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Hi, this is my first post so please be gentle with me :) .We have just got a new patterdale terrier puppy yesterday it`s the first pup I`ve had for a number of years , but time now allows us to have a dog.

Thought about a rescue dog but decided on a puppy because I want to see it develop. I`ve had terriers before so understand their personality and commitment needed especially with the patterdale who is a working dog first and foremost and his needs will be met.

What has surprised me most with the pup is the way he has settled in such a short space of time.It feels like we have known each other a lot longer than two days and his calmness at such a young age is a pleasant surprise.

He acts a lot older than he is which is only 12 weeks, slept in a crate last night and has been in and out all day today and he follows me everywhere but his best friend is my sixteen year old daughter, he loves a cuddle :) .

He is a little firework when the mood takes him and you can see the terrier in him coming through.

I picked him up yesterday and done a 350 round mile trip because I thought he was the right dog. Met his parents and they were as calm as you like so if he is the same I`ll be a happy man, he`s a lovely looking pup all black smooth coat apart from a tiny little bit of white on his chest. we had a two day debate on what to call him between the wife and myself my three children and son in law. After a lot of debating and some dodgy names for a dog including Allan, Dave and spud we decided on Ozzy :) .

Thanks Andy.
Hi Andy, and welcome to Dog Forum :)

Firstly, on behalf of every rescue out there, thank you for choosing your puppy carefully, choosing a good breeder and checking the health of the parent dogs :)

Ozzy sounds like a very chilled boy for a Patterdale, but as long as he does have moments of being a proper terrier that should keep your family on their toes like any puppy owning family should be!

I love seeing the developmental stages too, but working in rescue means that I don't see the early stages very often because there are always way too many gorgeous beasties in who are a bit older and in need of a home.

Please give him a scruffle off me and Molly :)
Hi eingana,

Thanks for the reply, yes Ozzy is quite chilled around the house and he is doing very well with his basic training only the odd mishap here and there.

Ozzy had his first vaccination on Thursday so will be a month or so before he can go out and begin to socialize properly.

He loves going out into the garden though and has been out in the nice weather today and is now sleeping it off laid on the kitchen floor and getting a warm off the sun

shining through the kitchen window. I have a lot planned for little Ozzy and he will have a full life, he will be kept busy keeping the rats at bay around the house and

in the garden, but other than that he is first and foremost a pet. There are some lovely long walks around where I live and you can walk for miles and not see another

person so he will have plenty of freedom :)

Ozzy does seem very confident for a puppy but I think that is just the patterdale terrier a little dog with a big dogs brain I think is what they say about the breed/type :)
Hi Andy,

Ozzy sounds gorgeous!

Our puppy is a similar age and she's a springer spaniel / patterdale cross. Both her parents are working dogs (we know the breeder) and they both have a lovely calm temperament. Our puppy, Sky, sounds very similar to Ozzy. We also got her at 12 weeks, she's now nearly 16 weeks, and she settled in so well it's like we've had her forever! She's also really calm, which I wasn't expecting at all. I bring her to work with me, and she's currently flopped out on the office floor. She's like that most of the time we are here apart from loo breaks and a lunch time walk now she's vaccinated.

Strange how similar their temperaments are.
Hi Skyfall,

Congratulations on your puppy she sounds a lovely little girl. I agree they both seem to have very similar temperaments :) and she sounds like she is giving you and your family a lot of pleasure, as is ozzy giving us. I would say Ozzy who is now 13 weeks is very laid back 90 % of the time, but he does have his mad half hour which he did this evening and he had us all in stitches. The terrier came out in him tonight and he was racing around the living room dragging his toy duck with him and rolling around the floor almost doing somersaults from time to time.This lasted for a little over half an hour and then he just crashed out in his bed and he is still there now :)

I`m looking forward to being able to take Ozzy out for walks he has his second injection next week.
He sounds like a beautiful little boy!! Have you got a photo?

And it definitely sounds like you went the right way about finding him and that is lovely to here!! :)