so what you are saying is that people on this site and on the track, can say what they like about tony, me paul alison, and we just walk away because they are ill, i will do that then untill the meeting,
:b i only knew coz joejess told me i accidently hit the caps button quite a lot so if my posts r in caps its not shouting its accidental. if caps is shouting is small whispering? lol
:wacko: Surely this really ought not to matter very much- :blink: If you like capitals-upper case- use them! If you prefer lower case letters us them instead (w00t)
Maybe we next need to look at the range of fonts available and decide what each and everyone of these mean :lol:
Comic sans-friendly- Chiller-psycho?-Broadway-a little camp maybe?
Karen, what you say regarding the terminology or whatever re. computer is great if you are fully conversant with the computer. Me I'm a complete notive - I can type, long in and out , do the basics and thats my lot. I sit here many a time when certain items come up on the screen and I scratch my head wondering what it all means. Thats the problem when you have never been taught "the computer" way. :cheers: Joan
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