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Ouch !!!


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Car got written off today :(

We were going to trial the dogs at Highgate this morning and were on our way.

Coming up to Hickleton crossroads we had a head on collision :eek: (their fault)

Everyone is alive thankfully not too serious injuries, Blaze was cut and the lovely ambulance attendant treated her. Kerri was in shock, it's going to be a long time before she willingly steps into a car again.

I'm gonna have some whoppers of bruises on me tomorrow though :angry:

So now no car means no racing I don't know how long it will be until we are out and about again.

My first though strangely enough was about the air-bag, "Much use you were" it smashed the windscreen on my side.
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Glad to hear you's are all fine :D . Car's can be replaced ,,,Live's cant,,,,

Must be the time of year for car accident's as Happy's car was written off last Monday on his way home from the champ's. He is fine and so was the pup,,Acca :D
Sorry to hear that Elise - glad everyones OK though -
Not a nice thing to happen to you and your dogs but i am pleased that you are all ok. Now Fleesh has the ambalance man taken over from Bruce the vet :wub: and did you learn a few new words from Mum? :rant:
Glad your all ok Fleesh...... hope yr mum gets a courtesy car to get her to :oops: work lol
:D glad u all ok fleesh thats the main thing at the end of the day.

sue i didnt know about happys car thank god they r all ok too. there some lunatic drivers about these days. :angry:
Bloody hell you don't have much luck with cars do you!

Glad to hear everyone is fine though, see you about soon :D
sorry to hear of your bad luck, hope your all ok.

Glad your all safe and sound fleesh thats the main thing

Glad to hear everyone is ok. Like previously said, cars can be replaced, you can't. Hope your injuries and lack of vehcle arn't keeping you down for long :)

Thanx all for your messages :)

Courtesy Car ... FORD FIESTA (what use is that with two dogs, Mum, oh and me and my sister both being over 6ft tall).

John M - the new Ambulance guy certainly is NOT taking over from Bruce :b (there's no comparison to a guy who knows what he's doing lol)

Maur - I've lost your MSN Address my new one is

Oh and while I'm here Dee there is no Sup Bitch Trophy from the Show the World last year just a glass one for keeps. :cheers:

Mum went to hospital today for a kneck X-Ray but came back OK just battered and bruised - a week or so off work but I am missing my first week of college for my A-Levels. Not a good start.

Dave1606 - Lack of car will not be a problem unless ours is written off then we only get a car for 2 days :rant: (and dogs go to the physio for a check over in 3 - bad timing).

Hope to be there @ the South Coast Champs at the end of the month dogs have been resting up until Sunday when they were (meant to go) to trial.

C y'all soon XxX
Thanks for letting me know, i am now looking for sponsors to donate some new trophy's as i think theres nothing worse than winning a section at a open and there been no trophy for the winners...HAVE TO SAY A BIG THANK YOU AGAIN TO THE PEOPLE THAT DONATED THEM FOR THE KRIS MEMORIAL AT AYCLIFFE YOU DID US PROUD

Joyce (challenger) has kindly offered to put no limit one on for show of the world, so anyone interested don't be shy and pm me or phone 01325307725 .

I am pleased your all okay

:blink: glad you all are ok, sorry a bit late! hows blaze is she ok?
Hi Debs :p

Blaze has just had a long lay-off (since Scotland) she was off for 4 weeks before that when Kerri was off but something didn't seem right up in Scotland so she's rested again and I'm just trying to get her back for the bends (if Mum can get up the nerve to go past the accident spot so we can trial). Other than that Blaze is Blaze - the Drama Queen, fat as a pig and as babyish as ever.

C ya soon :lol: