to be played with etc when they feel fit.

I do hope you can take control & get this pup to a proper decent home - a poor start in life isn't going to help this little chap one bit.
good on you for being supportive, does anyone know where the shed is - it would be a shame if the pup 'accidentaly' escaped and wandered off...
Sad news I'm afraid :( I wish I had been able to persuade the three idiots to give this pup up. One of the parents had relented and allowed them to keep the pup, although I believe he was sleeping in the shed, I never managed to find out where the house was. Tragically, one of the idiot lads was carrying the pup and dropped him breaking his leg. The lad's mother took the pup to the vet and on being quoted £600 to operate, had the pup PTS :(

I am absolutely gutted, and furious to discover that the lad was drunk at the time.

RIP Little Bailey, you never really stood a chance. Run free :wub:
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OMG, how awful :(

You're right, that poor pup never stood a chance - but tragic to hear that your worst fears came true so soon. That poor little mite didn't ask to be born to a breeder who didn't give a toss where he went, I blame him/her every bit as much as the lad and his parents :rant:

Run free little one, so sad you didn't have the life you deserved :(
Oh Lal that's just awful ... run free little Bailey xxx
Ive just caught up with all this Alison, and Im so sorry after all you tried to do...... :(

Run free dear little pup...
Such a tragic end. Poor pup, how idiots like that can live with themselves is beyond me (and I'm including the breeder in that) :angry:
What a sad, sad story :'( You did everything you could (and kept your temper which is probably more than I could have done.) They had the offer of help and didn't take it. Poor little soul. What's worse is, us being too soft for our own good, we'd have rallied and found the money for the op if we'd known. Also, I don't know how the vet can sleep at night, though I suppose if he/she refused they would have taken it and drowned it or something. I know you can't save them all but this little fella had all his life in front of him - if I was the vet I'd have got them to sign it over, fixed him and rehomed him myself. £600 for a life - I bet the b*****d who dropped him spends that on beer and weed in a couple of months.

Hope you and Si are okay :huggles:
Thanks everyone, it's really knocked me sideways to be honest. And yes, the breeder (callous b*****d) had 9 of these poor little mites, selling them at £50 a time to anyone who came up with the money :rant: I plan to track down the breeder and tell him I hope his £50 makes him happy knowing how this poor pup suffered. :rant:

If I'd been contacted when it happened then I would still have stepped in and found the money from somewhere. I suppose it is hard working as a Vet, there must be so many sad cases that they have to become quite hardened. Even if the parents of this lad had offered to pay for the op then the lads wouldn't have wanted the dog. I only discovered today, from Si, that one of them had said they wouldn't keep a dog past the age of 5 because it would be 'past it's best' so it is probably as well the vet agreed to put the poor little mite down as it may well have ended up being drowned. God it just sickens me!! :rant: :rant: :rant:

There will be three teenagers in this area who will be avoiding me like the plague, and would be well advised to do so for the future. :rant:
Alison, I am so sorry. You did all you could. Sometimes people make me sick.

RIP poor little pup :wub: :'(