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Paw Worries


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Hi everyone

After a nightmare week with some broken glass and our little pup Blue we are hopefully going to get his stiches removed tomorrow.

He is already tearing at the bit to go out for a walk but I am a little worried about the wound, as it is on his front left paw.

Does anyone know where you can buy paw pouches similar to those used by huskies - or - can anyone offer any other advice.


Jaq x

When our dog Pedro cut his paw on some glass we put a Mikki dog shoe on his paw which had laces and looked very much like a soft trainer! This worked quite well although sometime when he got too exuberant it did come off! Eventually we opted for a old sock over his bandaged paw which we secured with some vet bandage that you can buy from any good country stores (it is usally used on horses and comes in a variety of colours). If it was wet we used to fasten a plastic bag over the foot to stop it getting too wet. Hope this helps.
You can buy boots for dogs but they usually kick them off!! I find the best ones are the high boots that are meant to stop things like Afghans/Bearded Collies getting wet legs/paws going into shows. I bought a set of 4 from Hub International. They are a Godsend if you have a cut paw etc. I bandage the foot then put a freezer bag before putting the boot on.

Hub International
We've just came in from a walk in the woods, and Fletch is licking away (and nibbling) at most of his paws. he doesnt seem in any discomfort, and they dont seem to have anything in them as ive checked, but he's not half going at them. Is it a grooming thing (hes only just started doing it), or am i worrying over nothing.
markE said:
We've just came in from a walk in the woods, and Fletch is licking away (and nibbling) at most of his paws. he doesnt seem in any discomfort, and they dont seem to have anything in them as ive checked, but he's not half going at them. Is it a grooming thing (hes only just started doing it), or am i worrying over nothing.
Mark,he's probably been in the nettles which have irritated his feet.I put some lavender oil on my lot which helps to relieve the tingling!
jaq, good luck with Blue's paw - he looks lovely! sorry though, no advice about cuts :(

Mark, if it wasn't nettles then it could also be those horrible low growing thistles, hard to see unless you look close in thick grass, but they sting like anything - I know, I fell on some once, very sore!!

Mine also nibble their feet if they have been running over stoney ground - I know they shouldn't but try telling the squirrels not to play on rough ground - they just do not listen :lol:
Yeah that could well be the problem. Never thought of nettles, i assumed they didnt sting dogs.

Funny thing is, now hes started sitting funny, with his leg kicked slightly out to the side. Hes walking fine and jumps on the settee ok, and once again he doesnt seem troubled, maybe the nettles have got him uncomfortable, i'll give it a chance for things to get back to normal, and i'll check him again in the morning.

thanks to all for your help.

And that handsome devil at the top of the page is absolutely beautiful (reminds me of someone i know). Hope he is fine now.
