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Our Phoebe's Coat ?


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Hi all


Phoebe is now just over six months old, and has really come on, She's friendly, comes back on command and is good in the house :) One thing that we have noticed though is she is moulting quite a lot ,Don't get me wrong she has not got any bald patches or anything but the amount of hair on your clothing and that is quite a lot.

Is this normaly , could it be her diet , we dont feed her tinned dog food however . Mince ,tripe fresh vegatables etc is what she has :* We groom her with a grooming mit is this ok , or do we need a specific whippet come ?

Any suggestions will be greatly appreciated as if this carry's on we will be looking for another Hoover :) again , what was wrong with the old one we had I still don't know :) It must be a womans thing :blink:


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whats her breeding? any chance of a recent photo?

sorry, that sounds a bit blunt :b

just that all aspects of dogs fascinate me. one subject that will never bore me :D
The grooming mitt will be fine for your dog. I also have a thin rubber brush - designed for whippets and their fine coats.

A chamois leather is good for whippets coats too - but more for shining than grooming.
Cheers thanks for the replies :) I need to get the camera sorted :) A rubber brush umm that sounds like a good idea , I will have a scout around ,