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Poor Daisy Has Broken Her Leg

I ment to say daisy has broken both the bones in her front leg above the joint. and has a big blue cast.
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:( poor little Daisy, what an awful thing to happen, I'm sure she'll be getting spoilt and hope she's soon back to her old self again :huggles: :flowers:
Poor Daisy :( hoping for her to have a speedy recovery :luck: :luck: :luck:

I agree with the above-Symphytum also known as knit-bone :thumbsup: will help her along :huggles: :huggles:
Aww poor Daisy - :( :huggles: :huggles: poor little mite .... half brother Kobi sends his love and mine and Oscars too :huggles: :luck: :luck: and hoping for a very speedy recovery. :)
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Get well soon little Daisy, I'm sure you are being a big brave girl.

:huggles: :huggles: :huggles: :huggles: :huggles: :huggles:

So Sorry to hear of your bad luck... we have a whippy who has broken both his front legs.... first at 7 months second august bank hols last year, the dressing for second break did not come off until december 04.... they had to re-break and re-set using external pining... the first break healed very quickly though... our Puzzle came home ond day with a bright pink bandage... I told the staff at the vets they would give him a complex! another day he came home with a bright blue bandage with his name spelt out in red sticky bandage!!!

Anyhow best of luck sure everything will be fine, your just the same as us... have a lot of bad luck! hope you were insured????? not with E&L I hope!

