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Out For A Quick Shine


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took storm out again last night the weather was good except but it was a little bright with a red sky. took my little brother and another one of his mates again, can do your head in when they are wearing the worlds noisest trousers and the worst coughs lol but they are good lads and at the end of the night where the ones carrying the rabbits for me so i cant complain.

got to very first field nothink around except a couple long ears so moved on further then spotted somethink squatting not sure weather or not it was a rabbit i walk up close enough to identify that it was a cony and storm was slipped a good couple turns and a good strike it was in the bag.

onto next field useually a few about on here but nothink so walked around it then spotted one slipped him, he turned it off the top of the hill it ran past inches away from me he turned it again out some longer grass and then it managed to go over the brow and out the lamp.

next field also normally holds a few but this time nothink there, so moved on and spotted a couple rabbits, i was working storm of the lead and sent him after a rabbit which also go over a brow into a ditch and escaped, on return i spotted a squatter got close and close it leaped up out of its seat and before it got 10yards storm snatched it up.

he then had another rabbit from a small vally between 2 fields its only very small and didnt really expect him to catch it but it as he moved in it try to run up one side panicked turn towards other side and it was number 3 in the bag.

then spotted a rabbit in some long grass he cut it off from its path home and it was a good chase some cracking turns the rabbit leaping in the are to avoid capture but storm had the situation under contol and number 4 was in the bag.

went across another few fields but nothink to be seen then came to last field and a rabbit was moveing slowly through the dead crops storm moved in and the rabbit ran but again storm snatched it up before it got to far.

he really is improving every time i take him out all retreived and his strike is getting better and better. and i cant complain at 5 out of 7 rabbits

heres a pic

