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Poor Inca,yet Another Injury

She had a better night last night...thankfully.

Hopefully Wendy will take the drain out tomorrow, although it is still draining a bit this morning.

I've never had a dog with a drain before...if its still draining tomorrow will it have to stay in longer?

I think she'll enjoy her pressie's even if she's still sore...they smell her anyway. (w00t)
hope shes feeling better soon we have had a few with drains in mostly foster dogs but allso our boris decied to put up for top dog when he firs came with shelby and quiet gental shelby batterd him. her had a big hole in his side and chest and a drain for 10 days before it stoped leaking. iv had some in my back and hip aswell and actualy they dont hurts you would think i was painfull but there fine
Thanks Wendy...I just worry about her, it looks so sore. :(

She looks great in the t-shirts...I've been told that once she's better, she's not to have them back on. (w00t)
Oh dear poor Inca and poor Dippy, she must have been so frustrated. I hope they are both better soon. :luck: :huggles:
Our old lurcher got exactly the same injury from our other dog - he also bit him as he was running past and our lurcher Tyack had the exact same treatment as your Inca - it healed well though and the hair re-grew over the wound so you would hardly have noticed it unless you parted the hair. :luck: Inca for a speedy recovery.
Well Inca still has her drain in.

I've to take her back to the vets on friday to have it checked again.

The vet mentioned something today thats worried me...

The edge of the skin thats has been stitched is starting to go black, the vet said that she's worried that the skin might be dying, it still has a bit of warmth in it but not much.

If the skin does die, it means Inca will have to have another operation to cut the dead skin away and to start over again.

Please send some positive and healing vibes Inca's way.
Sending healing vibes her way. :luck: :luck: :luck:

Hope the skin is ok.

Are you cleaning round the drains every day? I used hibiscrub round Willows.
I've been using warm salt water, the vet said this was ok.

Do you think hibiscrub would be better?
hellybobs said:
I've been using warm salt water, the vet said this was ok.
Do you think hibiscrub would be better?

I would imagine that either would be good,though we always use sea water on our horses cuts etc as our equine vet told us that it is even better than ordinary salt water and since using it I have to agree with him.

I really hope that the skin is'nt dying,one of our horses had this happen a few years ago and it prolonged the healing process as the vet had to reopen the wound and cut it all away and unfortunately in our case it healed quite ugly as he was'nt left with enough skin to fit the wound,this has happened to us also with "proud flesh" and that has been quite ugly when healed too.I have my fingers crossed for Inca. :luck: :luck: :luck: :luck:

I wish her a speedy recovery :huggles:
Its looking like Inca's not going to have another op...I'm so pleased.

We saw the top man today at the vets and he's happy with ho she's healing and he said the black part of the skin is looking ok and even if it does die off the skin underneath should be healed enough not to do anything else to it.

He said to save another trip to them before the stitches come out next Wednesday, I can take the drain out either tomorrow or Sunday, depending on when the dripping stops.