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Owning a dog when depressed


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First, no harsh comments please. Well, I began feeling depressed at 16, I turned 18 on April 1 and still am. I have wanted a dog ever since I was young and now I'm not at school, my parents decided to get me a puppy for my birthday. I told my parents that maybe now is not the right time, but they insisted I was over-reacting and thought a dog would be good for me. My parents and brother said they will help but my mom and dad are at work during the day and my brothers work schedule changes every day so its mostly me with her. My family says I have been doing well so far but I don't think so. It hasn't happened so far, but I'm really scared Ill lose the motivation and start neglecting her. I don't want to end up leaving her. I know if I diddnt feel this way I could have spent more time with her and gotten much more training done. My mom has asked me If I want to sell her. I don't want to but I don't know whether I should or not and I don't know what to do. I don't know what to do, has anyone ever gone through this, any advice?
Dear Kathy,

I couldn't just read your message and say nothing, but I can't give you any advice, sorry, just let you know that I heard you.

All I can say is that taking care of a puppy can be hard work, just like having babies, I know, I've done both. And I'm sure this is what your parents and brother tell you: you will get so much in return... but it's true... really. I'm not the soppy type and even I can see this.

I won't try and guess the reason of your depression, and I won't even mention what the company of a dog is, one that is yours and nobody else's, one that you've taken care of on your own...

But Kathy, it's obvious to me that you already care for this dog. Still I hope someone will be able to give good advice and you end up taking the right decision for you.

Good luck!

Hia, and welcome to the forum :)

Im so sorry you are suffering atm , and i hope you are seeking help from your GP because they can really help. :) . As regards your pup..well o me it sounds as if you are doing well with her, and it does sound like you are very fond of her, but only you can decide if you want to sell her. Dogs are the most amazing companions ever, they love you no matter what, they will never let you down but they do rely on us too. Maybe if you lose lose motivation then you can think about rehoming her if its prolonged, but for now you say it hasnt happened so dont worry about something that hasnt happened hun x

how old is she?...what breed?..its the law to share pictures on here you know..especially of puppies :D ..maybe once we know her age etc we can help with tips and advice to help you through the puppy stage..its hard work looking after a pup, i know i have an 8 month old one!

looking forward to pictures, and once again..welcome xx
Hia, and welcome to the forum :)

Im so sorry you are suffering atm , and i hope you are seeking help from your GP because they can really help. :) . As regards your pup..well o me it sounds as if you are doing well with her, and it does sound like you are very fond of her, but only you can decide if you want to sell her. Dogs are the most amazing companions ever, they love you no matter what, they will never let you down but they do rely on us too. Maybe if you lose lose motivation then you can think about rehoming her if its prolonged, but for now you say it hasnt happened so dont worry about something that hasnt happened hun x

how old is she?...what breed?..its the law to share pictures on here you know..especially of puppies :D ..maybe once we know her age etc we can help with tips and advice to help you through the puppy stage..its hard work looking after a pup, i know i have an 8 month old one!

looking forward to pictures, and once again..welcome xx
She is 11 weeks old and a German shepherd x 10404424_943508895682120_8803233306641092218_n.jpg
Omg..she is beautiful. I have a black sheperd pup :) . Almost 9months and a monster :)
What a beautiful puppy! What's her name?

Welcome to DogForum Kathy :)

I too have depression and I know where you're coming from when you worry that you may not be doing the best for your little one, but you do need to know that this is your depression talking, not you.

Yes, they would try the patience of a saint, but you get so much out of the really close one to one relationship that you have with your dog that this is one reason why having a pet is generally felt to be really positive for people with depression, and with mental health problems in general.

My GSD Molly is my reason for getting out of bed in the morning (the cats too, but they tend to be much more self-reliant than Mol). I get out of the house because she needs to go for a walk, I talk to other people on walks (even nodding to someone on a dog walk is an improvement on truly being alone!), I have so much of my time occupied with being positively helpful (training, grooming, planning where we're going to walk etc) that the left over time is broken up into much more manageable bits than it would be otherwise- so many positives.

One of the things that I find hugely moving about having a dog is a bit of science actually. Oxytocin is normally referred to as the love hormone. It's released when we're in love, it's involved in mother and baby bonding, in forming milk for our babies, for all sorts of snuggly, warm and loving feelings and actions. When your dog comes nose to nose with you, looks deep into your eyes as their ears droop gently down the back of their neck, as their pupils widen and soften and you stroke their face, guess what hormone you BOTH release?

Yup, here comes oxytocin again. Your dog actually is in LOVE with you. Not with every human, just with THEIR human, and with a GSD, that's YOU. You complete their world just as a parent does for a small child, and give them a sense of wellbeing and calm.

Could there actually be any more positive relationship than that? You will have lots of learning to do to raise a puppy into adulthood and you'll get lots of exercise and learn to cope with the ups and downs too, but it's an enormously positive experience over all, which is probably why your parents want you to have that love, that structure to your life and that unconditional acceptance from your dog.

Please give her a lovely snuggle off me and Molly Moo :)
Hi Kathy,

Welcome to Dog Forum.

I have suffered with anxiety for years and Bear has pushed me to the brink of tears many times when he was a pup BUT what I have I would not change.

I got to the point where I couldn't even walk him on my own without having an anxiety attack it was that bad.

However, I saw a counselor and continued on my own journey. My fiancé works nights so if it wasn't for Bear then I honestly don't know what would of happened to me.

He is my everything, my world and when you're sad they will know. Bear comes up to me, jumps on the sofa, licks the tears off my face and gives me a cuddle. How can that action alone from a dog not make you smile and want to burst with how much love you have for each other.

It is a true blessing to own a dog, and the rewards you will get in return are priceless.

In some ways Bear has rehabilitated me to a certain extent. Got me back out walking him on his own and loving life again.

it is very hard when you cant see the light at the end of the tunnel, but your new bundle of fluff will always be able to pull you out of the darkest of times, just by putting there heads on your lap, looking up at you and you knowing just how much they need you and how much they love you.

keep going and you will see exactly what me and Eingana are talking about.

It is blessing that your parents got you the pup. it will give you a new focus.

Keep us posted please and big hugs from me and Bear

Sophie xx
KathyS it seems you already have some replies and it is nice to know there are people who feel the same or have had some kind of similar experience.

In my case I already had my dog when a few events happened that would change my life and send me into depression and anxiety, but I know that without my pets I would not be in a very good place at all. It must be difficult to see the positives this puppy could bring but I believe she could help you very much. They have a wonderful way of sensing your energy, they can be a great sholder to cry on or a cuddle to lift you up. They are also the reason to get up in the morning, to exercise and to have routine. Perhaps joinging some kind of activity club when you are more confident like agility or obedience?

Every person is different when it comes to depression and there is no straight forward answer. It is also always easy for people to say just keep going but you can see from this there are people who do understand and are not just saying it to make you feel better. Keep up the good work and by the way she is gorgeous.

Best wishes x