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Pls Advise On Rehomed Greyhound


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after some great advice from the wonderful people here,at K9,my mother has gone ahead and adopted a retired racing greyhound.

He is a beautiful dog and is settling in very quickly after an extremely nervous start.He is quickly finding his feet,but we suspect he may have been hit by his previous owner as he cowers especially for example,when my mom went to pick up the newspaper she had dropped.

She is being very patient and kind with him and he is coming on in leaps and bounds.

We are experiencing one particular problem with which we would greatly value your expert advice,once again.

He is ok during the day,but at night he is wetting and soiling in the house several times.He doesn't attempt to wake my mom to let her know he needs to go out,or if he does she is sleeping through it.

Is there any particular way that you would advise is best to get through this?everything else we can deal with,but he surely doesn't mean to do it,and I think it is as upsetting for him as it is for us.

here's his pic


As regards soiling the house , when does he have his last meal ? I would make it no later than 6pm apart from a couple of biscuits at bed time .

Are the poos he is doing formed ? if they are loose he may have trouble holding it in at night .

As for wetting the floor . Is he warm enough at night . My eldarly whippet wears a double thickness fleece coat at night except in summer as most houses temperature drops quite considerably at night .In summer she wears a single thickness fleece coat except on the very rare occasion when it is very warm .
As regards soiling the house , when does he have his last meal ? I would make it no later than 6pm apart from a couple of biscuits at bed time .Are the poos he is doing formed ? if they are loose he may have trouble holding it in at night .

As for wetting the floor . Is he warm enough at night . My eldarly whippet wears a double thickness fleece coat at night except in summer as most houses temperature drops quite considerably at night .In summer she wears a single thickness fleece coat except on the very rare occasion when it is very warm .
thanks for the tips

he has his last meal at 6pm

his poos are formed now,though it has only been the last day or so that they have been

she has only had him for less than a week

he is 4yrs and has lived in kennels up to now

he has also been neutered within past 2 wks-thought this may have some effect

i will pass on any advice that i get here,as it is our first greyhound

my baby is a lurcher

House training will come with time and a decent routine.

I presume your mum is taking him out for a walk after he has had his dinner (about half an hour later is usually good) so he can go then (make sure he does go!), and also takng him out (and staying with him till he goes) last thing at night before bed.

It helps to have a particular word/phrase and tone of voice for when they go. Then use it every time they perform, whenever it is. Make a point of praising when the dog "goes". Whilst he is going, say the chosen word/phrase and then make sure he knows what a good boy he is.

When waiting for him to perform at night before bed just keep saying the words. When he goes, make a big fuss and bring him straight in so he knows it is "job done" so to speak!

If your mum can bring herself to get up at about 2 in the morning and take him out again. And then again when it is just starting to go light, She will know then whether he has already been in the house - so she will get an idea of the"timing" of the toilet events!

If she cannot get up during the night and he is still going during the night, it would be worth putting papers down so he can use them. At least it makes it a bit easier to clear up. Sometimes depositing poos in the garden in the place she would like him to use helps as he has the smell there to encourage him. Dogs tend to like to use the same area of the garden and they often sniff around. I presume they smell where they have been before and it relaxes them as they know they are in the right place to go again!

Whenever I have a new dog whose routine I do not know, I always get up with them in the night, usually a couple of times depending upon their age - they often wonder why I am waking them up at 2 in the morning and are glad to get back to bed!

Most dogs are clean through the night within a fortnight. (many much sooner) It is rare for it to take longer, though I had a collie who had only ever been kept chained in a barn all her life who took at least 6 months.

My old girl has to get up every night in te middle of the night for a drink and a wee, but she lets me know when she is ready! :thumbsup: (usually between 2.30 and 4.30)

NB - never bother getting upset with an older dog who has had an accident. It will upset him but he won't know why. Just clean it up without making a fuss. Zoflora is good! :thumbsup:
Excellent advice above, when I've had new dogs or fosters who aren't housetrained I tend to treat them as you would a young pup, so take them out every couple of hours, stay with them and give lots of praise when they 'perform' outside. As the poster above has suggested, teaching them a toilet command can help too so they know what's expected of them when they go out last thing at night etc.

She could also try giving him his main meal in the morning with a smaller meal late afternoon so he's not 'full' at night. Most dogs in racing kennels are only fed once early in the day.

Just wondered where he sleeps? If he's on his own at night he's possibly a bit anxious, so things like a radio on quietly or an old jumper that smells of your mum might help him settle. I've also found that greyhounds often don't do well being shut in rooms with the door closed, if your mum wants to keep him downstairs or in a particular room at night a baby gate might be better than a closed door.

Good luck, the last few days have been a huge change for him, I hope everything settles down very soon - and I hope we're going to see some pictures! :)
Good luck with him, I'm sure he will soon settle into life in the house. Some good advice given above regarding feeding and toileting on command. He looks a lovely dog.
when greyhounds come from the kennles they ahve no idea of houes traning so like a puppy start from scratch with rewards speacil word for when there going and lotrs of prase to reinforce were hes supposed to go. I suslystrat with hourly trips outside just like puppy and slowly extend the time its amazing thata few day real work can get quick result all the greys i ahve had fosterd or my own have soon got it day and night once they undrestand whats expcted of them. infcat its allwys been the girls that took slightly longer to get it. I am sure in no time he will get it. i allways used tiny peaces of cheese as tolet rewards ready cut in little cchunks and ina tub in the fridge i could grab them quick on our wy out the back. they soon go and then leg it over for there treet. then they start rushing outside s the see you get there treet to tolet so they can ahve some cheese its allways worked
some great advice-thanks

i'm sure he will settle,but in the meantime,my mom doesn't want her carpets ruined

that's why i always had old carpets and furniture-with kids/dogs,it's a must

much of what you are saying,she is doing

we were just thinking about any specific tips for greyhounds that have only known life in racing kennels

so i am passing on all these good ideas

thanks again

We take Tiny out for a walk last thing, and then he does another wee right before bedtime. Sometimes he needs in the night too but we just get up and let him out. Newspaper on the floor perhaps near the back door or somewhere where you don't mind too much it getting wet might help - if they get the idea to use the paper, then it's not such a big leap to asking to go out.

We always say "go do" when we want Tiny to go to the toilet in the garden, and then praise him - not that he really needs it now as he is 5, but it's become a habit to tell him to "go do"!

Good luck, and persevere! He will get the idea pretty quickly. :) As for the cowering with your mum moving newspaper, that will take time, and kindness - no sudden movements etc. :thumbsup:
theres a product made by shirleys called sharpie its a scent that you put on newspaper that attracts puppies to use it it works i know hes an older dog but try going basck to basics and eventually get the paper outside and of course take him out last thing before you retire another way would be to get a collapsable dog crate get him used to going in it and having his own space and also he shouldnt deficate in his own bed area i hope this helps you with regards steveescott
theres a product made by shirleys called sharpie its a scent that you put on newspaper that attracts puppies to use it it works i know hes an older dog but try going basck to basics and eventually get the paper outside and of course take him out last thing before you retire another way would be to get a collapsable dog crate get him used to going in it and having his own space and also he shouldnt deficate in his own bed area i hope this helps you with regards steveescott
he has his own basket

we have always believed that a dog needs their own space where they cannot be bothered by children,or anyone

he has never messed there

we also have some 'pads' that are scented to attract pups to go there...but he is quite a tall lad and we think he just has trouble aiming at it

the problem with him cowering when your mu picks things up. we have ahd a few like this and the monly way they get over it is to completly ignor the reaction dont say or do anything or react to his cowering carry on completly normaly. Any intercation even sayning its fine dont worry or stroking seams to inforce there a problem they should be wary of. our minny was so bad whan we got hers she would wet herself if men whnet near here even noises onbthe tv set her off. it took a few months but she ended up that confident she coule happly do meet and greets at bellvue greyhound track with lots of rowedy men there wagging her tail and letting them strock her

denny(dunno if i mentioned,that is his name),has now had 4 dry/clean nights in a row.he is settling really well

he is starting to play,and the fear is slowly drifting away

i will update pics shortly

my mom asked to pass on big thankyous for all your great advice

Aww , what lovely news :thumbsup:

Can't wait to see Denny :wub:
That's great to hear, thanks for updating :thumbsup:

Pictures now are a must! :wub:
My last two whippies came to me with no house training. It does take time. Lilly will leave me a puddle in the hall with no warning in the mid evening so I stick to the following reutine and it works.

I give 4 Hills T/D dental biscuits at breakfast, main feed at lunchtime with two more Hills T/D biscuits at bedtime. I have a very specific routine in the evening. Out at 6, out at 8pm -9pm and then out again at 10pm - 11pm (before bed) Lilly will wake me up in the night if I have not made sure that she stayed out until she has had a poo. Funny, she will not dirty or wee in the dogs area (utility room). Sometimes she can be VERY stubborn but i persevere untill she goes (and she always does eventually). Your Mums dog has a lot to learn if he has been in a kennel all his life. It just takes time and patience. if he is improving already, it sounds like he is getting the hang of what is expected of him :luck: :luck: :luck: :wub:
Looks like you have the problem sorted; but the best way to stop adult dog that came from kennel situation, to mess in the house is to crate him, or if that is no option to confine him in a small room, bathroom, laundry or kitchen. Most dogs will hold on if they are in small space.

Good luck with the boy :luck: :luck: :luck: