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Poor Daisy Has Broken Her Leg


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:( :( Poor Daisy has broken her leg. It happened last night my OH toolbox fell on her. I think the brake is above the joint on her front leg as she only has a cast on and did not need a pin. I can’t believe it she is only seventeen and a half weeks (Angel her mum waited until she was a week from being six months). I hope she has a pink cast on as she a princess. o:)
:( :( Oh, poor Daisy :( :(

I'm sure she will be spoilt rotten and will probably heal very quicklyl being so young - best of luck :luck: :luck: :luck:
Oh poor little Daisy :( , hope she gets well soon, fingers crossed :luck: :huggles:
Poooooooooooooooor little Daisy :(

:huggles: :huggles: :huggles: :huggles: :huggles: for everyone

:luck: Hope she feels better soon.
Poor Daisy :( . Hope she feels better really soon. Sending lots of :huggles: and :wub:
What rotten luck :( poor daisy :luck:
Poor daisy :huggles: Hope she makes a very speedy recovery :luck: :luck: :luck:
:( Poor Daisy. Lots of love and hugs from The Supermodel and Spiderman (Zoomie's latest metamorphosis)....
Poor Daisy! :( The homeopathic remedy Symphytum will help speed up the healing process. I don't have any at the moment, but you can get it from Dorwest herbs.

I hope she gets better soon! :thumbsup:
:flowers: get well soon Daisy
Aww poor Daisy, get well soon :flowers: :flowers:

poor daisy hope she feels better soon give her a hug from all gang. :wub:
Poor wee Daisy, lots of hugs from brother Merlin, and me, Buffy and Toby

:huggles: :flowers:
Poor Daisy. I agree with EJW, get some Symphytum for her and the fracture will heal even quicker. Tried and tested!!
EJW said:
Poor Daisy! :( The homeopathic remedy Symphytum will help speed up the healing process. I don't have any at the moment, but you can get it from Dorwest

I hope she gets better soon! :thumbsup:

dessie said:
Poor Daisy.  I agree with EJW, get some Symphytum for her and the fracture will heal even quicker.  Tried and tested!!
Thank I will see if I can get some :thumbsup: