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Poorly Whip

Jazzys dad

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Right - Jazz (4yrs old) has been off her food (always been picky) for roughly 2 weeks, and still has the squits.

She'll take a little cooked steak, cooked liver and had some roast lamb the other day, but turns her nose up at (what was) her favourite - Chicken, although she will gladly take that vile packaged chicken roll & has taken a little processed ham stuff.

Won't eat 'dried' foods or tinned food either but drinking normally, and now worrying like hell about her, even tho' she has only lost a little weight.

She's had antibiotics from the vet, blood tests (which showed lower than normal white blood cells), Xrays (looked like possible chest infection or perhaps lungworm according to the vet) - breathing is a lot better now than what it was, and temperature normal as is her general disposition (IE Mental).

Took her back to Vet yesterday for further blood test and currently waiting to see if white cell count has risen.

Had her season around Xmas / new year and wondered if it could be hormonal but she's never been like this before, although has the odd day when she doesn't want anything - like we all do.

Vet seems to suggest that it could be to do with her bone marrow.

Anyone got any suggestions or come across similar symptoms before, as I don't know what the next course of action is & getting worried sick now.

Cheers folks

hi andy , there are some very nasty virus`s about at min , seems to be countrywide too , i hope this is the case for jazzy , if so keep up the fluids a little scrambled egg may be nice for her and some live natural yoghurt for gut flora, sorry i cant be of any more help , please let us know how she gets on xx
hi andy , there are some very nasty virus`s about at min , seems to be countrywide too , i hope this is the case for jazzy , if so keep up the fluids a little scrambled egg may be nice for her and some live natural yoghurt for gut flora, sorry i cant be of any more help , please let us know how she gets on xx

Hi Tanya

Thanks for the info & suggestion but she won't touch egg - tried her with scrambled and turns her nose up at it, as she has done with rice.

Doesn't even fancy Tuna fish either, and gone off choccy buttons (think that may be due to being connected with given as a reward for taking medicine).

I know this crap ham & stuff isn't any good for them, but something (even tho' it's little amount) is better than nothing inside her for the moment.
awful when they are ill and cant tell us aint it , steer clear of liver etc as can cause further upset , lamb boiled and fed in small amounts should help increase her appetite when the poo eases :b always feed little and often when they are down and unwell , most important is the fluid though plain cooled boiled water , just in case the tap water upsets her too
if it was one of my dogs I would completely starve her for a full 24hrs not offering anything other than cooled boiled water.

i would then give her something really bland and plain along with live yoghurt, preferably live goats milk yoghurt.

this has worked every time with my guys even when seemingly quite unwell.

sometimes the fact that they are getting lots of different food offered, makes then even pickier and will also add to the squits.

as i say in my opinion you need to give her guts a rest for 24hrs then give her the blandest of bland stuff etc and take it from there....don't fret Jazzys dad x
hi there tanya is right these loads of nasty bugs doing ther rounds ,my poppy was very poorly the weel before last wouldnt eat and seemed as thou she was consipated completely off her food vet gave her some stuff to make her go poo which she did but was still off her food and high temp and very quiet for about a week ,lost a lot of weight to,vet gave her anti biotics and after few days it went as quick as it came ,hope jazzy is feelin better soon hhun :luck: :luck:
Thanks for the advice so far.

Tried natural live yoghurt but she just turned her nose up at it (can't say I blame her), tried mixing cheapo chicken roll with plain boiled rice (well rinsed) but she managed to pick out all the chicken and left the rice.

Her tummy is rumbling n gurgling away (feel guilty) but can't think of anything else to try her with - doesn't want anything but she does if you know what I mean.

Would have thought the Vet would want a 'stool' sample or wee sample as well, but hasn't asked thus far.
2nd blood test results show normal, so her white cells are back up.

That's one piece of good news at least, now all I want is for her to start eating properly and I'll be able to relax a bit.
Sorry can't help but I do hope that the vet comes up with something soon. How about a bit of cooked white fish and reducing meal sizes and feeding more frequently.
Hi Andy. Your latest visit to the vet has yielded some good news which must help the worry factor. When Zorro was younger he went through this similar sort of thing. Squits. Not eating. Picking. Weight loss etc. Many vet trips hypo allergenic diet which did help settle him down. Now. He eats anything. No special diets. I'll bet Jazzy will do just the same. Good luck to you both :thumbsup:
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Thanks whippetsrus - tried her on fish but still turning nose up - Mackerel or Tuna she usually wolfs down, but not interested.

Normally likes to pinch a fish finger but again, no interest.

Chris - thanks for the info on that - She's back at Vets tomorrow and I'm going to ask for further tests etc - She obviously has some form of gut infection I think - still has the squitters & hardly touched any food at all, although she did take a little mash potato tonight from me, which is most unusual as she wouldn't normally touch veg of any kind.

The most strange thing of all this, although hardly taking any food, is she is still so 'active' and alert but I'm trying to conserve her energy by not going out with the frizbee etc and only a small walk.

Deep down I still think she may have an obstruction in her throat, but then she wouldn't be able to eat things like the cubes of steak that she has managed - Just seems so odd that she had the squits the day after she had one of those pre roasted chickens from Tesco, and not been right since.
What a worry for you.

I can see why you are concerned about an obstruction, but having had a dog with just that - sadly in his case his gullet was obstructed by a tumour - what you've described isn't at all the same as we experienced ... our chap was vomiting but didn't have the squits.

A tip I was given to get a dog with a dodgy tum eating again was to offer plain boiled rice mixed 80:20 with sweet (not sweetened) apple puree, and then after a day on that to add cooked minced chicken to the mix. It has worked for us so might be worth a try.

I do hope she's soon on the mend.

Did she eat the bones from the pre-roasted Tesco chicken?

That could be your problem as cooked chicken bones are extremely brittle and can perforate the throat/gut lining very easily :( and cause all sorts of problems :(

I feed chicken wings, but I feed them raw (after being frozen and thawed)

At least Jazzy's white blood cell count is normal now, so next off would be x-rays and MRI scan I guess :thumbsup:

Good luck with finding out what is up - hope she is better very soon :wub: :thumbsup:
Thanks again for the tips etc.

Will post later after the trip to the Vets to see what our next course of action is.

Personally I still think she could have something obstructing as all this started the day after she had the chicken, and has never been ill or sick.

I think I'll be asking for endoscopy at least to see if there is owt in throat.

As for hormonal - she's never been off her food for so long and certainly not had the squitz for so long either.

Will see what vet has to say then, and see if the 24hr starvation is a good thing.

Cheers for now
Some really good advice here for Jazzy, but I would say another good tip is to add sugar or glucose to her boiled water, and a pinch of salt. I normally make up a tablespoon of sugar and pinch of salt to a pint of water. This will help keep her energy levels up. Good luck with her, and will look in for an update after you have been to the vets.
awww poor jazzy, hope shes better soon

give her a hug from me :huggles:
Latest from vets - She's adamant that nothing stuck in Jazz throat or she'd be displaying totally different symptoms.

Told to just put normal food down and see if she eats it (eventually).

Had another good poke about her abdomen etc and now wants poo sample (after suggesting it) & given further antibio's aimed at gut infections.

Also said to exercise her as normal over the weekend - so hopefully by giving her a good 'burn up' she'll be hungry enough to stimulate an appetite.

The other good bit is that despite the squits and only picking at 'crap' she's actually put weight back on & now 10.7 kilos - (Fat in the eyes of you racers. :p )

Here's hoping that it is just a hormone thing then, and maybe once she's about 9 weeks since season she'll get back to normal.

Thinking the way forward will be to have her spayed in the near future.
I do hope Jazzy will recover soon :luck:

If you're not entirely happy, you could always ask for a second opinon from another vet?

Although it may be that she has had a tummy bug of some sort and the antibiotics have done the


Good luck over the weekend, Jazzy :thumbsup:
Been acting like a normal (read - Abnormal) mental whip tonight - Got some liqueurs left over from crimbo & breathing brandy n chocolate breath over her was enuff to get her to go chomp on some "Bakers complete" - 4 is a good start at least.

Currently flat out on 2nd sofa fast asleep. ha ha.

So good to see her having some real sleep at last, and hopefully for me too.

Only another 6 boxes of those liquers to go then!