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I don't like heights at all. When The London Eye opened,Peter booked tickets for the whole family, when we got there I took one look at it and froze. We were in the queue and the heavens opened, we eventually got on and it started thunder and lightning. I just sat on the little seat in the middle feeling a right kill-joy, just as we got to the top they stopped the bl.....y thing for some reason, and we were up there for 15 minutes. We eventually reached terra firma, and the automatic picture they take on your way down is priceless. :x

Most things I'm not frightened of but if I'm being honest I have to say I'm not too keen on motorway intersections either, or bridges, or rats, or flying, (w00t)

littlenell said:
I also get really panicky if the police are behind me (w00t)   I think its because I think theyre looking for faults in my driving! -  :sweating:   I dont know why cos im no Jenson Button :- "  I just feel guilty anyway!!!Tina

:sweating: glad i am not the only one :thumbsup:

this post is making me realise just how freaky i'am.

I hate raw meat,

I cant touch a steak or anything like thats, bacon just freaks me out. I cant eat a cooked chicken thats whole (ie - if its on the dinner table being carved up) it makes me think about the chicken :unsure: , i can only eat meat (and by that i mean sausages n chicken) if it dosnt look like the animal.

i hate seeing those hot hog roasts, and chickens on skewers in tesco etc!

I recon my strangest phobia is [SIZE=14pt]"onions"[/SIZE]

a lad at work just had them on his sandwich it makes me feel instantly sick :x , my palms go sweaty, :sweating: , and goose pimples..... OMG i hate them. i cant touch them, i hate going in the kitchen cupboard if there in there .

Ohhh... writing that has making me ill. :x

Im just f88ked up :wacko:
I love this thread... (w00t)

Its really interesting to see what wacky things people are scared of...keep em coming guys :cheers:
i'm enjoying this as well, as now i feel normal :- " after reading some of your phobias ( did i say normal ...... me... (w00t) the one with a with a log flume in her garden :teehee: )
i hate planes, always have, my dad and grandad were pilots and my mum loves planes, i was forever getting dragged to airshows as a child, absolute bloody horrendous torture!!!, i'm getting angry again just thinking of it :angry: the last time they took me i was about 7 and when this big, bloody ugly, noisy, Vulcan thing took off, shaking the very air around me, i ran, my very panick stricken mum found me about 40 minutes later trying to bury myself in the ground under a parked bus at the other side of the showground.... after that i got left at home with my gran :D

an airy fairy spiritualist person reckoned killed in a blitz raid in WW2 in a former life :blink:

ooo and i hate wasps to :lol:
ooo and i hate wasps to
Yeah!!!! another wasp hater.. high 5 Beaker :cheers:

we should start a society against wasps, I mean what are there purpose??

There the scallys of the insect world :- " All you have to do is look at them funny, and there bearing there teeth at you. :wacko: I get goose pimples just thinking about it..
apart from heights i cant stand driving over the runcorn bridge which i had to do quite a bit at one time.i get sweaty,hot,rapid heartbeat,shallow breathing,the works. :( im ok with other bridges its just this one,i think its cos if you look over the side you can see the sea and its a long way down.ive been known to be stuck on the first few rungs of a ladder before now! :sweating:
ladydee said:
ooo and i hate wasps to
Yeah!!!! another wasp hater.. high 5 Beaker :cheers:

we should start a society against wasps, I mean what are there purpose??

There the scallys of the insect world :- " All you have to do is look at them funny, and there bearing there teeth at you. :wacko: I get goose pimples just thinking about it..

absolutely :thumbsup: nasty evil little buggers :angry:

my dad was a live and let live kinda guy, wouldn't hurt a fly (or a wasp lol) he knew i was scared of them so tried to do that dumb ass demo of putting a blob of jam on his hand and letting them come and eat it, supposedly to show how friendly they are....

while one was nibbling away at the jam (a well known distraction tecnique they employ) it's partner in crime landed on his leg and stung him, WHACK!, WHACK!, WHACK!... 2 ded wasps and a dad with jam on his legs :lol: :lol: :lol:
(w00t) i have two 1 is rats and the other wasps cant stand both my daughter is buttons or poppers
QUOTE(ladydee @ May 23 2007, 11:39 AM)


ooo and i hate wasps to

Yeah!!!! another wasp hater.. high 5 Beaker

we should start a society against wasps, I mean what are there purpose??

There the scallys of the insect world All you have to do is look at them funny, and there bearing there teeth at you. I get goose pimples just thinking about it..

absolutely  nasty evil little buggers 
my dad was a live and let live kinda guy, wouldn't hurt a fly (or a wasp lol) he knew i was scared of them so tried to do that dumb ass demo of putting a blob of jam on his hand and letting them come and eat it, supposedly to show how friendly they are....

while one was nibbling away at the jam (a well known distraction tecnique they employ) it's partner in crime landed on his leg and stung him, WHACK!, WHACK!, WHACK!... 2 ded wasps and a dad with jam on his legs 
Couldn't agree more, there better hunters than lions, mass armys. >shudder<

I say "get rid of them all!!!"
My worst phobia is spiders, ugh even writing the word makes me cringe :x

Years ago I was in a dressage competition & I'd made all these signs to put around saying "SILENCE" so people wouldn't disturb the competitors.

It was all going so well until a dirty great BIG sp**er fell down right in front of me in the viewing gallery (w00t)

My screams could be heard miles away & I was asked to leave until I'd calmed down. :b

Over the years my O.H. has had to explain to various new neighbours that if they hear me screaming it's one of the 8 legged things & not him beating me up :- "

I'm not keen on heights but would love to go up in a hot air balloon :teehee:

I think it's high unfenced edges that worry me, I always feel an urge to jump off them, scary.

Cotton wool makes me cringe too,it's the creaky noise it makes when you rip it, :x
weve got 2 against wasps!!!

Any more? If we get enough people we could do a pertition for the government...

ladydee said:
weve got 2 against wasps!!!
Any more? If we get enough people we could do a pertition for the government...



i'd sign it

can some scientist not come up with "Wasp Myxi"
Clowns, spiders, bridges, standing on things like ladders, chairs, I can go up but I'm scared of coming down again, tomatos, just a few of my phobias

Have you noticed there indestructable to?!?

You can whack them dead hard with newspaper, and they just wiggle there little bum at you, laugh then fly at you again :angry: (Not that I hit them with paper...coz I cant go near the bloody things..i just freeze and tear up, crying 4 sum1 else to move it)

My mum's dog, "Parkstone Our Molly" tried eating one once...Molly ended up with a very swollen poorley mouth, and if I remember rightly a trip to the vets.

The wasp? Off...! no where to be seen???
ladydee said:
Have you noticed there indestructable to?!?

You can whack them dead hard with newspaper, and they just wiggle there little bum at you, laugh then fly at you again  :angry:   (Not that I hit them with paper...coz I cant go near the bloody things..i just freeze and tear up, crying 4 sum1 else to move it)

My mum's dog, "Parkstone Our Molly" tried eating one once...Molly ended up with a very swollen poorley mouth, and if I remember rightly a trip to the vets.

The wasp? Off...! no where to be seen???

if i have run out of fly & wasp killer i use spray starch, i know it sounds cruel but at the end of the day it's them or me :- "
if i have run out of fly & wasp killer i use spray starch, i know it sounds cruel but at the end of the day it's them or me
Doesn't sound cruel at all...I cant use fly spray tho, it doesn't kill them instantly, so you have to watch your back for 5mins in case it darts at you.

Seriously if I'm in the house on my own, and I see a wasp(or even hear one), I just have to lock it in that room untill someone else comes home, luckly my housemate isn't fazed by them.
DENTISTS!!!! had root canal and fainted - scared me forever. now iv got a new one and he dunt believe how bad i am! and also heights but its made even worse if, when im walking in the hills im at the top and below are either a lake or a river. i have to sit on my bum to come down!! :b