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Poorly Whip

Been acting like a normal (read - Abnormal) mental whip tonight - Got some liqueurs left over from crimbo & breathing brandy n chocolate breath over her was enuff to get her to go chomp on some "Bakers complete" - 4 is a good start at least.
Currently flat out on 2nd sofa fast asleep. ha ha.

So good to see her having some real sleep at last, and hopefully for me too.

Only another 6 boxes of those liquers to go then!

Keep up the good work Andy. She's doing fine :D
Well, the thieving little madam pinched a small cooked steak off the worktop in the night (a declined offering from earlier due to be binned), and had scoffed most of a small tin of Vet supplied pate type food (stank to high heaven), tried her on crappy chappie earlier but didn't touch it (Can't say I blame her).

Decided she does still like bacon this morning, and had best part of one rasher (thank god!) then over the fields for a good old charge about catching her frizbee.

Has had a good kip hogging the sofa, and left me perched on the edge, farted the place out :x :nuke: , chased the birds out of

the garden, as well as seeing off helicopters (don't ask!).

I'd say she's well on the way now to being back to a typical whip'.

Thanks for all the advice etc :sweating:
Pleased tp hear shes on the mend , but try to stick to one type /brand of food as dogs arnt like us , in the fact that there digestive syteme can not cope with a mixture of foods .

I know that you just wanted her to eat ANYTHING , Ive been there and done that myself :b but the best is just bland food and plenty of water until all is back to normal .

Tuna is very rich as is Liver ,

our Ninnys just been the same off her food allthough not realy had the squits. she does it a few weeks after her season every time. she will pic at things turn her nosie up ect I used to do the same as you and try her on anything i dont any more. instead this seams hard but I exerecied her the same as normal let have have good runs but only give her watre fr 24 hours i fined once i give her her normal food shes ready for it and the messing about picking at food stops. it used to last a few weeks now a few days and shes eatig norml again
Pleased to report that she is now 99.9% of her old self again & eating normally.

Guess the latest antibio's sorted out whatever it was that had upset her gut.

Thanks for all the advice, tips etc.

Very pleased to hear that Jazzy is back to normal :D

Well done!! :thumbsup: