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Please someone give me advice!


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Hello I posted maybe a week ago regarding my saluki puppy having a upset tummy she's been home 3 weeks and she's pretty much had a bad tummy most days apart from when being on chicken and rice. Spoke to the vet numerous times and she's on pro kolin. Every time we introduce dry food again she has a bad tummy straight away. On the vets instructions I've tried different foods it's like nothing agrees with her. Some days I'm picking up 10 poos which is hard as she eats it so I have to watch her outside constantly! Now the vet has advice a dry food that is fish flavor. Does anyone have any reccomended food? Weve tired a really good food which hasn't helped a lower brand which hasn't helped and chappy which hasn't either. Spoke with the breeder and he suggested Dr John and thats went straight through her. Please help! Sorry for the long post.
It's really tough because chopping and changing foods can cause the tummy upset.

What did the breeder wean her on?
When you introduce a new food, how much are you giving? Ideally you should change gradually over a week or two - swapping all in one go is likely to cause upsets.

I would definitely consider raw - it works for many dogs with sensitive tums who have had problems on any and kibbles.
When you introduce a new food, how much are you giving? Ideally you should change gradually over a week or two - swapping all in one go is likely to cause upsets.

I would definitely consider raw - it works for many dogs with sensitive tums who have had problems on any and kibbles.

I haven't tried raw as I have young kids, I know people say it's perfectly safe but I'm just abit unsure! I don't like her licking but she does sometimes lick us so not sure if that would be a problem.

And as for changing alot it has been advised by the vets to give her belly a rest and try new food when she's having good stool movement with pro kolin. I mix a little bit with chicken and rice like a tiny hand full.

She was weened on Dr John's by the breeder and we gradually changed to pooch & mut. But as I say when she came to us she already had bad tummy but I assumed it was stress. The breeder said at his home she was fine on Dr John's so the vet said give it a try again gradually it's day 1 with a tiny bit after 3 days of chicken and rice and already poo like water.

I think, if she is good on chicken and rice, I'd keep her on that for a bit longer than 3 days. Maybe even a week, and only then start putting a few pieces of her kibble in. And, if she has been off kibble for a week, I'd reintroduce the one that she isn't on now, i.e. don't give her the one that has given her the watery poo.
I think, if she is good on chicken and rice, I'd keep her on that for a bit longer than 3 days. Maybe even a week, and only then start putting a few pieces of her kibble in. And, if she has been off kibble for a week, I'd reintroduce the one that she isn't on now, i.e. don't give her the one that has given her the watery poo.

I was thinking of leaving her on the chicken longer. She's only litrelly had like 10 pieces of the kibble I was hoping to get her on.

Can anyone suggest a good fish kibble which is grain free? X
I was thinking of leaving her on the chicken longer. She's only litrelly had like 10 pieces of the kibble I was hoping to get her on.

Can anyone suggest a good fish kibble which is grain free? X
Also confusing isn't rice a grain? Why is she ok on rice but the vets saying get a grain free? And not chicken but she's fine on actual chicken?
Has the vet suggested tests to look for a cause other than diet?

I don't know what the risks are with raw feeding when you have young children. I suspect any information you find on the internet will either be opinion, anecdote, or 'theoretical risk', but of course you do have to err on the side of safety with children.

Fish4Dogs has a good reputation.
Has the vet suggested tests to look for a cause other than diet?

I don't know what the risks are with raw feeding when you have young children. I suspect any information you find on the internet will either be opinion, anecdote, or 'theoretical risk', but of course you do have to err on the side of safety with children.

Fish4Dogs has a good reputation.

I spoke to the vet today and she said as she's fine on bland diet it's probably a case of finding the right food and can't do allergy testing till she's older xx
Does anyone know can I order trial food? Like a small back for her to try on next week?

Contact the companies and ask for a few sample packs. They are generally very obliging. Phone rather than email and explain what's happening.
As mentioned by others, a good suggestion would to try a raw diet.
A simple product, clean with no mess and convenient, try "Natures Menu", this can be purchased from most pet stores with a freezer. This is a good product to get started with.

Raw is safe providing that you treat it with the same cleanliness and respect that you would any other meat.
I think that I have attached some information o_O

There is a a link in the "Dog Food + Diet" section. Go to useful links + Recommended reading and open "Raw feeding" in Judy's post.

With regards to a grain free kibble, I would suggest "Millies Wolfheart". There are a lot of choices and protein levels. I would suggest starting with the lowest protein "Forerunner".

Unfortunately our vets are not the most knowledgeable people to advise on diets.:oops:

Myths About Raw: Is my vet really qualified to be giving nutritional advice?
Have a look at the Myths listings for this.
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Has your vet examined a sample of her faeces purely for elimination purposes? Just a suggestion. Hope you get to the bottom (no pun intended) of the situation. Best of luck.
What a lot of worry for you! My suggestion is as others have said above, raw food, just be careful around the children and take the best care you can. I am a nurse so understand your concerns, but like everything in life, we can only do the best we can (with the knowledge we have at the time). I don't know much about dogs but I suspect others will be right on the ball with this one = can you give a pro=biotic - perhaps yogurt? and definately stop swapping and changing! The vets do not have the best of knowledge, nor information, so do your own research, there is a lot of knowledge on this forum too which is jolly helpful. I would also be VERY careful of produced things - I am with humans too! - we are told this is good and that is good, but the reality is that they only want to sell stuff and make loads of money, they have no concerns about the animals (nor humans, we are no different!) and anything, anything at all, that has been altered from a WHOLE food, is damaged goods! Look on the packets and tins and see what the ingredients are - all a load of dog poo! Wish you all the best, and your poor little puppy!
can you give a pro=biotic - perhaps yogurt?

Yes, live yoghurt can certainly be given. However, the prokolin that the OP mentioned is a probiotic so in this case I'm not sure yoghurt would help much more.
What about natures menu raw nuggets friend is Vegan but wanted to feed her pup raw dont have to handle it as you can pop them out of the bag tells you how many nuggets you need to feed and is a complete food ....
Have you tried baby rice or porridge ....