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hi joe,

out of interest were was the show, as i was at a show the weekend with six in the puppy class, wondered if it was the same one, regards tina
JOE said:
:D By coloureds, I mean anything that wasn't a fawn basically.  In my class the judge moved all the coloured dogs a second time and walked straight past the fawns.
I thought this a bit strange as in my very limited experience, once in the final line up before the judge has selected the judge either moves all the dogs again or just two they are having difficulty in deciding between.  In another class I watched there was a brindle (2 years old) as well as about 7 fawns, the brindle hadn't even been trained to be stacked up on the table - so the judge stacked it up for the handler, also the dog hadn't been trained to gait so the judge removed the dog 3 times and it was eventually given first place! 

I know exactly what you are  saying Karen, and you are right that it is to easy to assume it was the colour that she didn't like.  I do think though after watching most the classes the coincidence was too great!  This is the time I wish I had it all on video recorder so I could watch it after - just to make sure!

Anyway, I was very proud as it was my boys first outside show and he behaved very well as I was a bit worried that he associates grass with bunny chasing!  But I was really pleased and he thought it was all very good fun - especially teh hog-roast after! :p

i have a feeling you may be talking about the same show i was at , could be wrong, if it is the same show the judge judged to a type not a colour in most of the classes as she had a type there although it was a open show, was it devon county, if it was, she has the same type as she put up although i f any thing she prefered dogs to bitches, regards tina
I think I may be the person in question as the comments from Joe seem to fit in with the Devon County show where I judged last Saturday. Hopefully without being presumptious, that I am the person to whom Joe is referring, I have no bias against fawn coloured Whippets, whatsoever. At the moment I am showing a silver brindle and white dog and an almost black/red brindle bitch. However, the bitches mother was a fawn, my first whippet was a fawn and white dog. My current litter of puppies now at eight weeks are all fawn.

My main priority when judging is to select Whippets of a certain type which in my interpretation of the breed standard, fit the bill, so to speak. Secondly, that those Whippets are capable of doing a good days work if required. I really couldn't care less if they are fawn, black, blue or sky blue pink. In fact the dog which won BOB was a fawn and white!

I really hope Joe has not been put off by his experience and remember only too well how daunting it can be when you first start out showing.
Glad you got to reply and welcome to the forums. I think perhaps when we first start showing we tend to listen to other peoples feelings too much. All you can do is make a start and make up your own mind as you go along, and watch,watch, watch
Well done Lokeren ;) it is nice to know that this particular judge has the conviction to reply and clear up this misapprehension
Yes, it nice to read your comments -

I think I have learnt a valuable lesson in not taking anyones comments too seriously!! Yes it can be daunting and no, I am not put off at all. At the end of the day I still thoroughly enjoyed myself at the show and that what is important and I saw some lovely dogs there.

Thanks lokeren, I like your comments on the dog being able to work, I think is an excellent stance and I am glad you replied.

Roll on the next show and I will take peoples comments with a pinch of salt - well at least those I don't know very well! :D
Good for you Joe. The main thing is to go and enjoy yourself because is you are hyped up over something you can guarantee it will feed straight down the lead to your dog. Remember we are supposed to do this for fun! :D