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Pick Pocket


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just spoke to neil ,lassie ( pick pocket ) she as to stay in overnight and will be x-rayed tomorrow,the vet said there was a slight swelling in the hock but could'nt say exactly untill they see the x-rays. update tomorrow.
everything crossed here for Lassie and Neil :luck: :luck: :luck:
Let's hope he just knock up hope for full recovery
fingers crossed for lassie hope she makes a full recovery :luck:

Keeley & Tam
Sorry to hear about Lassie, hope she makes a full recovery :luck: :luck:
Fingers crossed for Lassie, and l hope she makes a full recovery :luck:
Everything crossed for the best outcome.
hope the outcome of her xray is favourable and we see her on a track again, she is a great bitch and a pleasure to watch on a track good luck neil and lassie
:luck: Good Luck Lassie, I hope everything goes well tomorrow.
everything crossed for neil and lassie she is a fantastic bitch hope alll goes well m8 :luck: :luck: :luck: :luck: :luck:
Hope Lassie has a speedy recovery :luck:

Lennie & Linda
Hope she makes a fast recovery :luck: :luck:
as has been said fantastic bitch. good luck 4 2moro everything crossed here 4 u neil :luck:
Hope everythings good news tomorra. Good luck :luck: :luck:

Paul n Sue