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Picture Of Archie & His Wound


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Well, this makes it look very small now! - but I am pleased with the job the vet did, very tidy and they didn't shave him :- "

It was just a big hole when I saw it, so obviously all the skin was still there so they managed to pull it across..

Anyway a little piccy (not very flattering) of my brave little soldier :x



And llook at teh state of his Christmas collar :lol: that had a few thorns in it too!
Oh Archie - you do look sorry for yourself in that second picture :lol: :( ..... sending you a few extra :huggles: :huggles: for the wounded soldier.
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Awww bless him lets hope he's learnt from that (w00t) ( I doubt it though :blink: ) :huggles: :huggles:
Poor gorgeous Archie, but on a comforting note Nana had an almost identical one and that has healed without a trace.
look at my war wound mummy :D i'm glad hes alright, it could have been worse. have you figured out how it happened?
lalena said:
look at my war wound mummy :D i'm glad hes alright, it could have been worse. have you figured out how it happened?
Lots of very nice scents and a run in with a hedge (due to the number of thorns and scratches) which I reckon had barbed wire on one side which he tried to jump!

He has a lot of coursing bred dogs in his pedigree and he is a very keen hunter!
~JO~ said:
lalena said:
look at my war wound mummy :D i'm glad hes alright, it could have been worse. have you figured out how it happened?
Lots of very nice scents and a run in with a hedge (due to the number of thorns and scratches) which I reckon had barbed wire on one side which he tried to jump!

He has a lot of coursing bred dogs in his pedigree and he is a very keen hunter!

barbed wire should be banned :rant: ambers got scars from her chin to the bottom of her ribcage from an encounter :rant: luckily shallow wounds only, but ruined her for showing :(

:huggles: :huggles: :huggles: to archie, hope this doesnt put him off
Glad he's home & on the mend! :thumbsup: He does look a sad boy though :( Maybe he could open one of his Christmas presents to put the smile back on his face? :huggles:
OMGosh - I don't know how I missed this the other day.

Savannah says she'll come and cuddle him to help him feel better.

Poor Archie, I'm so glad he's on the mend, he looks so hangdog in that second pic, I think masses of extra huggles and goodies are in order for him :wub: :wub: :wub:
Do English vets always leave such a lot of extra thread hanging about when they stitch? That looks a tangled mess! Sorry Jo, no reflection on you of course, but my vets always cut off the extra thread close to the knot.
aslan said:
Do English vets always leave such a lot of extra thread hanging about when they stitch?  That looks a tangled mess!  Sorry Jo, no reflection on you of course, but my vets always cut off the extra thread close to the knot.
Yes- have to admit I was wondering about that
poor little man .. :wub:

best wishes for a speedy recovery :luck: :luck: :luck:
aslan said:
Do English vets always leave such a lot of extra thread hanging about when they stitch?  That looks a tangled mess!  Sorry Jo, no reflection on you of course, but my vets always cut off the extra thread close to the knot.

None of the vets I have ever worked for have left long threads like that. :blink:
:oops: Sorry i missed the first thread,i've only just seen it!

Poor Archie,he looks so sorry for himself,doesn't he :wub: but i bet he's milking it for all it's worth :D

Glad he's ok now,&yes,i agree that it's about time barbed wire was banned! :rant:
Hadn't really thought about the threads - I don't suppose it matters either way - I should think its just aesthetic. They are not tangles though just got a bit of spare hanging down.

I suppose if they cut them off to close to the knot there is more of a risk of them tightening, also I suppose its easier for them to see where they are when they come to take them out!

I am still happy with the job - I trust my vet implicity :thumbsup: don't know what to do when he retires :(
I just thought those long bits would tickle and itch. And it gives the dog something to easily grab on to to pull at.

But ... they obviously have their reasons for leaving them that long.