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Puppy and upset tummy


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Hello we recently got a saluki puppy named honey. She's been with us for a week. She's 12 weeks old and has had her first lot of immunisations waiting on her second lot.

When we picked her up the breeder said she has been fully wormed and had a worming tablet that day and said we may get a few worms from her which we did. We mentioned this to the vet and he didn't seem concerned and said we will worm her again when she has her second immunisations.

Since been home she has had runny poos and is pooing alot which I know puppies do. She is on pooch and mut food, she was on a different brand with the breeder but it wasn't great so we switched. I know this could cause a upset tummy. Tomorrow we're trying rice and chicken. Has anyone get any other suggestions? Today she has had more than 10 poos, is this to much? I'm starting to get worried and would love some advice.

The sudden change of food absolutely could have caused it. The change of home often does it; so another change with the food can really upset the balance.

Rice and either boiled chicken or white fish is good and you could even add the water you have boiled the chicken/fish in to her normal water to encourage her to drink and keep her hydration levels up, which is really important for a puppy. If she isn't right within 24 hours of starting to be loose (as opposed to 24 hours from now) give your vet a call, puppies can go downhill really fast.
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Ideally you'd change over foods gradually, over the course of, say, 10 days. So I agree with JoanneF, this is probably the cause. I hope she improves quickly!

I fantasise about saluki puppies - it is the breed I most long for, though it will probably never happen. Enjoy your pup!
Not the best thing to do I.e. change of food, even thow I did the same to one of mine but he was 5 months, it’s needs to be sorted as pup needs all his food to grow, best of luck.
I thought it could be the food but the food she was on really wasn't great. I'm going to see how she is tomorrow on chicken are rice and if no improvements call the vets. Has anyone had any experience with worms? How long do they take to come out after a worming tablet? Also while I'm on the subject does anyone use worm count?

IAlso while I'm on the subject does anyone use worm count?

Yes, I've used Wormcount for several years and can recommend it :) In something like 6-7 years, I've never had a test come back positive for worms, saving on lots of chemical treatment. Though on one occasion they did spot coccidiosis, which meant that I could go straight to the vet and get a prescription - he'd only had a slightly dodgy tum so otherwise I'd have had to go down the bland meals and then testing route. I haven't used it since lockdown though, as mail delivery can still be variable and I didn't want a poo sample to be lurking in a sorting office for days on end!

My only reservation is over lungworm, as I think ideally that would be tested for/treated monthly, which would be quite an expense with Wormcount - as well as a faff, as you have to collect samples over three days.

If nothing else, the reaction from the post office staff when they ask you what's in the package and you tell them is priceless:D
Hello we recently got a saluki puppy named honey. She's been with us for a week. She's 12 weeks old and has had her first lot of immunisations waiting on her second lot.

When we picked her up the breeder said she has been fully wormed and had a worming tablet that day and said we may get a few worms from her which we did. We mentioned this to the vet and he didn't seem concerned and said we will worm her again when she has her second immunisations.

Since been home she has had runny poos and is pooing alot which I know puppies do. She is on pooch and mut food, she was on a different brand with the breeder but it wasn't great so we switched. I know this could cause a upset tummy. Tomorrow we're trying rice and chicken. Has anyone get any other suggestions? Today she has had more than 10 poos, is this to much? I'm starting to get worried and would love some advice.


For what it’s worth our four year old whippet wasn’t well last week - almost liquid faeces and, on a recommended diet of boiled rice and chicken, promptly threw up. It was obviously a gastric problem and our main concern was dehydration. I’m not sure if your pup would be too young for it but we gave her Oralade which she took quite readily. I appreciate that it’s hardly the same situation but keeping her hydrated had her back to her normal self within 48 hours. Hope the pup improves. You’re very fortunate to have a saluki - we love sighthounds.
Yes, I've used Wormcount for several years and can recommend it :) In something like 6-7 years, I've never had a test come back positive for worms, saving on lots of chemical treatment. Though on one occasion they did spot coccidiosis, which meant that I could go straight to the vet and get a prescription - he'd only had a slightly dodgy tum so otherwise I'd have had to go down the bland meals and then testing route. I haven't used it since lockdown though, as mail delivery can still be variable and I didn't want a poo sample to be lurking in a sorting office for days on end!

My only reservation is over lungworm, as I think ideally that would be tested for/treated monthly, which would be quite an expense with Wormcount - as well as a faff, as you have to collect samples over three days.

If nothing else, the reaction from the post office staff when they ask you what's in the package and you tell them is priceless:D
Thanks for all your replies. I have ordered a worm count for peace of mind and also I'm curious as to how it works as I'd like to use it regularly. She has been on chicken and rice since yesterday evening and already seems to be improving which is great! She is a lovely little girl so calm and placid. Will figure out how to upload a picture!

She will need to be wormed every 3 weeks until she is 6 months old, and with a veterinary prescribed wormer because over-the-counter ones don't work anything like as well. This is normal for all puppies - they have to be wormed regularly from 2-3 weeks onwards. A worm count before 6 months is a waste of money because they all have worms no matter how well reared. After that, worm counts are very useful, but not, as JudyN says, if the sample might be delayed in the post.

I'm another person who is looking forward to the photos!

I'm glad her tummy is settling.
Salukis can be very aloof, stubborn and play deaf at time, oh and don’t take a telling off well, ooo the memories.
She will need to be wormed every 3 weeks until she is 6 months old, and with a veterinary prescribed wormer because over-the-counter ones don't work anything like as well. This is normal for all puppies - they have to be wormed regularly from 2-3 weeks onwards. A worm count before 6 months is a waste of money because they all have worms no matter how well reared. After that, worm counts are very useful, but not, as JudyN says, if the sample might be delayed in the post.

I'm another person who is looking forward to the photos!

I'm glad her tummy is settling.
She will still be getting wormed regardless and from the vet as we have a puppy plan. I just think the worm count is handy. Has anyone got any tips for anxiety at night time and nipping out for the school run?

Thanks x
Has anyone got any tips for anxiety at night time and nipping out for the school run?

Is she sleeping on her own? I'd recommend letting her sleep in your room, either in a crate (if she's happy in a crate) or on a dog bed next to yours. This doesn't have to be forever - you can move her out of your room when she's more settled and confident. Alternatively, you could set up a 'human' bed (e.g. small mattress on the floor) and sleep next to her, gradually withdrawing... A happy, secure dog can only develop from a happy, secure pup, so the less anxiety she can feel right now, the better.

As for the school run, ideally, for now, you would take her with you or leave her with someone else, and gradually work on very short (10 seconds!) absences and building up from there. More info here: Separation anxiety

I'll try and suss out the rules around posting photos this evening (unless someone else can advise you in the meantime). It might be that you haven't made enough posts yet for this to be allowed (I usually host my posts on Flickr rather than uploading files). Prod me if I forget!
She is in a crate in our room. Sleeping from about 11.30 till 5 ISH which is good. I can't take her into the school grounds so can't take her on the school run. My husband works away and is home for another 2 weeks so won't be an issue till he's away. I would like to get her a Kong for if we have to leave her for 10 mins but not sure with her upset tummy it would be a good idea at the min.

Thanks for your advice!
I'm another looking forward to photo's. My top three breeds are Whippet, Saluki and Deerhounds. Only ever lived with Whippets but I would love one, (or both), of the others but dont think it will happen.