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Poorly Pup


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Little Archie has got a poorly face! It started on Friday when the whole of his snout was swollen - the vet wasn't sure and has put him on antibiotics and painkillers. I took hom back for a check yesterday, the swelling has started to go down and now they are pretty sure it is an abcess caused by his adult teeth coming through. I,ve got to take him back on Thursday with no food in his tiny tummy and if no better they're going to sedate him and put a needle in!!! Does anyone have any experience of anything similar?

Im sorry I have no experience of this, just wanted to say hope little Archie gets better soon :huggles:
clairerichard said:
Little Archie has got a poorly face! It started on Friday when the whole of his snout was swollen - the vet wasn't sure and has put him on antibiotics and painkillers. I took hom back for a check yesterday, the swelling has started to go down and now they are pretty sure it is an abcess caused by his adult teeth coming through. I,ve got to take him back on Thursday with no food in his tiny tummy and if no better they're going to sedate him and put a needle in!!! Does anyone have any experience of anything similar?
Poor little soul! Big hug. I suppose they've checked whether he has a grass seed stuck up his nose. That happened to a dog of mine once and it was horrible for her.
oh my what a shame, really hope hes ok. :luck: :luck: :huggles:
Awww, poor Archie. :huggles: Hope he's better soon and doesn't have to have a nasty needle. :( :luck:
I havent heard of an absess due to adult teeth coming through before :unsure: First thing that would spring to mind it was one of mine would be a possible bee/wasp sting?
My thoughts too Lisa.

We had an awful shock with Holly a few months ago (when she was nursing the pups) - Jo walked in to find her looking more like a Beddlington Terrier her face had swollen dreadfully. We called the vets immediately who recommended giving her a Piriton tablet and another before bed (obviously to take her in if we were concerned it was anything more sinister). After the first one the swelling had almost gone down completely and by the next day, The Elephant whip was no more! :lol:

I hope that Archie is back to normal in no time.
Thanks guys - I am pretty sure it isn't a sting as we experienced one with George when he was nine weeks (we obviously have lots of luck with pups!). George squealed like a banshee when it happened and was in obvious agony. He started shaking and we rushed him to the vets as they said he was going into shock. he was fine after some piriton and TLC and steriods(I think). Anyhow the difference is Archie shows no sign of pain or distress unless the vet is squeezing the lump!
clairerichard said:
Thanks guys - I am pretty sure it isn't a sting as we experienced one with George when he was nine weeks (we obviously have lots of luck with pups!). George squealed like a banshee when it happened and was in obvious agony. He started shaking and we rushed him to the vets as they said he was going into shock. he was fine after some piriton and TLC and steriods(I think). Anyhow  the difference is Archie shows no sign of pain or distress unless the vet is squeezing the lump!
Interesting...Holly showed no signs of distress at all after her sting/bite.

She continued cleaning up after her pups, feeding all as normal. Bless her :huggles:

Hope the vets get to the bottom of it :)
Thanks so do I and thank goodness I activated his insurance the day before it happened. I just want him to be a little happy pup instead of being dragged to the vets every couple of days - he's certainly wary of the place already and who can blame him!
my whippie had a similar thing. Just noticed her face starting to swell from the nose and spread up to her face, within a hour or so she looked like a staffie!! :blink: Rang the vets and they suggested piriton. She was in no distress and there was nothing obvious. it did however move from her face into lumps on her neck, then her back and then her tail then she was ok!! It seemed more distressing for us than her!!

Hope archie gets well soon :luck:
neen said:
my whippie had a similar thing. Just noticed her face starting to swell from the nose and spread up to her face, within a hour or so she looked like a staffie!! :blink:   Rang the vets and they suggested piriton. She was in no distress and there was nothing obvious. it did however move from her face into lumps on her neck, then her back and then her tail then she was ok!! It seemed more distressing for us than her!!Hope archie gets well soon :luck:

That is exactly what happened to Turbo , scarey to see one minute ok the next looked liked a reject scooby doo ,lumps aswell all over head and back . Its happened twice with him and i had a lurcher ( greyhound x whippet ) called Suki who it happened to .
could he be alergic to somthing as my tia had swelling all around her face a few times i was outa my mind with worry ,we eventualy found the cause she was alergic to her new pretty plastic feeding bowl i had bought her :blink:

heres the link to what tia looked like ,you never know have you changed anything or used anything different hun :luck:
my insrance said when i took it out that for the first 10 days they would only cover me for accidents,id have a check on your policy as you dont want a big shock. lots of good luck for archie hope hes soon feeling better :luck: :luck: