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Open Plans

I must admit I really don't have a problem with seeding, but I do have a problem with the responsability of deciding which dog's in our club should be seeded ............Two of our best club dogs go right in [SIZE=8pt]most[/SIZE] of their race's .........What do you do ?? ........Put them down as needing the black box and get told we are trying to advatage our club dog's or say well they don't go right all of the time so we'll ignore it until we get called incompetent when one of them does go hard right ??........I personally can see this "seeding" being abused even though I do think it's a good idea :- "
"the seeding will only apply to SCRATCH STRAIGHT RACING"

Note that doesn't say Championships!!
Ah Nigel, but I did hear it said that it was to be tried our at the first Champs!

Does this mean that all clubs must take on this rule? - do clubs not have the right to implement this or not, depending on how the membership feels?

Just for you Beejay :rant: :rant: :rant: :rant: :rant: :rant: :rant: :rant:

Oooh, is says "rant" when you press that button!
I dont like this seeding thing in 18 months of racing our dog as only been taken out once coming out of the traps by a dog that likes the inside line.
Paul Melia said:
Ian, oversized dogs? What is one of those?
An over sized dog is just that ......over sized (to tall or to heavy or even BOTH (w00t) ), you get them in all types of dog competitions wether it's racing, coursing or even mini agility ..........There's dog's being raced that are over sized and also dogs on the field that are again over sized .........This is of course cheating and the owners must honestly know this, but if it's not bad enough that they are swindeling honest coursers or racers out of placings, it's even worse when the cheating owners have the damn cheek to brag about their dog that really shouldn't have been able to have competed :eek: .........On the plus side though most breeders if not all will keep away from these big ones so they won't be used :thumbsup:
Re -reading the letter, you are right June, it doesn't say anything about the WCRA but from the forms, there is a bit for the WCRA members to fill out so it looks like they will indeed have to be verifed by 2 WCRA members.

To be honest, I was originally dead against the whole idea of seeding but having seen the guidlines I think that as long as it really does works as intended, it really should only be a very few dogs that get seeded. Nobody wants dogs injured and I think the intentions of the seeding are to prevent just that and no more. I was very worried that it would be open to abuse (still am a bit) but I am a lot happier about it now. Only time will tell if it works or not. If more than a handful of dogs get seeded, then it will need looking at again. Thankfully, the WCRA are going to review it at the end of the year. I think it will come down to how people inerpret the criteria even though they have tried to make it as clear as possible.

Hannah - if you don't think the dogs are dangerous, don't seed them. Remember they have to go right or left consistently & within the first 6 strides.
>Hannah - if you don't think the dogs are dangerous, don't seed them. Remember they have to go right or left consistently & within the first 6 strides.

It also doesn't apply to dogs that pass behind others and not hit them either. Or a dog that wants to lay on another dog when exiting the traps.
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June Jonigk said:
Just for you Beejay :rant:   :rant:   :rant:   :rant:   :rant:   :rant:   :rant:   :rant: Oooh, is says "rant" when you press that button!
That's much more colourful June. :thumbsup:
BeeJay said:
Or a dog that wants to lay on another dog when exiting the traps.
Well that is down right stupid .........Jacob has had more problems with a dog laying on him than he has with most dogs that turn a sharp right or left ..........I thought seeding was being implemented to stop injuries to others :wacko:
I have written to ask for clarification of parts C and D

It appears to be an either/or situation ......

Part C - filled in and signed by sec and RM WITHOUT a trial - presumably based on a dog's historic club running

Part D - filled in and signed by 2 WCRA persons AFTER a suitable trial or trials.

And nowhere does it say what to do if the sec and RM are one and the same person :D
How many people have seen a dog get injured within the first six strides of a race? I certainly haven't. I have seen dogs get bumped and barged and leant on and have their chances of winning the race ruined as a result. But, not injured within the first six strides. I know who originally proposed the idea of seeding to the WCRA, and I think this person was very clever in suggesting that this is a safety issue. I think however that this was just a way of getting the idea adopted, because nobody wants to go against a "safety" issue. Its the same in industry, mention "health and safety" and the management immediately start thinking of lawsuits. They will give you want ever you want then.

I remember the person who proposed this idea going to see a solicitor to see if they could take legal action against an affiliated club because their dog had run up the track with its racing coat undone. Now thats the spirit. A true sportsperson.
Robin Sweet said:
How many people have seen a dog get injured within the first six strides of a race?  I certainly haven't.  I have seen dogs get bumped and barged and leant on and have their chances of winning the race ruined as a result.  But, not injured within the first six strides.  I know who originally proposed the idea of seeding to the WCRA, and I think this person was very clever in suggesting that this is a safety issue.  I think however that this was just a way of getting the idea adopted, because nobody wants to go against a "safety" issue.  Its the same in industry, mention "health and safety" and the management immediately start thinking of lawsuits.  They will give you want ever you want then.  I remember the person who proposed this idea going to see a solicitor to see if they could take legal action against an affiliated club because their dog had run up the track with its racing coat undone. Now thats the spirit.  A true sportsperson.
spot on robin :thumbsup:
if a dog chooses to run on either side of the track half way or two foot from the line does that make it more or less dangerous than a dog that crosses within the first six strides (i dont think so) i have raced against dogs that do all sorts, but as long as it it is within the rules it is ok, that is the nature of the sport.

i have had dogs pick up injuries with and without help from other dogs so what do we do stop our dogs from what they love to do.

i dont do much debating on this site i sit back and let you lot do that, but in my opinion if a dog is known to cross left out of the traps then to put it on the left in a scratch staight race seems common sense to me (not a bend) it is of no advantage to the dog at all, but it is safer for all the other dogs, so what is the problem? :- "
If you are going to seed, I think the 6 stride thingy is a good one because dogs that go hard right or left straight out of the traps are true right or left runners. They should have to do it just about every time too. Dogs that drift across the track or cross later on are much less likely to hit another dog and are more likely to be crossing for other reasons.

Ian - Got a good point there about the Sec. and RM being the same person. Ha! didn't think of that one they :D

I remember the person who proposed this idea going to see a solicitor to see if they could take legal action against an affiliated club because their dog had run up the track with its racing coat undone. Now thats the spirit. A true sportsperson.
Your joking! (w00t) And who didn't do it up properly?
Yes you're dead right there Rob, and isn't it also the same person who wrote to Whippet News and accused us all of being cruel to our dogs - running them on a hot days etc etc? :rant: :rant: :rant: (Real ones!!)

Get your points about health & safety too Rob - I think the WCRA felt compelled to do something as it as raised as safety issue. But unfortunately they will be the ones to cop all the abuse when people get upset. :rant: :rant: :rant: (that was for you Beejay - yes they do light up the post don't they?)

I did think of you Ian, with your many jobtitles!!

Dave, the only problem with putting a left runner in a left trap, is if the dog that should have been in that trap prefers the left, (but is not "dangerous") their owner will not be happy. That dog presumably swaps with the left runnning dog, and ends up on the right, or maybe in the middle where their dog doesn't like to be. It's bound to happen, is hardly fair, and would cause unpleasantness that we can well do without in our sport. The only fair way to pick out which trap a dog goes into, is the way it's done now - with a draw. :thumbsup:
June Jonigk said:
:rant:   :rant:   :rant: (that was for you Beejay - yes they do light up the post don't they?)

Most colourful June. :thumbsup: They get the point across so nicely I always think.
How about some facts that back up the current focus of the governing bodies on the seeding of dogs?

How many dogs get injured by dogs crossing within six yards or not of leaving the traps?

Is the answer to the last question so serious that owners will stop racing their dogs and leave the sport?

Does a veterinary surgeon need to be on site at every race meeting in the country so that animal rights protestors don't make whippet racing their next focus after the cessation of hunting?

Does the whippet owner have to be prepared to own a vast kennel of dogs so that a runner can be fielded every Sunday throughout the season?
The way i think is if your dogs on the out side traps your dog has less chance of bumping rather than if you are in middle traps i think this seeding gives an un fair advantage :rant:
Well I have just returned from probably the first race meeting since the seeding plans were officially announced and guess what the hot topic was......

The rank and file whippet racers for the main part seem to be extremely annoyed about this and I would not be surprised at all to see the WCRA having to make a U turn with the implementation of seeding - or ask for it to be tested at club level.

Unfortunately some racers were forming unfavourable opinions based on the briefest of information - not having read the WCRA announcement but heard a version of it second or third hand. Some - but by all means not all.

And of course the main gripe was that people will abuse this to gain an unfair advantage, the inference being tough luck if you are a person who has a prefered side runner - "your loss is our gain and why should you be allowed to do something about it." As I said in my earlier post, regardless of the validity of the safety issue, few people seem to care about that at all - most are more interested in making sure that they still have the best possible chance to WIN.

Despite or even because of the WRCA's best intentions, there ARE numerous issues that haven't been considered, or if they were they haven't been regulated, such as TWO left (or right) seeded runners in the same race. There is someone else writing to the WCRA with many more queries so I won't steal their thunder here.

Happy debating! :wacko:
>The rank and file whippet racers for the main part seem to be extremely annoyed about this and I would not be surprised at all to see the WCRA having to make a U turn with the implementation of seeding - or ask for it to be tested at club level.

1) Didn't the Harvel club members know about seeding being on the Talk In agenda? If they did. Didn't the Harvel reps vote in line with their members views?

2) Which club is going to test it? Perhaps that should be left to the club that proposed seeding? ;)

Question for those who know about such matters. Can the WCRA force clubs to adopt seeding for their straight scratch opens?