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piper's pups

What connection has uncle Billy to Gime? Is he a brother of Sunshine?

Do you know more about Gime's family? ??? I would love to have photos of Jolly Nippy, Leading Lady, Casaloma Sea Pigeon, Blue Frost Lady, Belville Babouche at Swanndale, Mystic Prince, Macarthur Blue for you. :0 ;) ???

Would be great :) :D

Hi just been looking at the pictures on here (some posted way before I was a member) and those are some gorgeous dogs :)

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He looks lovely. Now that first picture is a good action shot. It gives a great impression of speed :c
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Hi Johanna and Gime, you guys always look to be having so much fun!! I think nearly every photo I have taken of Forest he is in his bed!

He is a lovely looking boy, very similar to Forest. I have taken some more pics of him tonight..yes still in bed, but Diesel is with him and Diesel has his little arm (well ok front leg) round him, v sweet indeed
hi Joanna - Gime is looking great and he IS like his Uncle Billy (I was just looking at some earlier posts and saw your request for more info). Billy is bred by Terry & Sheila Smith (Wychglade Whippets, England) and is owned by Malin Westlie in Sweden. If you go to Malin's site you can learn a lot more about him.

That's right :D Gime looks like his Uncle Billy, especially in age 6 months.

:D :D :p :D :D

But Gime isn't quiet guy. He has got an Iincredibly temperament :0
Hi Johanna, I wish Forest and the gang were as good with our cats!!

Anyway I thought this pic should be called "Happiness is a warm whippet"

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John E Greenwood said:
Here's the latest of the pups, the ones that are for sale!
Sooooo Swweeeeeet We've only got the''bonster'' :( .
Hi all......long time since I was on here, just come on to swank :p

Yesterday, 3rd Dec., Cracker won her first coursing stake at the East of England Whippet coursing Club. She has been to 3 meetings since her birthday, 8th Nov, and she has had 6 courses under N.C.C. rules and is unbeaten, so far.

She has won one stake, a divided stake (abandoned because of bad weather) and one rosette for best course of the day.

I am having trouble getting Barney under the stick, he has been measured at 20 1/8", but they seem to think that if he is measured after a course he will be the required 20". I'm not really in a rush, he isn't as mature as Cracker, typical boy.

I'm now going to enter Cracker in the Bob Blatch Trophy, to determine the top coursing whipp in the country, the Dent inter club trophy, and the Eof E bitch cup at Six mile bottom......that'll take us to the end of the season.

Harry,Forest,Cracker and Barney have all now qualified for their racing passports.

Great to see the pics of Gimme and Forest.......what you doing on 'ere, Jo?????

Cheers John.
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:) piper is a smasher i hope her pups turn out just as good :)
That's great news John - congratulations on them all doing so well. You must be very pleased with yourself and with Piper. How has she been?
Piper has had the supporting pins out for 4 weeks now, the vet is AMAZED at her recovery. My instructions at the moment are to walk her as much as she can take on the lead, we have built up until she is happy to come along with Barney and Cracker on rabbiting excurtions for 3 hours at a time.

Next Monday, she is booked in for the day to have the pin removed from the bone, the vet says that 2 weeks after that I can let her run loose. I have enquired about hydrotherapy, but the vet says that she doesn't need it.

There is practicaly no disfigurement of the leg, and, at the moment, I have high hopes of her racing at the Northern next season.

I think the vet has been wonderfull, he has the reputation of being one of, if not THE top specialist in fractures in sighthounds in the country, and I would recommend him highly to anyone.

His name is, Mike Guilliard, Nantwich Veterinary Hospital, Crewe Road End, Nantwich, Cheshire, CW5 5SF. Tele. 01270 610322.
John that is so great to hear - give Piper a big hug and kiss from all of us over here and we look forward to hearing about her successes on the track next year!