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Poly arthritis possible


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Hi, my 4 year old Husky recently started dragging on her walks. Firstly she was diagnosed with muscle strain and rest and Metacam seemed to work. When we upped her exercise however it returned. She also is walking very stiffly at the front. X Ray's showed a degree of spondylitis in her spine but not enough to cause these symptoms. All other joint X Ray's were clear and full examination and medical showed no obvious neurological problems. We have been referred to a specialist who said it could be polyarthritis however she has no fever, is not off her food and has no obvious swelling of the joints. They suggested joint taps to see what the joint fluid is like but having just put her through X Ray's and a general we have agreed strict rest for 4 weeks to see if it's muscular before taps. Has anyone else ever experienced anything like this?
Sorry no experience of this specifically but have had a dog with spinal/hip problems from a young age. We went for conservative treatment, NSAI's, not too vigorous exercise but regular short walks and some physiotherapy. Also fish oil. Perhaps look into a regime that might be beneficial together with supplements before doing anything drastic? Good luck
Hi, well the rest seemed to work for a few days but then she came crashing down again so we have just had her in the hospital having joint taps done. Looking more and more like immune mediated polyarthritis now unfortunately so just waiting for the results of the joint samples before we move onto the next stage. Much as I had hoped it was muscular and with rest and supplements it would improve, it seems that it's a lot more serious.
Really sorry to hear this! All you can do I guess is manage her with the vet's advice to give her the best quality of life. Good luck to you and her. A least they are making strides in treating auto-immune diseases all the time. I have a friend with auto-immune and her drug regime has been finessed over the years.
My mother had a bitch who had this condition. Following fairly prolonged treatment with prednisolone she made a full recovery.She presented with alternating lameness but was treated promptly and I think that may have helped the outcome.