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Postal Strike

:( so ok while im waiting for my cheques to come and then they have to clear,whos going to put food on my table ?and pay my rent then thers the bank charges when payments bounce ,its not just you thats suffering is my point and im not having a go just putting my dilema across to ,anyway i hope that amos is ok maybe you should give pdsa a ring explain your situation and see if they can help maybe, just a thought and trying to help :huggles: i didnt say you was lazy either ,maybe my fault you got called lazy as i started the thread ,but my aim was at royalmail bosses not postmen/women :huggles:
I Know! Its well unfair.. Its my birthday ina couple of days, and i usually ecieve my cards a couple of days earlier ready for the day but ohhhh no they are on strike again and i don't think i will be getting cards on time this year :(

Stupid post men.

:rant: :rant: :rant:

Jade x :'(
I wiv becka on this one.

Imagine you had worked for Royal Mail for over 20 years, they arenow wanting to start a new pension scheme.

They are only gonna give you a very very small % of what you paid into the old one, call that fair i dont think so. I believe in somecases it was a s little as 2% !!! I know on average they loose £60 perday by striking, but will loose thousands in a new pension scheme !!!!

Unfortunately the media only tell you about pay increase and working hours, i believe most of the postie are pissed off about the pension !! Well they are in my office !!
beaker said:
[SIZE=14pt]cheers all for your support [/SIZE] :thumbsup:
lazy am i?

here was me under the mistaken impression that i was actually trying to keep my job, a job that despite being hard graft is one i enjoy, had i realised that in actual fact far from careing about what i do and hoping that the strikes will end soon myself cos i don't actually enjoy having the grand total of 38 pounds in my paypacket this week, that i was actually just lazy and workshy i wouldn't have bothered.

i mean why should i complain that my family would actually be better off financially if i was six feet fecking under  :rant: when some poor buggers are getting their dog jumpers a few day late  :rant:

so a big heartfelt thanks for that boost in moral that i was so desperately in need of after what has been an utterly shite day  :huggles:

WELL SAID :cheers: ROYAL MAIL ARE THE ONES TO BLAME i was talking to a postman today who said his pension is being robbed off him!! as he was looking to take early retirement at 55 and leave this country he will now have to work until hes 65, i have an internet based business that is being battered with the loss of sales but i still do not blame the postmen
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my postie friend has had to tell his wife to do more hours at work or they wont be able to pay their bills :eek:

He's not a happy bunny, he loves his job...............and just wants to get back!
I've read this thread through, and agree & disagree with a lot that's been said.

I worked for this shower of shite for nearly 30 years.

The job has always been "job & knock" - in other words, your duty may start at 0500 -1215, and if you finished at 11, you went home, and still paid til 1215.

You could also do overtime (covering other 'walks') whereby you'd be paid for how much of that duty you covered - you could do say just the delivery 3 1/2 hours and get paid for that, even tho' it may only take you 2.

Sometimes you could do 2 further 'walks' or part deliveries and get paid for them.

On paper you were probably paid till midnight, and royal mail accepted that, as the work was covered, and so saved their arses from complaints of non delivery (better a bit late than nothing at all).

With the introduction of "casual" labour, the overtime went, and being more aware of what was happening to the business & it's future, RM took to cutting out these practices to get the best value for money, in order to start making a profit again.

Unfortunately there have always been some militant offices that would walk out at the drop of a hat, as they don't like change.

Tough shit - change happens, whether you like it or not. Things move onwards not backwards.It's called progress, and sometimes Progress means job cuts etc if the business is to streamline itself against the competition that is out there - so you home business users can always use the alternative to the RM - it may cost a bit more, but then you can reflect that in your advertising to your customers WHY you use couriers etc.

So once again RM dumps on it's staff in a way, but at the same time has to look to it's own future, whereas the Union doesn't see it that way.

I notice today that the case is now going to High court to have the latest strike threat removed.

Please don't see this as a defence to RM or against the union - just my own views on it, as I have my pension tied up in this crap too - and still look forward to start receiving a reduced pension as of next year ( I can't see me hanging on til 60 to get the full whack- cos it won't bloody well be there!).

You'll get your stuff eventually - these guys will go back to work and get paid loads of "pressure" Overtime to clear the backlogs.

With forever grateful thanks to the CWU -

Fraternally yours


Rant over. Phew!!
well it was lucky i got up this morning when i did,the royal mail van pulled up got out with a parcel and came to my door,i waited for him to knock but he didnt he just pushed the card through the door,so i opened the door quick and asked why he hadnt knocked ,his answer was i though nobody was in :wacko: ,i wonder what all that was about,maybe trying to get more hours in :- "

think weve waited long enough for some of our post :rant:
nicky12 said:
this wasnt aimed at you directly beaker , and its not a case of having a jumper a few days late ,this is my buisness and puts food on my table and if royal mail aint doing ther job i dont get paid either ,so yeh im having a shit day to cause iv got a total of £18 in my pocket . :thumbsup:
£18, look get thi sen togged up t nines nicky, i will pick u up later in my Hanley bus station tonight, make a bloody fortune
midlanderkeith said:
nicky12 said:
this wasnt aimed at you directly beaker , and its not a case of having a jumper a few days late ,this is my buisness and puts food on my table and if royal mail aint doing ther job i dont get paid either ,so yeh im having a shit day to cause iv got a total of £18 in my pocket . :thumbsup:
£18, look get thi sen togged up t nines nicky, i will pick u up later in my Hanley bus station tonight, make a bloody fortune

:lol: wed come back in dept :p :lol:
:( My best mate and her partner are both posties....this strike is really taking a toll on their income. I hope they can come to some agreement soon. :thumbsup:
Postal workers don't have to strike, they can cross picket lines and go to work so they will get paid!

Jazzy's Dad, your comments are spot on. If the company is losing money, then change is necassary or no-one will have a job, let alone a pension. I find it incredulous that postmen think it is perfectly acceptable to go home when they've finished a round. If they get paid for 7 hours, they should work 7 hours, if that means doing 2 rounds that take 3 1/2 hours each, so be it.

I will just add that I do sympathise about the pension issue, but that should be addressed through negotiation with the union and Royal Mail.

When I was nursing, I joined a union that did not support industrial action as I believed that innocent people should not be affected by my grievances.

This is precisely what is happening, and I'm not talking waiting for a dog coat, I am talking about small companies who RELY on this service. They could and some will go under because some postman think they have a right to get home in time for Neighbours and be paid for the pleasure :rant:

I would also like to add, I have a wonderful network of Post Offices locally, I am on first name terms with the postmasters and mistresses, some of them are going to be losing their livelyhoods and businesses soon due to closure, they are still plodding on, being as helpful as ever, they cannot do any-thing to help their situation!

And thanks to my lovely postlady who struggled up my drive with a big parcel yesterday and who has delivered my post every day since the strike started.

My main beef is with UNOFFICIAL strikers, but I do think negotiation should be the way forward.
Here is an interesting article which out-lines some of the outrageous "Spanish Practices" at the heart of the dispute..............

Spanish Practices

minimum overtime level and automatic overtime? not in our office!!, if you go over your time you have to put the time down to the minute, give the reason, and then a manager has to check and sign it before it gets approved,... if you go over too often a manager comes out on your round with you to make sure you are doing job properly and not taking the ****.

i've never come across additional allowances for using particular vehicles before, you don't get anything if you use your own vehicle so why would you get something for using one of royal mails own :wacko: your lucky if you get your bus fair back :angry:

duty's have been revised since the changes made last year, every route was checked out and assigned an acheivable completion time, many of the posties particularly the rural lads and lasses come in well before their official start time(unpaid i might add) they work through their breaks and slog their guts out, (i've seen some even running to collect their next bag) so if they get finished 30 minutes before their finish time on a light day, fair play to them, it usually balances out on heavy days.

set and additional overtime at easterand christmas?.. thats either rubbish or they forgot to pay me mine, oo i did get my card with some free stamps in if that counts :thumbsup:

no flexibilty between postcode areas, huh? of course there is flexibility, posties do work more efficiently within postcodes they are familiar with but of course they will take up the slack in another area if staff in that area are short

as someone who drives on collections as well i can state that no overtime has ever been given to any of the collection drivers in my office because they had to go to another collection point on their way,

half of these overtime points made are just repeating themselves now but here go's...

if you help cover another duty it's just like when you go over your time, you have to put the time down to the minute, give the reason and duty covered, and then a manager has to check and sign it before it gets approved.

ban on cross functional working? WTF!! each office usually has several 'floaters' (i was a floater myself once :D ) these are posties that don't have a particular duty assigned to them , these poor sods cover most of the duties that have excess, they bag tip,sort, and generally pick up the slack and can be moved around all over the office to different rounds that need throwing off.

there are 2 sides to every story but once again it depends just how gullibal you are as to weather your one of those who believe everything thats printed in a paper :wacko:

good on ya if you work so damn hard that you feel the you are justified to call an honest postperson lazy... in fact, why don't join the postal service yourself and teach us all a thing or two about hard graft, i'm sure that royal mail would welcome workers like you with open arms.

walk a mile in their shoes first and then make comment :thumbsup:
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beaker said:
minimum overtime level and automatic overtime? not in our office!!, if you go over your time you have to put the time down to the minute, give the reason, and then a manager has to check and sign it before it gets approved,... if you go over too often a manager comes out on your round with you to make sure you are doing job properly and not taking the ****.

i've never come across additional allowances for using particular vehicles before, you don't get anything if you use your own vehicle so why would you get something for using one of royal mails own  :wacko: your lucky if you get your bus fair back  :angry:

duty's have been revised since the changes made last year, every route was checked out and assigned an acheivable completion time, many of the posties particularly the rural lads and lasses come in well before their official start time(unpaid i might add) they work through their breaks and slog their guts out, (i've seen some even running to collect their next bag) so if they get finished 30 minutes before their finish time on a light day, fair play to them, it usually balances out on heavy days.

set and additional overtime at easterand christmas?.. thats either rubbish or they forgot to pay me mine, oo i did get my card with some free stamps in if that counts  :thumbsup:

no flexibilty between postcode areas, huh? of course there is flexibility, posties do work more efficiently within postcodes they are familiar with but of course they will take up the slack in another area if staff in that area are short

as someone who drives on collections as well i can state that no overtime has ever been given to any of the collection drivers in my office because they had to go to another collection point on their way,

half of these overtime points made are just repeating themselves now but here go's...

if you help cover another duty it's just like when you go over your time, you have to put the time down to the minute, give the reason and duty covered, and then a manager has to check and sign it before it gets approved.

ban on cross functional working? WTF!! each office usually has several 'floaters' (i was a floater myself once  :D ) these are posties that don't have a particular duty assigned to them , these poor sods cover most of the duties that have excess, they bag tip,sort, and generally pick up the slack and can be moved around all over the office to different rounds that need throwing off.

there are 2 sides to every story but once again it depends just how gullibal you are as to weather your one of those who believe everything thats printed in a paper :wacko:

good on ya if you work so damn hard that you feel the you are justified to call an honest postperson lazy... in fact, why don't join the postal service yourself and teach us all a thing or two about hard graft, i'm sure that royal mail would welcome workers like you with open arms.

walk a mile in their shoes first and then make comment  :thumbsup:

i really cant understand why you are complaining about it being diffiult to get your bus fair back when everyone that works has to pay to get to and from work
joe90 said:
beaker said:
minimum overtime level and automatic overtime? not in our office!!, if you go over your time you have to put the time down to the minute, give the reason, and then a manager has to check and sign it before it gets approved,... if you go over too often a manager comes out on your round with you to make sure you are doing job properly and not taking the ****.

i've never come across additional allowances for using particular vehicles before, you don't get anything if you use your own vehicle so why would you get something for using one of royal mails own  :wacko: your lucky if you get your bus fair back  :angry:

duty's have been revised since the changes made last year, every route was checked out and assigned an acheivable completion time, many of the posties particularly the rural lads and lasses come in well before their official start time(unpaid i might add) they work through their breaks and slog their guts out, (i've seen some even running to collect their next bag) so if they get finished 30 minutes before their finish time on a light day, fair play to them, it usually balances out on heavy days.

set and additional overtime at easterand christmas?.. thats either rubbish or they forgot to pay me mine, oo i did get my card with some free stamps in if that counts  :thumbsup:

no flexibilty between postcode areas, huh? of course there is flexibility, posties do work more efficiently within postcodes they are familiar with but of course they will take up the slack in another area if staff in that area are short

as someone who drives on collections as well i can state that no overtime has ever been given to any of the collection drivers in my office because they had to go to another collection point on their way,

half of these overtime points made are just repeating themselves now but here go's...

if you help cover another duty it's just like when you go over your time, you have to put the time down to the minute, give the reason and duty covered, and then a manager has to check and sign it before it gets approved.

ban on cross functional working? WTF!! each office usually has several 'floaters' (i was a floater myself once  :D ) these are posties that don't have a particular duty assigned to them , these poor sods cover most of the duties that have excess, they bag tip,sort, and generally pick up the slack and can be moved around all over the office to different rounds that need throwing off.

there are 2 sides to every story but once again it depends just how gullibal you are as to weather your one of those who believe everything thats printed in a paper :wacko:

good on ya if you work so damn hard that you feel the you are justified to call an honest postperson lazy... in fact, why don't join the postal service yourself and teach us all a thing or two about hard graft, i'm sure that royal mail would welcome workers like you with open arms.

walk a mile in their shoes first and then make comment  :thumbsup:

i really cant understand why you are complaining about it being diffiult to get your bus fair back when everyone that works has to pay to get to and from work

i wasn't talking about bus fare to and from work, of course it up to the workers to get themselves into work, i was talking about getting dropped off to do your round and then making your own way back to the sorting office on the bus when finished, this fare is only for the rural routes several miles away not town routes that are bikeable :thumbsup:
there are 2 sides to every story but once again it depends just how gullibal you are as to weather your one of those who believe everything thats printed in a paper
Royal Mail provided The Daily Telegraph with a list of 12 of the 92 "Spanish practices" which it claims are now at the core of the worst postal strike for nearly two decades:
Joanna said:
there are 2 sides to every story but once again it depends just how gullibal you are as to weather your one of those who believe everything thats printed in a paper
Royal Mail provided The Daily Telegraph with a list of 12 of the 92 "Spanish practices" which it claims are now at the core of the worst postal strike for nearly two decades:
and of course it wouldn't be in their best interest at all if the unions and postal workers lost public support would it? :- "
Mark Roberts said:
:lol: :lol: :lol: Yeah come on Becka, go and get my passport application out of the sorting office in Liverpool and deliver it, and I'll personally write to the Telegraph to say how marvelous all posties are, specially you ;)