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Pre-puppy visits


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I offer Pre-puppy visits in Hertfordshire. I help go through real life do's and dont's and what to expect, whats normal, great products and ones to avoid. I have become a dog trainer due to the bad experiences I had with my collie when she was a pup, the boring regimented classes and the shear amount of products out there. Now I can provide my clients with recommendations that suit their individual needs and lifestyles. No matter what breed, what type of accommodation or how experienced you are, all puppy owners that have done a pre-puppy visit have found it extremely useful, those that haven't were disappointed they didn't.

I have a range of recommended tools that aid with the smooth transition and the main factor of toilet training. I wish more trainers offered this as I believe that there would be a reduction in the puppy returned to breeder scenario's. It is heartbreaking to hear when I client has given their puppy back after only a few days or a week. Also the outdated information provided by breeders and ridiculous suggestion on feeding puppies is just bizarre!

The FREE advise to all puppy owners is "Start as you mean to go on!" and my other favourite saying is "Puppies equal Patience (and lots of it!)"

If you live in Hertfordshire and have just got a puppy then why not give me a call. I have competitive prices and based in St Albans, If you live further afield I also offer "Advise Line" services where I can provide you advise over the phone at a reduced charge. Please visit my website for free advise and information, regular updates of social events and of course my puppy packs and training courses!

I am also on Facebook, Twitter and YouTube just search "StAlbansDogs"

When I first had my springer spaniel, 13 years old, we attended a talk from a police german shepherd handler and it was extremely informative. We had children of 11 and 5 years and I wanted them to have an understanding of dog behaviour before we had our new puppy.

We also attended puppy socialisation classes and then puppy training classes and I find this invaluable to owning and caring for a puppy / dog.

Sadly we lost our beloved springer a few months ago and have decided on a new addition to our family in February next year, so all those classes will start again. There is loads of support for new puppy owners and various classes etc, and these are really fun and I feel invaluable for puppy owners.