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Pooing on pavements


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I've done a bit of research into how to stop dogs pooing on pavements instead of grass and most people agree that you should:
1. Not discourage the behaviour when it happens, but rather reinforce the desired behaviour with treats and praise etc.
2. Try to teach a command word

I will try the above, but I was wondering if anyone had discovered any other tricks? My pup has started pooing on pavements quite frequently (although she has no problem pooing in my garden on grass as well). But quite often what happens is I'll wait in the garden to see if she does a poo. After 5-10 minutes of nothing we'll leave to go on a walk and she'll poo within the first couple of minutes (on the pavement). It's a bit embarrassing and hard to clean up and I haven't seen many other dogs doing it.

My Springer will always do it on the path as close to me as she can get :) luckily she has nice firm poos so picks up easily. Even when we go out on tracks through woods she’ll never go into the woods to do it. Again, directly in front of me on the tracks :D saves me having to search for it :D My Parson always does it in long grass where it makes it harder to pick up.
Murphy was trained when we got him but his breeder had simply used a small square of her garden (fenced off) as their toilet area. After the pups fed she would place them on the safe toilet area until they went and then praise.

Murphy never toilets on the pavement.

Glad you do clean up though its awful when people leave it and it gets on shoes, buggy wheels and old peoples walkers YUK!
Dennis will only ever poo on a pavement if he was desperate... funny how dogs are different!

If I want Den to have a poo in the garden or if we’re out I get him running and thatvusually does the trick!

Going slightly off topic...

We were in Rotterdam this weekend and we saw a dog have a poo in the food market (which was indoors) :eek::eek: The man was going to walk away and leave it until he got shouted at!

I also had a terrible experience at St Pancras station once. I stepped out of the lift and straight into a big pile of fresh dog poo!! Literally left outside the lift doors. Luckily a very kind janitor went above and beyond and cleaned my shoe for me.
Well it's good to know mine isn't the only one! Josie that is awful!

Mine has been toilet trained to go in my grassed garden since 12 weeks (she's now 8 months), she's great at that, but that hasn't stopped her going on concrete too. The problem is, her poos are firm in the garden but if she does one on a walk it's definitely not (I've never understood that....something to do with a dog being on the move??) which means that even though I obviously pick them up you can't get all of it without carrying around a bucket of water with you :/ I sort of hoped that since she was trained to go to the toilet in grass she would always prefer grass in the future. But no.
As to poos changing with exercise, when we go to racing, I start by walking her round the field, most times she poos during this walk and its her normal easy to pick up poo. But every now and again she doesn't, then after one of her runs she does poo and when she does its always very soft / runny. Its so bad that if she was doing it like that normally she would be down the vets. No idea if its the physical movement or adrenaline that causes the change.
Jimmy poos on grass about 99% of the time, he's only been on pavement around 3 or 4 times since he's been with us, and I think that was because he just had to go. Wherever he does it, it gets picked up and properly disposed of. Sadly, not all dog owners around here do that, and the pavements are currently covered in dog poo :mad::mad::mad: It's disgusting and unnecessary.
I've done a bit of research into how to stop dogs pooing on pavements instead of grass and most people agree that you should:
1. Not discourage the behaviour when it happens, but rather reinforce the desired behaviour with treats and praise etc.
2. Try to teach a command word

I will try the above, but I was wondering if anyone had discovered any other tricks? My pup has started pooing on pavements quite frequently (although she has no problem pooing in my garden on grass as well). But quite often what happens is I'll wait in the garden to see if she does a poo. After 5-10 minutes of nothing we'll leave to go on a walk and she'll poo within the first couple of minutes (on the pavement). It's a bit embarrassing and hard to clean up and I haven't seen many other dogs doing it.

Strange how their preferences are different. Taz wil always go off away from any paths and do it by a fence or under a bush. My previous dog did too. They were never trained to do this.