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Pick Pocket

great news that its not as bad as first thought,neil will take great care of her and hope to see her race in the future :luck: :luck: :luck: :luck:
Fingers crossed for a full recovery. Get well soon Lassie. xx
Thinking of u and Lassie, hope she makes a full recovery and we will c u again racing with her good luck Marj and David :luck:

great news that its not as bad as first thought,neil will take great care of her and hope to see her race in the future :luck: :luck: :luck: :luck:

neil has to see james in 3 week for a talk and check. :luck: :luck:

the old porta mag will be hot he will give her an hour a day for 3 week at 2 then 6.

when the bandage comes off will zheng the injury.

be interesting to see how it heal with the box and chinese herbs (zheng gu shui)great stuff for injurys :luck: lets hope we see her back end of this season. :luck: :luck: :luck: :luck: :luck:
really glad the injury is not as bad as first thought best of luck for a full recovery, certain she will get the best of care, you can't beat time for this type of injury :luck:
neil & myself took lassie back today to james haddow for a check up and a x-ray,and it was good news he was very pleased with the way it as healed ,so now it's just a matter of building the muscle up and getting her to start walking on the leg after being strapped up for over 3 weeks :thumbsup:
neil & myself took lassie back today to james haddow for a check up and a x-ray,and it was good news he was very pleased with the way it as healed ,so now it's just a matter of building the muscle up and getting her to start walking on the leg after being strapped up for over 3 weeks :thumbsup:

great news :luck: :luck: :thumbsup:
neil as asked me to let everyone know that lassie PICK POCKET will never race again ;after her accident at highgate in october last year and after another operation to attache a plate to the hock to try and straighten it.

this year at 3 years old would have seen her in her prime and in my opinion even better ( maybe iam bias )

she was an absolute joy to watch and a pleasure to have bred her.

neil would also like to thank everyone for there kind words and good luck messages,neil is devastated with the outcome but like he says she will now have a long and happy retirement
Real shame to hear this sad news Neil a first class bitch so sorry mate
its a shame when a dog of her class is stopped from racing sure she will have a very happy retirement good luck with her neil
sorry to hear this neil/john such a shame but i wish her a long and very happy retirement xxx
What a crying shame, it was a pleasure to see her fly around the track, happy retirement Lassie.
sorry to hear this :(

Happy retirement lassie
Gutted to read that we wont be watching this fab bitch race again.

Wishing you a long and happy retirement Lassie
