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:luck: :luck: :luck: lots of luck little man my heart goes out to you and your family :huggles: :huggles: :huggles: :huggles:
So sad. Our thoughts and prayers are with you - hope Parker improves soon.
parker is gorgeous :wub:

good luck, hope he improves soon :huggles: :luck: :huggles:
Thanks guys...i'll keep this post updated as things go with him.

He was ok over night and seems fairly normal if a bit subdued today.

He's having blood taken Monday to send to the lab and check his drug level and until that result i've decided not to have his liver test done....should get the phenobarb level about mid week and we'll take things from if his phenobarb level is good then we need to do the liver test but this is an in house ten minute test so won't have to wait.

i don't want to pay out for liver test if it turns out that he's just processing the phenobarb too well, so we're doing one test at a time unless he has more fits between now and mid week. the vet agrees to wait and see what happens the next few days and take it from there but i know that if it is his liver starting to fail we will have him pts because i will not wait until he's seriously compromised before taking action.

I love Parker too much and am quite clear in my mind that i would have him pts tomorrow if they said he's in early stage liver failure, otherwise it means standing by and waiting until the poor boy is seriously ill and then doing it, i can't do that to him no matter how much i want to keep him with me. :wub: :(

The hardest part of owning a dog is how much love they extract from you and then they leave you.
Sorry to hear that Parker has starting having fits again, he is such a sweet-looking little soul :huggles:

Its so hard to let them go but you have to put them first, I think I would be thinking exactly the same as you - let's hope it doesn't come to that yet :(

Good luck handsome Parker :luck: