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Pain In The Neck Neighbours

*Lesley* said:
melanie said:
wow reading this has made me realise how lucky i am, my neighbours are really nice and iv 7 dogs!
I was just thinking that very same thing Melanie :sweating: I dont think I shall ever move (w00t)

I have nice neighbours too, the lady came round with a bag of warm roast chicken for my dogs today :thumbsup:
I am lucky too and have lovely neighbours. :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
AnnSa said:
midlanderkeith said:
AnnSa said:
hely, keith.............i would be barred from K9 forever and a dayif i told you............i will tell you it done them no favours to ruin

the tree's, they daren't even go out in their garden now  :unsure:

Not telling ya what a NADGER is then :lol:


Oh go on......... :lol:

i bet your sat there tongue on your lap waiting for an explanation of Nadger, :lol:

well your not getting one so there :lol: is CACKY a naughty word indeed :oops:
Had loads of problems with one of my neighbours....not anymore....police invloved.

Told her if she was on fire i wouldn't piddle on her....she has a healthy respect for me now (w00t)

She just had an operation....surgeon made a mistake...didn't stitch her mouth shut (w00t) (w00t)

She is well known for being a bully....she didn't realise what she was taking on when she started on my family :- "

Neighbours....gotta love them :teehee: :teehee:
:rant: My neighbours hates me coz my dog had 2 of there cats,(dead)

i know it sounds that they have a good reason 2.

but the cats come in the garden and the dogs r in there so its there fault,

and cant see how 2 out of about 50 is bad

:rant: they have about 12 cats and about 34 kittens,there place stinks aswell :rant:
jeanyg said:
Had loads of problems with one of my neighbours....not anymore....police invloved.Told her if she was on fire i wouldn't piddle on her....she has a healthy respect for me now (w00t)

She just had an operation....surgeon made a mistake...didn't stitch her mouth shut (w00t)   (w00t)

She is well known for being a bully....she didn't realise what she was taking on when she started on my family :- "

Neighbours....gotta love them :teehee:   :teehee:

sorry i shouldnt laugh cos mine are much the same....................but that did make me chuckle :teehee:
Jessr123 said:
Does any one else have really irritating neighbours?
When we moved in here we paid about £2000 to have the whole of our garden fenced in properly. We used tannalised wood so it wouldn't need to be painted etc.  Our neighbours have creasoted the fence over the last few days.  The creasote has seeped through onto our side wherever there is a knot in the wood so the fence looks well stupid now.  It has also seeped through and where it has touched some climbing plant we were growing up the fence they have shrivelled and died.

I wouldn't mind too much but we paid for the fencing which has improved their garden no end and they didn't have the decencey to tell us they were paining the fence, which didn't need doing anyway.

try looking on "answerbank" for boundary disputes. I was told that the fence belongs to whoever paid for it putting it up and the neighbour is not allowed to attach anything. the owner is responsible for its upkeep and can paint either side any colour they want. my neighbours took out a panel from their new fencing and came into my garden while I was on holiday and painted the whole fence bright green. It looks s****t and there is nothing I can do about it apart from grow shrubs in front to hide it.
we share our fence with our nightmare neighbours, but unfortunatly they rent the house so dont give a damn about their 2 lads kicking the s*** out of it :rant:

its all knackered, cracked, with holes in it where they climb over it to get into our garden to get their balls back :rant:

this was why world war 3 broke out with them, they dont see this as a problem and they think their lads are little o:)

i have told them "there is a white thing on the front of our house, its called a door, if you knock on it, i will answer it and you can ask for your ball back"........wont tell you what she said in return :- "

we have tried and tried to be resonable with them, but they just dont work like that, and im not the sort of person who will have a stand up slanging match in the street :rant:

driving me insane :wacko:
Luckily we get on fine with our neighbours here, and have become close friends with one side, but we've had nightmare neighbours in the past so can sympathise.

We had a 'care in the community' couple next to us once, and she had a screaming fit because we had a barbeque - just one of those cheap disposable things - she called the police because she said we were going to give her rabbit asthma... :lol:
Jessr123 said:
Does any one else have really irritating neighbours?
When we moved in here we paid about £2000 to have the whole of our garden fenced in properly. We used tannalised wood so it wouldn't need to be painted etc.  Our neighbours have creasoted the fence over the last few days.  The creasote has seeped through onto our side wherever there is a knot in the wood so the fence looks well stupid now.  It has also seeped through and where it has touched some climbing plant we were growing up the fence they have shrivelled and died.

I wouldn't mind too much but we paid for the fencing which has improved their garden no end and they didn't have the decencey to tell us they were paining the fence, which didn't need doing anyway.

Had a lovely woman move in next door about 12 months ago no, single mum shes a pet sitter, told me if ever i needed her services all i gotta do is ask, nice to know that if ever me n my lady wanted to bugger off for a while my home and dogs are in safe hands, nice lady she is, doesnt open her door and boot out her daughter to play, she plays with her, takes her out places, nice to see em together,

My neighbour is a *******, he took a instant dislike to me when i moved here, newly divorced with my two young sons, he would stand in his garden staring at us, stand next to the fence so the dog would jump up at it then shout at him, sent me threatening letters when i had the nerve to have a garden shed put up, (saying i had an illegal erection in my garden!?) , a five bar gate across MY drive saying that was illegal too and that he thought he owned my drive anyway!!

This all from a man who kept a spaniel locked out in his garden with no shelter for months apparently just before i moved in, until one of the neighbours reported it to the rspca, who took the poor animal away in a terrible state emaciated and matted up with its own excrement, he was taken to court where he blamed his wife saying it was her dog and nothing to do with him.... what a charmer!

Anyway, i would like to ask am i allowed to grow a hedge next to his fence, would he be able to stop me, as in saying it would somehow damage the fence?

Sorry for the rant, and thanks for any answers to my query! :D
mmm, he sounds nice :- "

as long as your careful how you plant your hedge and it doesnt interfere with his fence, you can plant what you like, its your garden, sounds like hes a bit of a bully :rant:
whippet7777 said:
My neighbour is a *******, he took a instant dislike to me when i moved here, newly divorced with my two young sons, he would stand in his garden staring at us, stand next to the fence so the dog  would jump up at it then shout at him, sent me threatening letters when i had the nerve to have a garden shed put up, (saying i had an illegal erection in my garden!?) , a five bar gate across MY drive saying that was illegal too and that he thought he owned my drive anyway!! This all from a man who kept a spaniel locked out in his garden with no shelter for months apparently just before i moved in, until one of the neighbours reported it to the rspca, who took the poor animal away in a terrible state emaciated and matted up with its own excrement, he was taken to court where he blamed his wife saying it was her dog and nothing to do with him.... what a charmer!

Anyway, i would like to ask am i allowed to grow a hedge next to his fence, would he be able to stop me, as in saying it would somehow damage the fence?

Sorry for the rant, and thanks for any answers to my query! :D

An illegal erection in your garden :lol:
midlanderkeith said:
whippet7777 said:
My neighbour is a *******, he took a instant dislike to me when i moved here, newly divorced with my two young sons, he would stand in his garden staring at us, stand next to the fence so the dog  would jump up at it then shout at him, sent me threatening letters when i had the nerve to have a garden shed put up, (saying i had an illegal erection in my garden!?) , a five bar gate across MY drive saying that was illegal too and that he thought he owned my drive anyway!! This all from a man who kept a spaniel locked out in his garden with no shelter for months apparently just before i moved in, until one of the neighbours reported it to the rspca, who took the poor animal away in a terrible state emaciated and matted up with its own excrement, he was taken to court where he blamed his wife saying it was her dog and nothing to do with him.... what a charmer!

Anyway, i would like to ask am i allowed to grow a hedge next to his fence, would he be able to stop me, as in saying it would somehow damage the fence?

Sorry for the rant, and thanks for any answers to my query! :D

An illegal erection in your garden :lol:

trust you to lower the tone :teehee:
thats interesting......thanks...may just print that of and stick it through their door :)
boundary fences are supposed to be upkept by both parties adjoining currently in dispute with our neighbour,a lovely man who has dumped tons of hardcore on the land adjoining our land,hes allowed trees to grow into our gable wall and up to now ive spent about 4 and a half grand in solicitors fees.theres no defence in law to damaging your neighbours property,so he can say the trees are windblown and he didnt plant them but the law is on our side cos its causing damage to our gable wall.ive just paid out a grand for the barristers paperwork and were in court soon.i dont waste my time or money pursuing unwinnable cases,s o he will end up paying out big time over this.weve lived here 20 odd years and never had any problems with any neighbours before,but this guy truly is the neighbour from hell.cant wait to see his face in court when he ends up having to pay all the costs and damages too :- "
hely said:
mmm, he sounds nice :- "
as long as your careful how you plant your hedge and it doesnt interfere with his fence, you can plant what you like, its your garden, sounds like hes a bit of a bully :rant:

Yes he is rather, im sure if id been a man his attitude would have been different :- "

Thanks for your advice, :D :thumbsup:
Used to put up garden fences for a living and thankfully have found a less stressful and more profitable occupation. It was a bit much having screaming nutters :wacko: taking out their neighbourly disputes on me whilst trying to do my job and put up a new fence.

I reckon that years ago, there weren' t anywhere near so many garden fences, but now everyone wants to shut themselves off from the outside world.