I have reserved a puppy (border terrier) which is now 5.5 weeks old, we are due to collect him at 8 wks. The breeder called yesterday to say the dam had mastitis which caused infection in the pups and they were put on antibiotics and hand weaned. The breeder says they are all well and recovered but she just wanted me to know. I had slight alarm bells ringing because she suggested the pups could leave "a bit earlier than the 8 weeks" (which I know should not happen) and I've started wondering how serious this must have been that all the puppies were affected by the mother's mastitis. And how this could have had an adverse affect on the puppy and what concerns, if any, I should now have about the pup in terms of health, development, etc ? I suppose what I'm thinking of are things like the pups missing out on time with their mother because the mother was ill, and they were ill, and how that would have affected the pups discipline/temperament; also, that the pup's natural defence system may have been weakened due to antibiotics. If he falls ill when we bring him home, presumably it will be regarded as "pre-existing condition" for any insurance claim I might need to make. Is it reasonable for me to ask the breeder if I can speak to her vet about the pups? I haven't signed up to a vet yet for the puppy, but would I be able to get advice just by phoning the (potential) vet even though I'm not registered yet? Am I overthinking this? What kind of questions should I be asking myself/the breeder/the breeder's vet/my vet?
Sorry for all the questions but I want to be doing the right thing! And I'd appreciate any advice, thank you.
Sorry for all the questions but I want to be doing the right thing! And I'd appreciate any advice, thank you.