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Our Puppies Have Arrived

thinking of you and hoping with everything i have that the pups and mom stay well now xxx
OMG what a sad story sorry for your loss :sweating: Fingers crossed for the 2 little ones and :wub: for mum :luck: :luck:
just to send you both all my love, thinking of you , sending bright healing blessings to Amber and the little ones. xx
Oh, this is just so sad. :(

All fingers crossed that the other little ones make it :luck:
Saying a little prayer (not religious either!) that things turn out OK
oh so sorry what a tragic time, hoping Amber stays well and the 2 pups get stronger by the minute, sending lots of love, Julie xxxx
oh so sorry what a tragic time, hoping Amber stays well and the 2 pups get stronger by the minute, sending lots of love, Julie xxxx
davve has gone from 8 to 10 ozs and skty has gone from 8 to 9 ozs in 2 days so looking good.

thank you all for your prayers and good wishs. xxx
I 2nd that Big Dave lol, we did'nt realise what lovely friends we have, :thumbsup: Thank you everyone for all your wishes :thumbsup:
So glad to hear that the 2 little ones are doing well.I hope they continue to thrive.x
looking forward to seeing our precious babes tomorrow :wub: :wub: Wales her we come :-
Hope Get lost's of cuddle's :wub: :wub: Tina :thumbsup: more pics please :D
Had a lovely weekend with our Babies :wub: and Amber :wub: and of course Lynne and Dave, :thumbsup: and Thanks Dave for getting Colin Drunk (w00t) :wacko:
Here's a few pics that tina as asked me to put on for her , there looking lovely and glad there doing well :wub: :wub:


Davve :wub:


SKY :wub:



Awww thank you Trish, don't they look sooooooo cute :wub: :wub: :wub:
They're even more beautiful in the flesh :wub: :wub: Skye is so cute, and Davve would have laid in my hands like that for ever :p
Lovely pictures of the two little sleeping beauties! :huggles: So glad they are doing fine!
Gorgeous little babes :wub: Heart warming to see them doing so well :thumbsup: