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Pros And Cons Of Adding A Second Whippet To The Family


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Well, Blue is two years old and is just the best wee boy ever :wub: He has good recall when we're out for a run and is calm and loving in the house - lots of whippet cuddles and snoozing on the couch. I've been thinking it would be nice to get another whippet as a companion for him. Here's the question though and please be honest - could I upset the equilibrium completely here - will he run off and develop a deaf ear when he has another whippet to play with - will there be constant whippet play fighting in the house and dogs hanging off each others necks??? I know every dog is different but I'd really appreciate the benefit of everyone's experience on here - what was it really like going from a single whippet to two?



I'm always wondering Jill about this, My Blue is so perfect as an only whippet but not only dog, that I wonder whether introducing another would make a difference in our relationship as she is the cuddliest thing alive!!

And she comes everywhere with me and that would change if I had another one.

Alfie doesn't like to travel anymore and Daisy doesn't walk so far so stays with him usually.

So will be interested to see your replies :D
well, first off, adding more dogs/whippets especially can only be a good thing ;)

although I only have one for now, I do have two dogs who frequently hang of each other's necks, but they're only playing, just sometimes the noise gets a bit much.
I have three Whippets that live at home with me, Frankie, Holly and Ruby. To be honest i find them very easy to live with. After they've been walked and fed, i hardly know i've got them. They tend to spend their time piled up together on the sofa in the conservatory.

The way Whippets interact together with 'their own kind' is really special in my opinion. I've lived with several other breeds and this interaction is just not the same. Mine do come to me individually for cuddles and sometimes in the evening i allow one of them up on my knee (no dogs on the furniture in the main part of the house!) whilst the other two lie together. However, mine have never lived as only dogs so do rely on each other for company. I know that neither Frankie or Ruby would like to be an only Whippet, but quite recently i had Holly here on her own (Ruby away with my sister who was showing her that week and Frankie with my parents) and she couldn't have cared less - she is much more independant.

So, you may have times when they have a mad 10 minutes playing together in the house, but in my opinion it's so worth it. The special bond that they have with each other is magical and a great pleasure to watch both running out in the fields and snuggling at home.
I have three Whippets that live at home with me, Frankie, Holly and Ruby. To be honest i find them very easy to live with. After they've been walked and fed, i hardly know i've got them. They tend to spend their time piled up together on the sofa in the conservatory.
The way Whippets interact together with 'their own kind' is really special in my opinion. I've lived with several other breeds and this interaction is just not the same. Mine do come to me individually for cuddles and sometimes in the evening i allow one of them up on my knee (no dogs on the furniture in the main part of the house!) whilst the other two lie together. However, mine have never lived as only dogs so do rely on each other for company. I know that neither Frankie or Ruby would like to be an only Whippet, but quite recently i had Holly here on her own (Ruby away with my sister who was showing her that week and Frankie with my parents) and she couldn't have cared less - she is much more independant.

So, you may have times when they have a mad 10 minutes playing together in the house, but in my opinion it's so worth it. The special bond that they have with each other is magical and a great pleasure to watch both running out in the fields and snuggling at home.
that is so true angel was on her own for nearly 2 years before i got daisy and wasnt really bothered but since she has lost her companion the change in her has been awful to be honest they do love to be with their own kind jill you know your boy best if you think he could cope then go for it you wont regret it
Jinny had the company of my two GSDs until Ella arrived and, at that stage, Jinny was only 6 months old.

Ella was far more independently minded, but Jinny had her first 4 months here as the only whippet and therefore had much more one to one interaction with me than the others have had.

I have found that, no matter whether I introduced another one, two, three etc whippets, Jinny has not changed her character and still sticks close by me and is the only one I really trust off lead. Interestingly enough, Ella is also equally well behaved provided the other four aren't around :eek:

My ideal whippet family was when I had the two of them, so my advice would be to go ahead with another whippet as they do so LOVE to have a friend to run, play and sleep with :huggles:
I have three Whippets that live at home with me, Frankie, Holly and Ruby. To be honest i find them very easy to live with. After they've been walked and fed, i hardly know i've got them. They tend to spend their time piled up together on the sofa in the conservatory.
The way Whippets interact together with 'their own kind' is really special in my opinion. I've lived with several other breeds and this interaction is just not the same. Mine do come to me individually for cuddles and sometimes in the evening i allow one of them up on my knee (no dogs on the furniture in the main part of the house!) whilst the other two lie together. However, mine have never lived as only dogs so do rely on each other for company. I know that neither Frankie or Ruby would like to be an only Whippet, but quite recently i had Holly here on her own (Ruby away with my sister who was showing her that week and Frankie with my parents) and she couldn't have cared less - she is much more independant.

So, you may have times when they have a mad 10 minutes playing together in the house, but in my opinion it's so worth it. The special bond that they have with each other is magical and a great pleasure to watch both running out in the fields and snuggling at home.
that is so true angel was on her own for nearly 2 years before i got daisy and wasnt really bothered but since she has lost her companion the change in her has been awful to be honest they do love to be with their own kind jill you know your boy best if you think he could cope then go for it you wont regret it

Thanks for the replies guys - I'm totally up for the mad 10 minutes or half hours - that I can cope with as long as there are peaceful times too :) and I'm forever admiring photos on here of two or more whippets cuddling up together :huggles: Do you think it would be easier to introduce a puppy or would a slightly older dog be ok too? It's not something I'm planning to do immediately but want to get things clear in my head so when the time's right I'm ready to go for it :)
Jinny had the company of my two GSDs until Ella arrived and, at that stage, Jinny was only 6 months old. Ella was far more independently minded, but Jinny had her first 4 months here as the only whippet and therefore had much more one to one interaction with me than the others have had.

I have found that, no matter whether I introduced another one, two, three etc whippets, Jinny has not changed her character and still sticks close by me and is the only one I really trust off lead. Interestingly enough, Ella is also equally well behaved provided the other four aren't around :eek:

My ideal whippet family was when I had the two of them, so my advice would be to go ahead with another whippet as they do so LOVE to have a friend to run, play and sleep with :huggles:
Thanks for the advice Jane - Blue has never found a dog to play with at the park that can keep up with him so it would be wonderful to see him playing with another whippet :D
We started off with 1 we now have 3 and it's fantastic

Yes they fight and play and have the deaf ear when they want to just like naughty children but they give 3 x the love 3x the cuddles and 3 times the devotion.

They always know when they've done wrong but they say sorry and get on with it

They are great to have and always end the day wrapped up together in their bed.

Whippets thrive on company and twice the love is the result.

Pecking order is established very quickly and the different personalities which wind each other up from time to time.

When it comes to racing and coursing they compete with each other for the love they get when they try so hard.

Its so rewarding to have whippets they give back so much more than just a mere dog.
I would definately have two whippets. :thumbsup:

We already had Bobby when Dolly came as a puppy. Although they got on very well together and played, Bobby would never really share a bed with Dolly, although she wanted to snuggle up with him.

When Dolly was about three yrs old, I managed to persuade my OH (it took some doing :- ) to have another whippet, and we got Remmy who was then 10 months old, and I really feel we made the right decision. As jok said, the interaction between them is wonderful and they are a delight to watch. The get on so well - sleep together and play together. They both get on well with Bobby too, but there doesn't seem to be such a close bond.

I have had no trouble when they are off lead. Dolly is actually quite a lazy girl, so after a quick run or chase she tends to walk beside me, and Remmy has always had very good recall. I would imagine that if Blue has good recall and you decide on a puppy, then the pup will learn from Blue.

My two whippets are far less bother than Bobby as most of the day they just seem to sleep. I do find them a very undemanding breed.

Whether you go for a puppy or older dog I think depends on your own personal circumstances. We had no problems at all when we introduced Remmy. :wub: :wub:

I really can't think of any negatives apart from the extra cost involved.
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wehad greyhound when we got lacey she was then 14 months old we got our next whippet indy about 6 months later lacey is still just as loving sweet and well behaved as she was before but shes was allso happer having her own kind to run and play with when on walks and cuddle up to,. every time we add another whippet we think maybe there nature will change and all ours are very diffrent caricters form indy who loves everyone and everything laceys a home body and love fer family the most to ruby who will have a go at any other dog outside and is a complet sod. all of them expet new whippets sleep with them and get on realy well. we have a mad hour chargeing about ususly just fater there tea. this happens if they have been out walking all day or just had a few quick walks it seams to be a must but they allso sleep sounder with there own kind they seam more content piled up high. even scarlet the devils pup who drives us all mad was cuddling up with the others to sleep the first night she was here. I personly think whippets as a breed ar4e better with at least one of there own kind as other breeds just dont thinbk like whippets.
We have three whippets(well 2.5 really)and we first had Badger ,then added Woody when Badger was nine months old.Mine have never hung off each others necks,they have always been good off lead apart from the first few weeks when Woody couldn't catch badger and he used to nip his bum!!!

Indoors we've never known they were there, always cuddled up together or just having a little play(nothing too mad).

We added bryn the whippetXjrt when Badger and Woody were about three and Bryn just fitted in too with absolutely no problems.

Now the only thing we cannot do is leave food down, everyone has to eat at the same time and they are all fed in different spots as Woody eats slowly and he'd never get any tea...Badger will guard his food from the others so he gets to eat in peace alone but that's it.

I cannot recommend highly enough the addition of another whippet, I think Badger really welcomed a dog of his own breed( we had an old boxer dog when we first got Badger).

I don't think I would personally ever keep a single whippet, unless I had another hound breed(BEAGLE :b ) to keep it company.

This sums it up for me.....

I think its easier to intergrate puppies to an already dog household but that doesnt mean you couldnt find an older whippy that blue would be happy to accept again its what makes whippets special as jo said they just seem to thrive with their own kind no matter how old they are good luck :thumbsup:
Oh Jill's gotten broody :lol:


You my well remember the tricks Sada would get up to when

she was younger. But the time spent on my own with her has

paid off, she's really good now does what she's told the first

time 97% of the time. But she is very needy, wants a lot of

loving and fuss all the time.


Adding Kaya to her life was the best thing i done, within two

hours those two were the best of friends. And seeing the two

of them run together on the beach was brilliant. Sada went back

to her puppyhood for a while and there was lots of play fighting

and noise. But lots of cuddled up sleep time as well. Kaya is not

as needy or reliable as Sada but i don't know if that's because

she's never been alone or because she's got a streak of the

Devil in her. She's not mature yet either so there is still time for

her to quieten down more.


Then we come to adding a third, oh my my what can i say.

Zana incites riots, bounces of the walls to get the big girls

to chase. Steals their toys and food, jumps all over them.

We have noisey pretend fighting, hanging of each other's

neck's, toys scattered everywhere. Its like having three

pups instead of one..............


But when they are running together or all piled up on the sofa

i know its going to be worth it. And already they have started

to have longer quiet time between the madness during the day.

And most night's after their meal they lay down peacefully for

the evening.

Of course you know all the girls came to me as pups. And i think

you will rember when Big Al moved in. Sada was my top dog Al

was a dominant dog and it all ended tears and heartache. I'm

not for one minute telling you not to go for an older whippet, i'm

just telling you of my experience. Plenty of people on here have

adult dogs coming into their pack with no problems, look at Trac

and Jane for examples. It was just in my case it didn't work out.

And for those who were'nt around when Alba he is

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I have three Whippets that live at home with me, Frankie, Holly and Ruby. To be honest i find them very easy to live with. After they've been walked and fed, i hardly know i've got them. They tend to spend their time piled up together on the sofa in the conservatory.
The way Whippets interact together with 'their own kind' is really special in my opinion. I've lived with several other breeds and this interaction is just not the same. Mine do come to me individually for cuddles and sometimes in the evening i allow one of them up on my knee (no dogs on the furniture in the main part of the house!) whilst the other two lie together. However, mine have never lived as only dogs so do rely on each other for company. I know that neither Frankie or Ruby would like to be an only Whippet, but quite recently i had Holly here on her own (Ruby away with my sister who was showing her that week and Frankie with my parents) and she couldn't have cared less - she is much more independant.

So, you may have times when they have a mad 10 minutes playing together in the house, but in my opinion it's so worth it. The special bond that they have with each other is magical and a great pleasure to watch both running out in the fields and snuggling at home.
everything above is 100% right :thumbsup:

i dont think you experience 100% of whippets when you only have 1, they love their own kind and make the best companions...... im not saying you should never have 1, and they do enjoy company of other breeds, but its just different to watch 2 whippets enjoying life together :thumbsup: good luck if you decide to add to your whippet collection ;)
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This is my honest and personal opinion.

When we got Sidney he was very much the doted on spoilt pup who was super cuddly etc, brining Ben into the equation has made him almost moody... he loves Ben don't get my wrong and we adore them both, but Sidy tends to look for his own space of peace and quiet and often find him on his own curled up on our bed while everyone else is bimbling around else where.

This is a way is quiet sad as Sidney would shadow Ian around all the time.

Ben is more my shadow and when I say shadow I mean I can not go anywhere without him having to check the place out first :lol:

We've had Ben a year now and the boys love each other to bits and do worry when they haven't seen each other for a while.

Sid is very much 'top dog' but his personality has (as I said above) made him almost moody and wanting to spend time on his own.

Sidney is very good out walking on his own with us and recall fabulous but add ben to the mix who again is great on his own walking.... well you get Sidney going deaf and Ben running after Sidney goading him up.. but put one on the lead and leave the other to run, they are wonderfully good at recal again.

If you ask Ian, he'd say that (we wouldn't part with either of our boys but hind sight is wonderful) we'd of done one at a time.... Me well, I like to see them in each other's company and Sidney isn't the moody beggar all the time but he does have to share us and the time he used to spend with us before Ben (BB)

Saying all that I want another one and Ian does but doesn't as he doesn't want to upset/change Sidy any more than he has already..... think we are getting Hen's instead..... don't ask :wacko:

I don't know if anyone else has found this or if this is just us
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We have just added a whippie pup to our dog family. Louie is 10 months and he pretends he hates the pup, Rocco but he secretly loves him.

There is lots of play fighting - most of which Louie gets hurt cos of Rocco's razor sharp pup teeth but they also snuggle up together for snooze time.

We have no regrets at all, even though some times I worry they fight more than play.

This is my honest and personal opinion.
When we got Sidney he was very much the doted on spoilt pup who was super cuddly etc, brining Ben into the equation has made him almost moody... he loves Ben don't get my wrong and we adore them both, but Sidy tends to look for his own space of peace and quiet and often find him on his own curled up on our bed while everyone else is bimbling around else where.

This is a way is quiet sad as Sidney would shadow Ian around all the time.

Ben is more my shadow and when I say shadow I mean I can not go anywhere without him having to check the place out first :lol:

We've had Ben a year now and the boys love each other to bits and do worry when they haven't seen each other for a while.

Sid is very much 'top dog' but his personality has (as I said above) made him almost moody and wanting to spend time on his own.

Sidney is very good out walking on his own with us and recall fabulous but add ben to the mix who again is great on his own walking.... well you get Sidney going deaf and Ben running after Sidney goading him up.. but put one on the lead and leave the other to run, they are wonderfully good at recal again.

If you ask Ian, he'd say that (we wouldn't part with either of our boys but hind sight is wonderful) we'd of done one at a time.... Me well, I like to see them in each other's company and Sidney isn't the moody beggar all the time but he does have to share us and the time he used to spend with us before Ben (BB)

Saying all that I want another one and Ian does but doesn't as he doesn't want to upset/change Sidy any more than he has already..... think we are getting Hen's instead..... don't ask :wacko:

I don't know if anyone else has found this or if this is just us
I think your situation sounds similar to ours. Muffin was a puppy when our old whippet, Josh, was dying from kidney failure (we only found out a day or 2 before having Muffin) and he settled in fine. Then after Josh died Muffin was an only dog for over a year, and we probably spoilt him rotten because we missed Josh so much. Then we had Jonah, and Muffin definitely changed. I still think he would prefer to be an only dog and is quite jealous of Jonah for a lot of the time. Saying that, they do get on most of the time, but Muffin can be a bit of a bully towards Jonah., but he also lets Jonah pinch toys of him - I really can't work them out!! Also, Jonah, for reasons we can't fathom, is very nervous of other dogs, and Muffin has become a bit aggressive towards other dogs when off lead. This only started when we had Jonah so could be linked. And both of them are lead pullers! I love having 2 of them especially when they're running together, but in our situation it was definitely easier with one - they are hard work (but still very lovable!). I'd love a 3rd but know I wouldn't cope. I just think we've been a bit unlucky in that they are both strong willed dogs whose personalities clash a bit which is a shame.
I think whippets are great two whips are 1 and 6 months and yes it is a mad house at times but they do it for 10 mins then it is quiet time....

my old boy Blanco a whippet cross gets on great with them as well..but at 12 is not always up to running around like a mad dog but he is happy to snuggle up with on the sofa.....

When blanco was younger him and Bruno would run around like dafties and snuggle up with each other and Bruno was a lab wofiex....but there was not the same affection between them as there is between the two whips..they are much more demonstrative in their affections
