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Opinions please!

Catherine Husband

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Hi guys, hoping some people can give their thoughts and input and to see what other peoples opinions are. For as long as I can remember I have always wanted a dog growing up but it never would have fit into my parents lifestyle. Now I think the time has finally come to have one but I just want to know what other people think and how they made it work.
Partner and I live in a big 2 bed house on a farm (we don't work on the farm so have normal '9-5'ish working hours but rent out the property from our friends and they are fine with us having a dog). I work in their office on the farm so am always next door to our house (literally next door so about 10 steps away). Partner works not even 5 minutes away and both have very relaxed bosses so always able to come home in emergencies. I start work at 9 so would be able to walk the dog early in the morning. I have a 15 minute break in the morning, but this can be split up if I need to go home to do anything. I then have an hour lunch break and then another 15 minute break allowance for the afternoon and then I finish at 6. Same thing 5 days a week with sundays & Mondays off. Partner works 8-5 6 days a week during summer months but then 8-4 5 days a week September-March.
I am not sure if this would be fair on a dog? Is this too much time out of the house? Even though I can go home and see it/let it out pretty much whenever I need to and would be spending an hour with it at lunch time then it would be walked again in the evening. There is also the potential to be able to fit a dog flap so it can come in and out of our secured garden bit throughout the day.
Just curious to hear other peoples opinions and how they have made it work when they work full time
There are many people who work and have dogs so it is do-able. Depending on the exercise requirements you could get a dog walker, or go for a couch potato type dog - retired greyhounds are the gold standard couch potato dogs!

The main difficulties you might have are housetraining as puppies need to be taken out at a minimum hourly for effective housetraining (although you could bypass that with an adult rescue) and separation anxiety (but there are strategies you could use to avoid this). Do you have any thoughts on puppy versus adult, breeds etc?
I think we would go for one that needs a moderate amount so say a walk in the morning and then a long walk in the evening but also being able to use the garden when it wants to. Have also considered a dog walker or that borrow my dog site to give it more exercise if necessary. We originally wanted to rescue, but have applied for 6 different rescue centres and they have all told us that we aren't suitable to rehome a dog, so we are struggling to have that as an option :( I would be able to pop in and out to let the puppy out every hour or so when needed, so that could potentially be an option for us if we can't find any rescues that will actually accept us
Some of the smaller rescues have more discretion and flexibility. I know someone who was turned down as she and her partner both work full time but because they both do shift work the dog would never be alone - but the rescue rules were so strict they couldn't be considered. Which is a bit daft, they could have given an excellent home.
Welcome to the forum!

I definitely think you can fit a dog into your lives. Like @JoanneF said most people work full time and still have a dog. The only thing I don’t agree with is people who work full time and just leave the dog at home for 8hrs at a time. But your situation sounds pretty good! Especially with an hour lunch break and living so close to work. It’s good that you are really thinking into it first and asking for opinions :)

Would you and your partner be able to alternate puppy pop ins?

Are you in a position that you could afford a dog walker/sitter if ever needed?

If you look in the puppy section you should find a thread about what you should consider before getting a puppy. Which may help!
Yeah we will definitely keep trying some of the smaller more local rescues as well and fingers crossed one of them will accept us! But yeah it is really annoying as all we wanted was to give a needy dog a home and they won't let us, which is very frustrating.

@Josie, I definitely wouldn't even consider it if we were just going to be out of the house at work all day, or something as I know that would be extremely selfish on our part and would be so unfair on a dog!I'm only open to considering it as I know I can just go in and see it whenever I want to and the fact I get the long lunch break which breaks up the day for the dog and gives it another chance to go outside and also have some human interaction.

Yes we could afford a dog sitter if we needed to, and also have a family member very near by who could take the dog out with her dogs (once they are all friends) so I do think we could make it work, I suppose I just wanted to see what other people thought and whether they think it is a bad idea or not. Just want to make sure we would be giving a dog the best life we could offer it!
Welcome to the forum :) It seems you're approaching this sensibly, which is great, although I'm baffled as to why a rescue centre would turn you down, given your description of your location and circumstances. I have a rescue dog myself, and he's great, we were very lucky to find each other :) Another option - can your dog come to work with you? Although I haven't taken mine to work (office job mainly) for a while due to renovation work, when he comes in with me, we have a bit of a play around at first, then he will settle and greet others as they arrive. Whilst he's not particularly active during this time, he's in company and is free to mooch about and gets a brisk walks at lunchtime. Please keep us all updated with progress and when the big day comes it's a mandatory requirement to post up pictures ;)
@arealhuman thank you! :) I know! I genuinely didn't even think we would be turned down, I knew maybe not every dog would be right for us, but I thought we had pretty good circumstances and an ideal location for a dog so I don't understand it either. Will just have to keep trying, but I also don't want them to think we're just desperate for any dog we can find haha.

I did actually think about that, but think it would depend on what kind of dog we got etc. I am office/reception based but we are extremely busy in summer with a lot of people coming in and out so would have to make sure we had a dog who is happy to just lie down and not interact with every person coming in as I know not everybody wants to be greeted by an overly friendly dog. Also as my bosses are so lenient already I don't want to push my luck haha.

Oh I will do! while we don't want to rush any decisions we are also both extremely excited about hopefully having one some time in the very near future!
You definitely sound ready for a dog! :)

Yes please keep us updated!
Get 2, then you arent leaving a dog on its own while you are at work. If you can find 2 that come as a pair who arent too young (ie read too much energy and will destroy your house) they could be perfect. Slightly older dogs that need rehoming together aren't that popular as most people want 1 dog not 2, but honestly it is SO much easier to have 2 dogs over 1 puppy.
If you do consider two, please read up on "littermate syndrome" even if the two are not actually from the same litter.
There are many people who work and have dogs so it is do-able. Depending on the exercise requirements you could get a dog walker, or go for a couch potato type dog - retired greyhounds are the gold standard couch potato dogs!

The main difficulties you might have are housetraining as puppies need to be taken out at a minimum hourly for effective housetraining (although you could bypass that with an adult rescue) and separation anxiety (but there are strategies you could use to avoid this). Do you have any thoughts on puppy versus adult, breeds etc?

Yep, we've had 2 Greyhounds and they'll take as little or as much exercise as you have time for (although not to the same level as colllies or springers!!)
Our current girl spends much of the day flat on her back but does often have a mad 5 minutes in the evening. They're gentle and loving dogs too.
The only issue we have with her is recall but some are safe to let off the lead.
Go to a GH rescue and take a look. It can't hurt.... The bonus is they're usually very clean around the house and it's very rare to have accidents (usually only if she's got some kind of infection).
Don't be put off by their size too as they're like telescopic dogs - they fold up really small.
Hey guys! Sorry for taking so long to reply, things have been pretty hectic recently! So.. we did it! This is Milo the lab cross, he is perfect and has been settling in so well. Couldn't have asked for a better dog!
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Congratulations on your new arrival - he's so sweet!
Congratulations! He is a real stunner, how is he getting on?