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Puppy and Diarrhoea, any advice please


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Hi I have a 3 month old blue merle collie, we picked him up last Sunday from a farm. He was ok, looked very healthy etc, on Tuesday I took him to have his second jabs and he was given a clean bill of health. His bowl movements were loose but not like diarrhoea ( sorry for too much info). On Wednesday he started to have to go more, by Thursday evening he was really bad. Friday we went back to the vets and he was given another lot of worming tablet, Panicur and Canikur. I have also kept him on a bland diet of chicken, rice, egg, white fish, pasta ( not all together) since Sunday as he really wasn't interested in the bakers biscuits the farm gave us. He plays fine, is drinking loads but his bowl movements still haven't improved, has anyone else had this problem? I am going to call the vets in the morning but would like any advice...
I would be worried about parasites I think.. I would push your vet to get him tested and fixed.
I'm having to collect samples now, although today he has done one firmer toilet so hopefully he's turning a corner, fingers crossed :)
I had the exact same problem with my puppy - went to vets and got more worming stuff etc, but I don't think that was the problem. Slowly but surely she is improving all the time. We had her from 3 months and she is now 5 months. Although I was really worried at the time, I think it was a combination of a change in water, stress from settling into a new home (although she seemed happy) and the fact that puppies digestive systems are a bit funny as well. She still has the odd loose movement but it kept improving as time went on. Good luck!

Alot of this will be stress of moving, bland chicken and rice is very good for upset tums but feed little and often. So more meals during the day. Try not to keep changing the food so much and bakers is not a very good food to feed pups. Introduce a new food slowly a bit at a time with each meal.

The vets will charge fortune for something that is very simple.

Also if your dog has got wet whilst playing or on a walk a wet belly will give them the runs. Make sure you dry the belly.

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Thank you so much for your advice, he is a bit better its not as loose as it was. Such a lovely dog. Just want him better. Last night he slept through with no accidents so maybe we are turning a corner! Thanks again :)
Tried to load one up and it says the file is too big :( sorry
send it to me on and I will add it for you :)
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Hi there, hope your pup is better now? Just personally i would not put him back on Bakers, as its one of the worst foods you can feed a dog its stuffed full of additives & colourings & can make pups really hyper. Also i would buy some natural live youghurt & give him a spoonful in th emorning & one in the evening as it will help put the good bacteria back in the gut & i would keep him on it for a week. Good luck, hope he continues to improve :)
Hi there, hope your pup is better now? Just personally i would not put him back on Bakers, as its one of the worst foods you can feed a dog its stuffed full of additives & colourings & can make pups really hyper. Also i would buy some natural live youghurt & give him a spoonful in th emorning & one in the evening as it will help put the good bacteria back in the gut & i would keep him on it for a week. Good luck, hope he continues to improve :)
^^^ What she says :)

Natural yoghurt is usually much loved as a treat and is great for giving them their bowel flora back again.

It's also worth remembering that all puppies and kittens are likely to have looser poo than adults and that their bowels take a lot longer to return to normality once they are put out of kilter, and also that their guts mature and start to cope with solid food at completely individual ages. Some pups and kittens are fine on solids at 10 weeks, some it will take until they're 14,16, 18 weeks and that is not necessarily a sign of bad things happening.

All stress that they go through will make things worse, whether that's the stress of leaving their litter or the stress of going to the vets if they find that scary.
Thanks for your replies, he has been on a very bland diet including natural yoghurt. We thought he was getting better then he got bad again last night so back to the vets today, he has now been put on antibiotics. The vets think he has a bacteria and the antibiotics should clear him up. They have samples to send off if he is still not better by Monday. Fingers crossed!
Poor chap - let us know how he gets on. I have everything crossed for him xx

I love Blue Merle Collies, my friend had 2 and they really are beautiful!

Sorry to hear your pup is having problems.

We had this with a pup we got at 10 weeks old. Diarrhea but totally well in himself. No blood in it. We tried ABs first - didnt help. Bit of a half hearted bland diet. We then had samples taken and he had 2 different parasites :(

So (and I know it's a vet promotion) but via the vet we put him on royal canin sensitive for around 10 days. Lots of small meals. Then we started to introduce our preferred food Arden Grange puppy. From first vet visit to being totally sorted all took about 5 weeks. He's now 19 weeks and steadily putting on weight and all poops are as they should be!

I hope you get your pup sorted soon. It'll seem a long haul but it should soon get better.
I have a different puppy, antibiotics have done the trick, all poops normal. He is still on a bland diet. Racing around, doing normal puppy things and full of beans. So pleased :) now what food to try him on?
This is max! image.jpg
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He is absolutely adorable!!!!
Hi I have a 3 month old blue merle collie, we picked him up last Sunday from a farm. He was ok, looked very healthy etc, on Tuesday I took him to have his second jabs and he was given a clean bill of health. His bowl movements were loose but not like diarrhoea ( sorry for too much info). On Wednesday he started to have to go more, by Thursday evening he was really bad. Friday we went back to the vets and he was given another lot of worming tablet, Panicur and Canikur. I have also kept him on a bland diet of chicken, rice, egg, white fish, pasta ( not all together) since Sunday as he really wasn't interested in the bakers biscuits the farm gave us. He plays fine, is drinking loads but his bowl movements still haven't improved, has anyone else had this problem? I am going to call the vets in the morning but would like any advice...

I hope Max is OK now. We had a very similar problem with our puppy, but she went off her food and was very listless. Antibiotics seemed to help but she went downbank again after a couple of weeks. Two courses of antibiotics later we sent a sample off, and it turned out she was infected with Giardia. The normal worming tablets won't touch it. The vet prescribed Panacur which covers worms and giardia. If you get a puppy from a kennels, (or probably a farm) it is pretty likely to be infected. Not all dogs show symptoms but it can be fatal. As your dog has been treated with Panacur it would have covered the possibility of it being giardia or coccidia. I thought I would mention it as she was so ill we thought our puppy was going to die at the time. Giardia can live on in the gut even after treatment...
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