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Petition Against Killing Greyhounds With Bolt Guns

You know these kind of people will not use a vet to pts so if you take away the option of using a captive bolt gun what do you think they will turn to??
This is something that should have been outlawed years ago, The whole debarcle with the RSPCA a few years ago came to light after an inspector deemed several GSD unfit to rehome after the owner had died, these dogs had been couped up in a house without their owner for a long time with a family member popping in to feed them, the family were at a loss as to how or where to rehome the dogs and the RSPCA who initially refused the dogs refuge were later called upon again after no luck by the family to find any alternative. The inspector made the decision to use the captive bolt gun on all the dogs without calling upon breed experts or other local rescues to get the dogs out of the property to have them independently assessed for suitability to be re homed , the dogs were in poor health but nothing a few square meals and a bit of tlc wouldn't have solved.

Along with GSD welfare and an amazing lady from Many Tears this was bought to the public's attention via radio and newspapers, the RSPCA were defensive to say the least an organisation who deems its self holier than thou ! due to pressure on their public image agreed to stop using the captive bolt while its use was investigated and later deemed unethical to use as a form of euthanisation for domestic animals.

The anatomy of each breed of dog differs so where one dog would die outright another would suffer due to the ineffectiveness of the bolt in the position used, RSPCA inspectors were given little training in the use of the captive gun, i think it was one day at slaughter house and they practised on pigs which is not the same anatomy as a dog. I am sure in cases of road side injury on wild animals or farm animals in distress the captive gun may be the only way of allowing the animal to be put out of its missery when waiting for a vet to administer a drug may take hours if in a rural location,but it should only be used as a last resort and if the animal would suffer further waiting for an alternative.

It should be banned but would it really stop being used in circles such as Greyhound racing ? i will sign non the less, pressure worked the last time with the RSPCA, they are in the public eye though , harder to police breeding kennels on private property !!!!
This is an emotive subject and can i say i would condone injection for all dogs destined to be pts but i am also a realist and this problem will not be solved by banning the captive bolt all that will happen is more inhumane practices
I do not see anything wrong with the captive bolt gun as a method of dispatch but surely lethal injection is more humane and less stressful.

I DETEST the ARSEpca on a whole. Had many a row at events with the rspca/sspca preaching about poaching and the cruelty of hunting.

They scrimp and scrape on animal care, stick their noses in where they have no business and yet their bosses are on footballers wages.

DID YOU KNOW...when you donate to them is goes to a fund which pays their wages, bonuses and tea parties?

If you want to donate then go to the individual branch and donate there. They are all individually franchised.

The rspca is skint...yet millions is spent of anti- fieldsports campaigns and protests. Millions of healthy dogs are pts by them because they cant afford to keep them.but the bosses still get theie bonus.

They are a vile bunch and have NO OFFICIAL AUTHORITY. Unless accompanied by a police officer.

If you want to support an animal the dogs trust, cats sanctuary etc. They actually care about the animals. Go to a dogs trust kennels and then compare to an rspca kennel and tell me im wrong.
The bolt gun is not an ethical method of dispatch, it cannot be used effectively due to the fact that the anatomy of one dogs head is different to another, the dogs can move, both circumstances can and do lead to the bolt NOT killing the dog in one go, if the bolt does not kill the dog in one go then they have to use a metal rod to insert and swirl up the brain, the dog can and does feel this.

The training given to an inspector is 1 day at a slaughter house where they practice on pigs,a pigs head is not a dogs head, there is too much room for error leaving a dog in the position of being inhumanely dispatched in horrific pain.
This is something that should have been outlawed years ago, The whole debarcle with the RSPCA a few years ago came to light after an inspector deemed several GSD unfit to rehome after the owner had died, these dogs had been couped up in a house without their owner for a long time with a family member popping in to feed them, the family were at a loss as to how or where to rehome the dogs and the RSPCA who initially refused the dogs refuge were later called upon again after no luck by the family to find any alternative. The inspector made the decision to use the captive bolt gun on all the dogs without calling upon breed experts or other local rescues to get the dogs out of the property to have them independently assessed for suitability to be re homed , the dogs were in poor health but nothing a few square meals and a bit of tlc wouldn't have solved.

Along with GSD welfare and an amazing lady from Many Tears this was bought to the public's attention via radio and newspapers, the RSPCA were defensive to say the least an organisation who deems its self holier than thou ! due to pressure on their public image agreed to stop using the captive bolt while its use was investigated and later deemed unethical to use as a form of euthanisation for domestic animals.

The anatomy of each breed of dog differs so where one dog would die outright another would suffer due to the ineffectiveness of the bolt in the position used, RSPCA inspectors were given little training in the use of the captive gun, i think it was one day at slaughter house and they practised on pigs which is not the same anatomy as a dog. I am sure in cases of road side injury on wild animals or farm animals in distress the captive gun may be the only way of allowing the animal to be put out of its missery when waiting for a vet to administer a drug may take hours if in a rural location,but it should only be used as a last resort and if the animal would suffer further waiting for an alternative.

It should be banned but would it really stop being used in circles such as Greyhound racing ? i will sign non the less, pressure worked the last time with the RSPCA, they are in the public eye though , harder to police breeding kennels on private property !!!!
Racing Greyhounds, technically, are not domestic animals, the same as how hunting packs of hounds or other working dogs are exempt from certain laws. Tail docking is one
Don't get me started on the RSPCA. The comment above about donations going to the national part of the organisation but not the local rescue centres is a little known one. It only came to light in Sheffield when the people of Sheffield were donating thinking they were supporting the building of their new rescue centre only to find out otherwise
The case of the GSDs that were killed with a bolt gun without even being taken back to a rescue centre or being checked out by a vet incensed everybody I know who works in GSD rescue. The RSPCA in particular have an appalling record with GSDs, including one a couple of months ago (won't name the centre) where someone had already been out to assess a dog for coming into rescue ahead of an owner having their house repossessed.

The bailiffs turned up hours before they were expected, leading to the RSPCA being called to the dog. At the time the owner explained that there was a rescue spot already waiting for the dog but the RSPCA took it anyway as they said that the bailiffs couldn't wait. The owner then rang the person organising the rescue place who arrived at the RSPCA shelter half an hour after the dog, to find that it had already been put to sleep.

Anyway, to the topic of captive bolt guns. NO animal should be killed using a captive bolt gun and pithing in my opinion, whether pig or dog. It's way too reliant on the handler getting it correct and without that then the animal dies a slow and painful death unable to show people that they are in pain and still alive. Quite apart from anything else, if you don't stun the animal beforehand then how can you be certain that they're in the correct position, if they're still able to move and conscious? They could move and end up with irreparable damage but which doesn't paralyse them. If you give even a small amount of an iota then you should be using a method that is certain, quick and painless.

Unfortuantely outlawing the method of killing won't change many people's opinions and therefore it will be a case of catching them doing it or they will continue to do exactly as they please.
Pet dogs and working dogs come under the same laws. Docking a dogs tail can be done within a certain age bracket if it s necessary for its work or health. Its all logged and cirtificates are issued.


The Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State, Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Lord Davies of Oldham):Charities have no power under the Animal Welfare Act 2006 to seize pet animals. The power of seizure can be exercised only by a police officer, an officer of a local authority or Animal Health. If the person who was responsible for the animal has concerns regarding its welfare following seizure then it is open to him to apply to the court for an order which could, among other things, grant him custody over the animal. Anyone aggrieved by the removal of an animal under the Animal Welfare Act may appeal to a magistrate's court for its return. The location of a seized animal may be withheld if it is considered that there is a danger that the animal may be stolen back

Heres the 'OPEN YOUR EYES TO THE RSPCA" website

i know im going to get kicked in the nuts now but all the bad things the rspca and spca have done and still doing they must do lots of good things for our animals? dont get me wrong im not their fan but what if they was not about?
What of they wasnt about?

Dogs would be sent to the dogs trust and places similar and not PTS because they cant be arsed to kennel them.

Many of working dogs would be still with their owners instead of in a concrete cell stinking of **** and underfed.

Please dont be blinkered. The rspca/sspca is ONE organisation that specialises in nothing. A jack of all trades a master of none.

If you find an injured animal then all you have to do is google 'deer rescue fife' for example or 'cat rescue edinburgh' and you will get spmebody who specialises in the animal and not specialises in making as much money from it as they can.

A specialist charity is far better than the rspca.

Ive got cases coming out of my ears of underfed lurchers, starved birds pf prey and even a killed ferret because they had no gloves to handle it!!

The rspca is in the public eye the most as it has the most money. Tells its own story.

My biggest fear is they take my dogs. Im clued up om everything to do with their rights and just jad my dogs registered in my wifes name so they couldnt take them.

You alsp have a right to refuse the rspca taking your dogs and opt for the dogs trust etc.

Scary thought of them having my dog as the reports ive heard locally are scary.

Little bit of advice. If you know they are coming OR have gone away to get a police officer- make your dogs dissapear.
Killing any healthy dog is criminal.

Greyhounds make ideal pets.We have helped rehome a few.They are not stupid or unworkable.

Not all Greyhound Trainers are beasts.We know quite a few who are dedicated to finding new homes for their retireds in a very ethical fashion.
not having a glove for a ferret that really surprises me, never had a problem with them, had to call them out for some injured young swans and they was there in under a hour which i thought was ok, but a year back a lurcher was knocked down close to me and i heard it i was there tending thee dog, police was called and they called the scpa, dont bother i wll take it in to vets, so its getting through, dog lost its leg by the way and got rehomes bless her, lovely dog.