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Puppy Advice


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i am picking up my new labrador puppy (yer i know, it aint a whippet), but said pup will be 6 and a half weeks old. Now i know this is rather young to say the least, but circumstances are such that it is necessary. I have raised very young pups before of the lurchery types, but a lab is a new experience. Any lab breeders out there to offer any advice? I have heard that cutting to low protein food at 7 weeks is good to help prevent dysplacia due to too quick a growth spurt early on...

any advice gratefully rcd, links to websites etc (and in the nicest possible way im not after being berrated for picking up at 6 weeks, as i said it necessary and im in very regular contact with my vet)

One of the big dog food companies do a food just for Labs .....i'll go and have a look :thumbsup:
good luck with new addition - my neighbour got her lab at 5 and half weeks :eek: , due to circumstances, she turned out ok :thumbsup: :luck:
thanks guys, will check out the lab food!

i expect biggest danger to pup will be our whippet who will want to play and play and play!! Enforced rest in a crate methinks!

oh and scoff his food. Currently whip wakes us up at 3am hungry (!!?) metabolism is so fast, eats 2 good meals a day, good bodytone and shape but hungry by 3am

great. zzzzzzzzzz
Good luck with your new pup :luck: :thumbsup:
hope your pups is doing well. i would feed a good natural barf diet myself.
Good luck with your new pup. :luck: :luck: