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Portamag Box And Ultrasound

I am interested to that item the problem is money. I have money now but I have a budget now my money this coming three months. I will make another post if I can get that item. For now I am in an Ultrasound Repair Training.
Think I've mentioned previously they seem to be particularly beneficial with accelerating bone healing. The most plausible theory to me is that the magnetic field's are working on an intracellular level in the same way MRI scans use hydrogen atoms to create an image.

For years studies have been poor or inconclusive but there seems to be more research into Pulsed Electromagnetic Field Therapy with promising results. A similar scenario with Low Level Laser Therapy but now physiotherapists are adopting LLLT as a method of treatment as more research is being done.

Recent papers for anyone interested but whilst they are medical papers, how exactly their research was funded is unknown to me although I'll ask around.

I should also mention, that there is also evidence (of which we're all familiar) of magnetic fields being linked to cancer, e.g. living near electric pylons / mobile phone usage etc. As such the portamag we use is used sparingly.
Hi looking for a portamag box is yours still available and how much are you asking for it.