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last one

I am over the moon with them love pups
Just had the 4 of them around a bowl of minced chicken , bet Pauline know who was there 1st and last to leave

:D JUST HAD TO BE EDEE :thumbsup:
I love my bob :wub: :wub: :wub: Pups are soooooooooo cute :D :D I have a sneaky soft spot for edee tho :- "
Love the pup whats lying down with its back end on the carpet :wub:

Looks like butter wouldn't melt :)
:wub: :wub: What lovely puppies - they are a credit to you Dee. Best of luck to all the new owners. Just wait till Sally sees the blue ones, thank goodness they all have homes. : :lol:

They are smashing pups... we love having litters they are such fun
they are sooooo cute :wub: :wub: :wub: whoever's having one watch out lol :lol:
:D Dee have you warned the pups owners to keep all chicken and turkey under lock and key (w00t) :D

And if the pup goes missing to look in the kitchen bin and washing machine :- "
They already had half the roast beef on Sunday lol

That was funny when i first got Lisa blue goblin off you and ken , and i couldn't finder her she was in the big swing lid kitchen bin ...
They already had half the roast beef on Sunday lol

That was funny when i first got Lisa blue goblin off you and ken , and i couldn't finder her she was in the big swing lid kitchen bin ...

:oops: they're not related to CHUCKY o:) are they we finished up having to get one of those tall kitchen bins with an electronic sensor and guess what she sussed it out (w00t)
Foot pedal bins are no good either they soon suss them too. Have been woken at silly hours of the morning by Blaze as a pup squealing and running into walls and door frames because she's got the spring shut lid from the kitchen bin stuck on her head :lol:
the last pic would look great on a calendar,looking lovely :luck: :luck:
:D Hope they are always that peaceful dee (w00t) (w00t) Gaz said bob was the quietest of the lot.....................didn't he :blink: :- "

Think we might start to hide the bin in the kitchen cupboards :teehee: :thumbsup:
he looks so absolutely adorable cant wait till we bring him home :wub:

good luck to all the other pups aswell they are all lovely