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Please do this questionnaire for my dissertation!

Please can you define 'dressing up'? Does this mean in costume, or also for warmth, waterproofing and protection of wound sites?
Done, can also echo the comments above, you should separate clothing into categories like "necessary" (e.g. winter coats, rain coats etc.) and "fashion or fun" (not sure they're entirely the right words, but examples could included christmas jumpers/headgear and so on).
Please can you define 'dressing up'? Does this mean in costume, or also for warmth, waterproofing and protection of wound sites?

Thank you for taking the time to do my questionnaire and for your feedback!

In response to your comment JoanneF, the term 'dressing up' means both fun outfits like Christmas jumpers, Birthday hats, jumpers, tshirts, bandanas, booties etc. and also coats for cold weather (there are options on one question about why you dress up your pet, e.g. practical reasons like winter walks/health reasons, or other reasons like for fun e.g. special occasions like Xmas, Birthdays etc. Hope this helps.
I am still taking responses by the way...
Thank you to all that have done it, the numbers went crazy after I posted it on here, went from 59 to 109 (minimum is 30 so that's amazing) :)
Thank you for taking the time to do my questionnaire and for your feedback!

In response to your comment JoanneF, the term 'dressing up' means both fun outfits like Christmas jumpers, Birthday hats, jumpers, tshirts, bandanas, booties etc. and also coats for cold weather (there are options on one question about why you dress up your pet, e.g. practical reasons like winter walks/health reasons, or other reasons like for fun e.g. special occasions like Xmas, Birthdays etc. Hope this helps.

A couple of things I was unsure about:

Q5. How do you refer to yourself in relation to your pet(s)?

This would depend who I was talking to. He knows us as 'Mummy' and 'Daddy' - e.g. 'Where's Mummy?' 'Take this to Daddy'. I would usually tell other people that I'm his owner, though I may use 'Mum' and 'Dad' with other dog owners.

And my thoughts on whether people should carry their dogs around and/or use prams/handbags - it depends on the circumstances. A tiny dog in a crowd or on a train could be a lot better off carried or in a bag, and an older dog might benefit from being carried or taken in a pram when he is less mobile and gets tired or can't keep up with the others. This is different from hardly ever letting a dog have a 'proper walk' and wanting to keep it clean.
@JudyN what I mean when I say how do you refer to yourself in relation to your pets is I guess both what you say to other people and how you talk to your pet so maybe that question should have been multiple check boxes where you can pick more than one... or maybe it should have been two different questions. Good point about the prams/bags, if it's a question of safety/health. I know an owner that uses a pram for her very overweight, old Bichon Frise when they go for walks with his 4 year old Cockerpoo brother.
Thanks @Josie
I guess it might, although should it? Are you saying it seems more acceptable to treat your Chihuahua like a baby than your Boxer? They are all dogs at the end of the day, and the point is, they should be treated as such regardless of their size, cuteness etc. Not having a go, just wondering what exactly you mean? :)

Thanks a lot guys for your feedback! :)
Thank you @horsepetkeepsakes
Haha, @JudyN good point, that is true! It doesn't really matter though, all I want to know is do you agree with putting ANY dog in a handbag full stop. And if you don't use one because your dog is too big then select I do not attempt this with my pet. I'm sure people with big dogs make up for the lack of picking up/handbag use with some other humanising practices :p
I think most people are guilty of it these days, lets be honest, even me! and its my research! But I think there's a line that shouldn't be crossed, like I found some news articles about people that have actually TATTOOED their pets! And I don't mean an identification tattoo.
It's interesting how much I've realised is wrong with my questionnaire just from your feedback haha. I was hoping for a good grade but at least it gives me something to talk about in my reflection! :)
Oh, I'd never humanise my choochy little baby boy;)

I see a lot of similar surveys and do despair sometimes that students aren't taught some of the important aspects of this sort of research before launching the surveys on the unsuspecting public, of the basics of statistical methods. But realising the problems and being able to present these to your tutors is possibly more valuable than getting it right first time - and it's a million times better than not realising the problems and then drawing incorrect conclusions.
I read it as 'You're not going to find a handbag to fit my dog in any time soon'!
Thank you @horsepetkeepsakes
Haha, @JudyN good point, that is true! It doesn't really matter though, all I want to know is do you agree with putting ANY dog in a handbag full stop. And if you don't use one because your dog is too big then select I do not attempt this with my pet. I'm sure people with big dogs make up for the lack of picking up/handbag use with some other humanising practices :p
I think most people are guilty of it these days, lets be honest, even me! and its my research! But I think there's a line that shouldn't be crossed, like I found some news articles about people that have actually TATTOOED their pets! And I don't mean an identification tattoo.
It's interesting how much I've realised is wrong with my questionnaire just from your feedback haha. I was hoping for a good grade but at least it gives me something to talk about in my reflection! :)
no not in handbag x
Sorry @Whippylove I've only just seen your comment.
With your dogs, being thin skinned of course you would put jumpers etc. on them, maybe I should have added a section to state your dog breed? Hmmm, not sure.
@JudyN that is true, it's important to realise the mistakes you've made and talk about them! :)