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Please Dont Let This Forum Go To Pot....

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I dont come on here very often these days......if you ask for advice you normaly get shouted down for not doing things right,
I get fed up with folk being rude to people when they ask a question...not everyone knows everything about dogs thats why they are bleeding well asking...drives me nuts !!!

seems you are fine if you keep your gob shut and agree with "the right folk" cant be doing with all the backstabbers....!
This made me smile.I have asked for advice in the past,and i would,nt do it again.I got some snotty pm,s from people who do not know about me or my dogs.

Thats a shame,as you can find out a lot of useful info.But i must admit,i did,think,never again.If i need help or advive,i know loads of lovely people on her i

can pm for help,who have a wealth of knowledge.for me,thats what counts.

If i really was stuck and needed advice i would either ask Gypsys breeder or some of the genuine folk i know that could answer my question..............never would i ask it on a thread on here ....and thats the sad thing because thats just what this forum should be for isnt it :unsure:
Yes,i agree.But i suppose you get know alls everywhere :teehee:


yes your right....oh does that you a know it all...pmsl :teehee: :teehee:
... Unfortuanalty some people get carried away by their own importance, have had whippets for a couple of years and think they know everything, but thats the same with every walk of life ...
Sorry, but if we are clearing the K9 air here then that is the kind of comment that is fairly often repeated and that annoys me every time (not directing this post at you specifically Jax).

I absolutely agree that if you haven't long owned whippets then lots of things that are whippet specific will be things you still have to learn - although some of us are faster learners than others, and some never learn at all - but surely what is more relevant is how long a person has owned dogs. A new dog owner may maybe get carried away thinking that they know more than they do (although most can surely be forgiven for wanting to share what they are proud to have just learned) but people may be new to whippets but have had other dogs/been 'in' other breeds for some time. Finn was my first whippet and he is now 2 1/2, but I have had many dogs of a variety of breeds in the past 25+ years, including other hounds (at any one time we usually have four or five dogs) ... not that I'm saying I know everything, or even that I know much ... just that only two or three years of whippet/iggy/greyhound/etc. ownership doesn't disqualify a person from knowing a lot about dogs that is relevant regardless of breed.

If we want K9 to be better we need everyone to feel welcome, and that means recognising that everyone has something to offer and not closing them off because they have less experience than us/have posted in the 'wrong' bit of the forum/or have trodden on whatever other territory we somehow see as ours, however annoyingly self important the person doing the treading may seem to us to be.
... Unfortuanalty some people get carried away by their own importance, have had whippets for a couple of years and think they know everything, but thats the same with every walk of life ...
If we want K9 to be better we need everyone to feel welcome, and that means recognising that everyone has something to offer and not closing them off because they have less experience than us/have posted in the 'wrong' bit of the forum/or have trodden on whatever other territory we somehow see as ours, however annoyingly self important the person doing the treading may seem to us to be.
And the above should be what it should all be about, making the forum a friendly place to be. I 'discovered' K9 when I was going through a messy divorce and it was an absolute godsend to me when I was sitting at night, kids in bed, cuddled up to my whippie. I've always had dogs but Rifle is my first Whippet and I have made friends on here and gleaned much in the way of advice and information. Oh, and had a much needed giggle at some of the funny stories too. :))
I think every dog like every owner is unique and there probably aren't right and wrong answers just different ones.

I have had dogs for a number of years although only now on my first lurcher. I've used different training methods with different dogs depending on the dog's temperament and personality and on my expertise at the time. I've always listened to other people's advice whether I instincively agree with them or not, but I've always made up my mind about matters myself as I'm the one who's training the dog. You can't take all the advice you're offered but you can listen and allow others to inform your decision.

I think we need to avoid telling people they are doing things wrong and rather just say how we would approach a problem ourselves. Presumably if they've posted then they would welcome as many different views as possible so that they can mull it over and decide for themselves.

I hate to think that people aren't posting for advice because they're afraid of how they will be answered. The advice we get from forums is not necessarily expert advice or relevant to us and our dogs but it should be valued even so.
And the above should be what it should all be about, making the forum a friendly place to be. I 'discovered' K9 when I was going through a messy divorce and it was an absolute godsend to me when I was sitting at night, kids in bed, cuddled up to my whippie. I've always had dogs but Rifle is my first Whippet and I have made friends on here and gleaned much in the way of advice and information. Oh, and had a much needed giggle at some of the funny stories too. :))
I remember that well :D

I've been here for nearly 3 years now and have only had whippets for the same amount of time. Jinny was my first whippet and I was desperate for some advice on her travel sickness. I googled whippets and travel sickness and up came K9 Community :D It has been part of my life ever since :thumbsup:

I have met some very, very good friends because of K9 and hopefully I will meet more as time goes by. I've witnessed disagreements between people who are both friends of mine and I tend to keep my own counsel because it is basically not my business and we are all adults (apart from the few teenagers and kids on the forum, obviously) who should be able to sort out our differences in a sensible way :thumbsup:

I was at home today because I have had "man flu" :lol: so I was spending alot of time on the computer. I'm glad I did because I hope this thread will make a difference to K9's future :D
I hate to think that people aren't posting for advice because they're afraid of how they will be answered. The advice we get from forums is not necessarily expert advice or relevant to us and our dogs but it should be valued even so.

unfortunatly not when its rude and nasty which sometimes it is :unsure:
It works both ways.Over the 6 years that i've been a member i have given a lot of advice to various people either on a thread or as a pm.A lot of the time the person asking for the advice hasn't even had the courtesy to reply,so it's very rarely i bother now!
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It works both ways.Over the 6 years that i've been a member i have given a lot of advice to various people either on a thread or as a pm.A lot of the time the person asking for the advice hasn't even had the courtesy to reply,so it's very rarely i bother now!
...I remembered when Lavender Oil cured all ailments!! :flowers: :D More people than you think take note of what advice is offered even if they don't always acknowledge it :)
It still does Nicola,well a lot of ailments anyway :D


I'm sure a lot of people do take notice,but when you've spent ages writing out a pm for nothing,it's damm annoying! :angry:
I only post now pics of the dogs for the very kind people on here who donated money for flynn and they can see how they are doing..the same with slip. i rarely come on here at all. All me mates i met on here i chat to on FB and if i need any advice i would ask on there...have seen how things can get ugly on here with advice......
I only post now pics of the dogs for the very kind people on here who donated money for flynn and they can see how they are doing..the same with slip. i rarely come on here at all. All me mates i met on here i chat to on FB and if i need any advice i would ask on there...have seen how things can get ugly on here with advice......

I miss you all :(

Especially your funny FAO thread :lol:
bless ya!! dont think it's that missed alison :lol: keep telling ya...join facebook..we are all there
As a relative newcomer to K9 I really enjoy the forum and try to join in the threads whenever I can or have something to say that other people may find interesting/amusing.
However I find some of the bitchiness and backbiting a bit offputting especially when people are questioning another contributor's mental health. Many people live with health problems - physical and mental - and should not be discriminated against for this. At the same time I do not believe that having health problems means that we should be excused poor behaviour.

I would like the forum to be a place where we can come for support, help and advice and where we offer this to others.

Totally agree with you....hope it hasnt put you off posting on K9. This is exactly what the forum should be for,.........

Ive been unable to going to work lately due to a few mental health problems myself .... :wacko: but hope I am never judged in this way....

I usually keep things very close to my chest, but hopefully I am overcoming them, and will soon be on the mend. Im sure we have members with other health problems too

and need these forums as a daily life line.

Dont really think it helps when you come onto a forum and see arguments as such and all the argy bargy....just puts you off posting.
I only post now pics of the dogs for the very kind people on here who donated money for flynn and they can see how they are doing..the same with slip. i rarely come on here at all. All me mates i met on here i chat to on FB and if i need any advice i would ask on there...have seen how things can get ugly on here with advice......

I miss you all :(

Especially your funny FAO thread :lol:

get yourself on facebook xx
As a relative newcomer to K9 I really enjoy the forum and try to join in the threads whenever I can or have something to say that other people may find interesting/amusing.
However I find some of the bitchiness and backbiting a bit offputting especially when people are questioning another contributor's mental health. Many people live with health problems - physical and mental - and should not be discriminated against for this. At the same time I do not believe that having health problems means that we should be excused poor behaviour.

I would like the forum to be a place where we can come for support, help and advice and where we offer this to others.

Totally agree with you....hope it hasnt put you off posting on K9. This is exactly what the forum should be for,.........

Ive been unable to going to work lately due to a few mental health problems myself .... :wacko: but hope I am never judged in this way....

I usually keep things very close to my chest, but hopefully I am overcoming them, and will soon be on the mend. Im sure we have members with other health problems too

and need these forums as a daily life line.

Dont really think it helps when you come onto a forum and see arguments as such and all the argy bargy....just puts you off posting.
A very good point :thumbsup:
As a relative newcomer to K9 I really enjoy the forum and try to join in the threads whenever I can or have something to say that other people may find interesting/amusing.
However I find some of the bitchiness and backbiting a bit offputting especially when people are questioning another contributor's mental health. Many people live with health problems - physical and mental - and should not be discriminated against for this. At the same time I do not believe that having health problems means that we should be excused poor behaviour.

I would like the forum to be a place where we can come for support, help and advice and where we offer this to others.

Totally agree with you....hope it hasnt put you off posting on K9. This is exactly what the forum should be for,.........

Ive been unable to going to work lately due to a few mental health problems myself .... :wacko: but hope I am never judged in this way....

I usually keep things very close to my chest, but hopefully I am overcoming them, and will soon be on the mend. Im sure we have members with other health problems too

and need these forums as a daily life line.

Dont really think it helps when you come onto a forum and see arguments as such and all the argy bargy....just puts you off posting.
Which brings me back to the thing I quoted earlier ... Be kinder than necessary, for everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle.

Sorry to hear you have been fighting such a difficult one Janis :huggles: I too have a health fight on my hands, physical in my case, and there have been days lately when the lovely people on here and on facebook have helped to keep me going. Forums serve all sorts of purposes but one important one, maybe the most important one, is as a support commumity :thumbsup: Perhaps that is something that the people who are negative and critical when posting instead of positive and supportive would do well to remember ... maybe one day they will be the ones needing the support, whether because their dogs have problems or they do.
I've been on here a while.

When I first joined the forum was a lot smaller and while we we're from all walks of life we respected each other.

Whilst K9's bigger than ever, far too many 'get personal' with their posts - sly jibs, bitching and gossiping in PM's etc. Not one will have the balls to admit it but we can all see it meerly through looking through an individuals posts.

When I joined Janis was a major poster yet you could look through her posts and everyone would be complimentary, thoughtful and when she chose to give her opinion she used tact diplomacy. I doubt her posts have changed even today but I haven't got the time to look through all 12.000 of them!! (w00t)

What I'm saying is you don't all need to be posting ''nice puppy'' comments (as I'm aware some abhore it) but if you really do feel compelled to dispute, put some thought into what you say and don't lower yourself to a personal level. You might think you've got ''one over'' on another member but the fact is the rest of us can also see what your up to and think your a bit of a nob.

Facebook- it's a blessing and a curse all rolled into one. Some use it to catch up with friends and have a laugh, others are using it to make sly jibs and there's the other low life's who sit in the middle gossiping back and forth causing trouble.

Surely your life isn't so boring and meaningless as to justify spending your time scrapping, bitching and arguing?

Does it honestly make you proud to know you called someone something nasty?

Do you think your being smart being a tell tale?

Do you really need some huge reality check to make your realise that life really is too short to be going round hurting people?

If you can't control yourselves, admin and the moderators will eventually do it for you. But it is a thankless task and I forsee a day where they'll tire of it and just delete certain sub-forums because they haven't got the time or inclination to be spending their lives moderating on here and I honestly can't blame them.

Keep posting Janis - the site could do with a lot more like you. :thumbsup:
As a relative newcomer to K9 I really enjoy the forum and try to join in the threads whenever I can or have something to say that other people may find interesting/amusing.
However I find some of the bitchiness and backbiting a bit offputting especially when people are questioning another contributor's mental health. Many people live with health problems - physical and mental - and should not be discriminated against for this. At the same time I do not believe that having health problems means that we should be excused poor behaviour.

I would like the forum to be a place where we can come for support, help and advice and where we offer this to others.

Totally agree with you....hope it hasnt put you off posting on K9. This is exactly what the forum should be for,.........

Ive been unable to going to work lately due to a few mental health problems myself .... :wacko: but hope I am never judged in this way....

I usually keep things very close to my chest, but hopefully I am overcoming them, and will soon be on the mend. Im sure we have members with other health problems too

and need these forums as a daily life line.

Dont really think it helps when you come onto a forum and see arguments as such and all the argy bargy....just puts you off posting.
and Wild whippies.....I am blushing now.... :b Thank you
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