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Picco Has Had A Chunk Bitten Out Of His Ear


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Hi I won't go into details right now as we're too angry with ourselves :( but Picco has had quite a big chunk taken out of his ear by another dog :angry:

We took him to the vets who were idiots :angry: they tried to bandage his ear to his head and gave us antibiotics and painkillers £124 :b but we are insured :thumbsup:

The bandage lasted all of 5 minutes :wacko: so he's sitting here now covered in blood :( but the bleeding has stopped at last :sweating:

Can we just leave it now ? as I wish we had from the start :b


Jones said:
Hi I won't go into details right now as we're too angry with ourselves  :(   but Picco has had quite a big chunk taken out of his ear by another dog  :angry:
We took him to the vets who were idiots  :angry:   they tried to bandage his ear to his head and gave us antibiotics and painkillers £124  :b but we are insured  :thumbsup:

The bandage lasted all of 5 minutes  :wacko: so he's sitting here now covered in blood  :(   but the bleeding has stopped at last  :sweating:

Can we just leave it now ? as I wish we had from the start  :b



hi steve

I work my whippets and my dogs get cut and grazed almost daily. ears tend to bleed huge amounts and always look worse than they actually are.I use pottasuim pomanganate crystals available from your local chemist to stop bleeding ears. But beware if your dogs are white the scar may be purple once healed. Just wash and clean the wound and put the crystals on they will instantly stop the bleeding. Some people mix the crystals with water but it doesn't have the same effect.

Vets always tend to make mountains out of mole hills and think of a number then double it when working out your bill.

If you want i'll pm you my phone number should you need any advice or help in the future.
Someone once told me to cut the end off a sock and put it over their head and ears. It is meant to stop them shaking their ears and making them bleed again. Don't know if it works. Hope he is better soon. :luck:
:( poor Picco, I hope it's bleeding looks worse than it's actually damaged (as Mally said) if you know what I mean, you hnever know the minute do you.

:huggles: to Picco :luck: with the healing, hope you get over your shock
:flowers: Poor Picco! :'( And you too! It's no fun when the doggies get injured in any way. I've got no knowledge of ear injuries - but I'd just leave it alone if it was on my dog. I can't imagine a comfortable and secure way of bandaging it down!? :blink:

Oh... Nimbus says Picco should be just as happy - the pugs have a thing for chewing Whippet Ears around here... Like the live on-the-whippet kind of ear is much tastier than those stupid old pigs ears :oops:
Poor Picco :huggles: , I hope his ear heals up really quickly :luck: :luck: :luck:
Juley said:
Someone once told me to cut the end off a sock and put it over their head and ears. It is meant to stop them shaking their ears and making them bleed again. Don't know if it works.  Hope he is better soon. :luck:
It's worked in the past for a dog we had that got a chunk bitten off, everytime she shook her ear when it started to nit, she would spray blood everywhere but a sock nipped it in the bud. Mally's recommendation is also a good idea too.

Hope he's better soon.
wound care

the link above should take you to Pauline's site - I've bought some things from her, she's a K9er :thumbsup: I've got the aerosol which heals wounds. I haven't used it so can't say what it's like... but I thought it would be a good one to keep in the First Aid Kit - and I just noted there's a little dropper bottle called bleed stop, too. Hope this helps. I think Pauline does a K9er discount. Perhaps PM her?

Otherwise, on a natural note, a professional pet-groomer told me that if you grind eggshell very very finely in a pestle and mortar, you can dab the powder on a wound to stop bleeding :thumbsup:

At least you can use that immediately - the other stuff just might be handy to have for the future (although obviously fingers crossed it won't happen again, but these whippets do get cuts and nicks, don't they!!)

Get better soon Picco.

edited to say, I am a bit stupid as I've just re-read your post and you say the bleeding's stopped. Duh :b
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Poor Picco. :(

Glad you are insured but shouldnt the other dogs owner pay for his treatment :unsure:

Star has torn her ear a few times and the old sock on the head trick is great. No doubt if he is anythign like Star he will knock off the scab by shaking his head and blood will sprey everywhere. I wonder if your claim will pay for new paint/wallpaper :lol:
Sorry about Pico Steve - sending Best Wishes to him for a speedy recovery. :huggles:

Is there a noticeable piece missing or maybe a tear that will heal in time hopefully. :luck: :luck:
One-eyed Moany Moany had her ear ripped apart after a full scale scrap with a cat - we used powder batter mix to stop the bleeding - dipped her ear in it until it stuck to it and then did the sock trick. The batter mix (you can use flour) dried really hard and took ages to take off but by the time it fell off the ear was healed up. :lol:

Cost: 10 pence :lol: plus one old sock :blink:
Bandaging an ear? Er .... new one on me!

Ears stitch really well, and by doing that you can minimise the likelihood of a cauliflower look when they heal. The sock thing sounds like it has real merit. I'm still quite intrigued by this new ear-bandaging thing .... (w00t)

Hope things are mending now :luck:
And I thought our trip for the tear last week was expensive, a whopping £25 in comparison! I don't know what I'd do if I needed a vet when I'm down, the one we always used to go to in Brynhyfryd has changed hands now I notice.

Hope he feels better soon, ours was miserable as sin for 24 hours, but was soon back to normal. :luck:
Thanks everyone :thumbsup: I'm so so angry about this :angry: we got a phonecall this afternoon about a Deerhound/whippet cross that had bitten its owner :unsure: that needed to be rehomed :unsure:

We agreed to meet the owners to take pictures to see if anyone was interested :thumbsup: when we arrived it instantly seemed tense :unsure: and Leon who never makes a noise backed away and barked at the other dog :unsure:

That was it for us so we were just about to lead everyone up when Floyd snapped at Picco :unsure: we didn't realise anything had happened until we saw the blood :unsure: so off to the vets we went :(

What REALLy!! makes us angry is after the event the other dogs owners decided to spill the beans on whats really been going on :unsure: in the last week he's attacked a Staffie we don't know how seriously but the other dog needed vet treatment :unsure: its killed a fully grown fox :unsure: and the bite that it inflicted on its owner has suddenly turned into an attack that left the owner with 25 stitches in her face :unsure:

I'm not feeling very charitable towards this dog but if for some strange reason anyone is interested I will pass on their details :thumbsup:


That the trouble with rescue dogs your normaly taking on someone elses problems as it's very rare for someone to get rid of a nice well manard dog.

IMO a dog like this should be PTS not re-homed.
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poor Picco i will probably get my head bit off for saying this but the dog should be PTS if this dog is so inprdictabel you cannot expect anyone to live with it or any kennal hand to deal with it. There are so many nice dogs out there waiting for homes.
poor Picco i will probably get my head bit off for saying this but the dog should be PTS if this dog is so inprdictabel you cannot expect anyone to live with it or any kennal hand to deal with it. There are so many nice dogs out there waiting for homes.
Common Sense at last.
The sock is an excellent idea, i would have never thought of that, although I use baby socks for injured feet. I always keep some condy's crystals (potassium permanganate) to stop bleding HOWEVER CAUTION;


Causes irritation to the respiratory tract. Symptoms may include coughing, shortness of breath. High concentrations can cause pulmonary edema.


Ingestion of solid or high concentrations causes severe distress of gastro-intestinal system with possible burns and edema; slow pulse; shock with fall of blood pressure. May be fatal. Ingestion of concentrations up to 1% causes burning of the throat, nausea, vomiting, and abdominal pain; 2-3% causes anemia and swelling of the throat with possible suffocation; 4-5% may cause kidney damage.

Skin Contact:

Dry crystals and concentrated solutions are caustic causing redness, pain, severe burns, brown stains in the contact area and possible hardening of outer skin layer. Diluted solutions are only mildly irritating to the skin.

Eye Contact:

Eye contact with crystals (dusts) and concentrated solutions causes severe irritation, redness, blurred vision and can cause severe damage, possibly permanent.

ONLY USE ENOUGH TO COVEr THE WOUND remove any excess etc

Hope Picco's ear will heal fast :luck:
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Sorry, but just have to respond to that last post to say that is a gross generalisation about rescue dogs.

I have at the moment a greyhound (ex racer) and three 'strays', a saluki lurcher, a whippet x and an elderly collie x, all rescues and all the friendliest, nicest natured dogs you could wish for.

Yes, it sounds as though this dog has severe problems, and I guess it must be in doubt whether he can safely be rehomed. But please don't extend this to rescues in general - most of them are there because people are stupid and irresponsible, not because there is anything 'wrong' with the dogs.
Mark Roberts said:
poor Picco i will probably get my head bit off for saying this but the dog should be PTS if this dog is so inprdictabel you cannot expect anyone to live with it or any kennal hand to deal with it. There are so many nice dogs out there waiting for homes.
Common Sense at last.

I couldn't agree more, if we had known the full circumstances we wouldn't have been there in the first place :unsure:

They say its a Deerhound cross but it looks like it has some Bull breed in it as well :unsure: it has a HUGE!! chest and I'm sorry but you just can't have a dog with that much power and speed being unpredictable :angry:

I've never been in the position of agreing that a dog should be PTS but in this instance I can't see an alternative :(


