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People Say the Strangest Things


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Cross-posted from another forum.
In the 7 weeks I've had Honey, I've started noticing the comments people make. Again. Here are some of the . . . Err . . . Best.

"Is that a cat?"
"What kind of dog is that?"
"Look at the size of that!" (Usually accompanied by coming to a complete stop and staring, hand-to-chin, like she's an art exhibit :rolleyes:).
"How old is it?" (Fair question).
"She's 5."
"5? Weeks? Months?"
"I thought your cat was following you."
"Ooh! I see you've got a sausage dog!"
She's also been mistaken for a Poodle, Shih-Tzu and a Lab (over the phone, trying to sort out some flea treatment).

These two happened just yesterday, when I was a grumpy so-and-so anyway. For the first, I didn't even stop walking, Honey walking to heel.)
"Is that a Chihuaua?"
"What kind?"
"Can I have her?
"No!" :mad: Thinking, absolutely not!​
"Are you carrying her because of the seagulls?
"No." o_O
(I was carrying her because I'd been to my mum's, and she was taking us home via picking my eldest niece up from dancing, locked us in the car with the windows up, and both Honey and I could feel the mercury rise - even at 7:30 at night. As such, Honey didn't have her collar/harness/lead on, and I wasn't going to let her loose in a car park. It wasn't until after this that I read about that tragic Chi who'd been taken by a gull from his own garden).

"Is that a greyhound?"
"What's a lurcher?"
"She needs to run!" (In the middle of a housing estate).
"And if she does, and beggars off for a couple of hours, are you going to be the one to go looking for her and return her? No? Thought not!" :Bag​
"What's her name?" (Teens/Preteens)
"My friend just lost her GSD 3 weeks ago. "
*Turns attention to friend* :confused: "Sorry for your loss."
"Can she have Milly?"
"No!" We moved swiftly on.​

"Ooh! Little and Large!"
"You should call them Big and Small." o_O

Anyone else have some . . . Classics?
Is he a pedigree lurcher?

Is that an Afghan/Great Dane/wolfhound/deerhound/greyhound/hairy greyhound?

Is it a boy or a girl? [Glances underneath] Oh, a girl o_O [Hey, you'd want to be 'neat and compact' if you're chasing prey over barbed wire fences:D]

[Said to child in buggy] No dear, it's not a horsey, it's a doggy.

Does he wear that muzzle because he eats stuff, because I can tell he'd never harm a fly.

He thinks he's in charge and you're his bitch.

Yeah, like that's going to work [said when blow my whistle after he's taken off at speed after their greyhound - in play, but the greyhound looked nervous]...

...Oh [when he hurtles back to me]

Try acupuncture to help with his attitude problem [Yeah, after you!!!!]
Another I've just remembered:

What cross is he?

Greyhound, deerhound, Bedlington, Irish terrier.

Blimey, his mum got around a bit!

Lmao. Tbf, when we had Max, we used to say the same about him;
2017-08-26 10.46.37.jpg

We used to get so many comments about him - he was a Collie (which what we adopted him as, but as the years went on, and my knowledge of dog breeds grew, I began to suspect he was a spitz cross), GSD, Husky (he was half the size of a husky), Springer Spanial o_O (it was in his tail, apparently). Some kid even called him a wolf, but then, the same kid thought Milly (who was double the size of Max) was a Fox, so apparently I was out walking a Fox and a wolf. o_O
When we road walk i get fed up with people either saying oh you got your hands full. ..or are they all yours ..why do you want so many dogs ......i wander what people would say if i said that to someone walking along with 5 children :p:p
My son had an english bulldog poor thing could hardly breathe but he had taken her from a junkie who bred her constantly to get money ..
She would grunt at she walked and the neighbours little boy ppointed and said piggy.. NO said his mum doggy woof woof..
No its piggy he said , see she makes piggy noise ..
No said his mum it is a doggy honestly..
OK said the boy its a piggy dog !
With Remy one woman crossed a whole car park to intercept me and said 'wow your dog is really ugly'
I looked her straight in the face and said 'yes but he is only ugly on the outside'
We often get asked what breed our dog is.
A few times I’ve been asked if he is a golden retriever and twice if he is a red setter. There follows a rather awkward silence as we stare down at my (black) flat coated retriever;)

Luckily, we have never had any rude comments and I am always up for a 'stop and chat' about dogs:)
Being a chi owner (twice now) I have heard all kinds of things.
1. Chihuahua's are yappy and nippy... When individual meets Dexter asks to hold him. Goes around and brags about how good he is and how friendly he is.
2. Chihuahua's aren't even a real dog. The way I see it: they bark like a dog, can be trained like a dog, are loyal like a dog. So yes Chihuahua's are a dog.
3. He won't getting any bigger. Me: he just turned 11 weeks. He may grow a little but we are thinking he won't be a full size 6 lb chi. Person: they can get that big. I never knew. Me: walks off.
People are different that's for sure
Is he an Airedale puppy? That one I get quite a lot. Children tend to think he's a teddy bear and try to cuddle him. Fortunately for everyone he is as far as temperament goes and he's amazingly tolerant of cuddle and run attacks.
Being a chi owner (twice now) I have heard all kinds of things.
1. Chihuahua's are yappy and nippy... When individual meets Dexter asks to hold him. Goes around and brags about how good he is and how friendly he is.
2. Chihuahua's aren't even a real dog. The way I see it: they bark like a dog, can be trained like a dog, are loyal like a dog. So yes Chihuahua's are a dog.
3. He won't getting any bigger. Me: he just turned 11 weeks. He may grow a little but we are thinking he won't be a full size 6 lb chi. Person: they can get that big. I never knew. Me: walks off.
People are different that's for sure

I've been meaning to reply to this for ages. Finally got round to it.

That is so at odds with my experience. Many people comment on how small Honey is, and even when they know differently, some still refer to her as a puppy.

Like I said, she's been confused for a cat, a rabbit and I think, a guinea pig. o_O
I had someone say of Jake once 'ah he's a lovely dog, he looks like a collie leading the good life!' It was a while after that I realized he must have been referring to the fact that Jake had got a bit plump under all his fluff:rolleyes:.. He had only just started his diet though:D
Another Seagull comment. (And me in another unsociable mood :oops::D ).

Out with both girls yesterday evening. I'd hoped for a short, toilet break walk, as they'd already had an hour's walk and 2 20min toilet breaks. They had also been out one 2 and a half hours earlier, but when you're sitting in the corner of the room and both girls gang up and tag-team you, (by which I mean they both walked into the room together) what's a devoted Hooman to do? :p :D .

So Miss Grumpy-Head that I was, caved in and off we went. Right at Dog Walking Rush-Hour. :emoji_face_palm:

A older couple, walking their Shih Tzu:

Man: "Is that a Chihuahua?"
Me: "Yes."
Man "Keep an eye on the seagulls, heh heh."
Wife laughed.
I rolled my eyes. :oops: