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Poor hay fever sufferer

Jillian Danson

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We took poor Bonnie to the vets on Monday with what I thought was an eye infection. She was squinting all the time and her poor eyes were oozing a horrible mucus. We were told she is suffering from hay fever in this heat. The vet did put a green dye in her eyes first to make sure her eyes were not scratched or ulcerated but they were clear. She is now on two lots of eye drop and Piriton which is helping her tremendously but making her drowsy. We came out £76 lighter and no Piriton as the vet said you can buy the equivalent at the pound shop. Just make sure it has Chlorphenamine Maleate in it.

We are between a rock and a hard place because the pavements are too hot to walk on and she literally hoovers the grass with her nose so she is gorging on pollen. How can you tell a dog not to sniff lol.

The groomer is coming this afternoon so at least she will be cooler.
Poor thing... Before the long grass was cut you could see clouds of pollen wafting off it when we walked Murphy.. He gets a reaction from fresh cut grass so we give him an allergy pill if we know the grass has been mowed and we rise his paws and chin after walks.. Hos chin area was one of the spots he would rub.. But rinsing has really helped.
[QUOTE=" Hos chin area was one of the spots he would rub.. But rinsing has really helped.[/QUOTE]

Now that is interesting, Bungle, our other westie, was constantly rubbing her chin on the carpet so we gave her a Piriton as well and it's stopped her doing this. We have an outdoor tap by the front door so the dogs always get their feet washed, even in the winter. As soon as they come through the gate now they walk straight over to the tap and life their paws lol. We have done this for years, especially when that flesh eating bug was going around.
Is hay fever more severe this year? I ask, because I've only suffered from it in the last couple of years, but this year has been especially bad, so it must be unbearable for our four legged friends :(
Is hay fever more severe this year? I ask, because I've only suffered from it in the last couple of years, but this year has been especially bad, so it must be unbearable for our four legged friends :(

Oliver has been suffering terribly this year also. Although I did hear on the news it was going from ‘very high’ to ‘high’...... not sure that even helps!!
It has been hot and dry with little wind so yes the pollen level is higher than normal, so anyone, (or anything), that reacts badly to pollen will be feeling worse than normal. Fortunately neither I nor Folly have a problem.
Tom my jrt suffers with hay fever and one sticky eye ..he has a piriton daily when its bad and i put viscotears gel in his eye when needed
My son reckons it's been worse than usual this year - he takes antihistamines right through the season but is still suffering quite badly.
I get it bad which is unfortunate as I am always outside! The tree pollen earlier in season was worse this year for me and even all winter when everything is pretty much dead or under ground my nose streams, drives me crazy!! Reckon it's the fungi spores in woodland or so I have been told.. Another gentle eye wash that can be used for dogs is rosemary , just make a weak tea, let it cool(strain out herb obviously!) and use to bathe eyes, soothing and mild antiseptic.
For humans i know that a little vaseline around the under eye and nostrils really does help as it helps to stop pollen going up the nose. Wonder if you can put this on dogs?
My dog suffers terrible with allergies, we have to wash him frequently