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Omg I Killed It

Painted Lady said:
a couple of years ago the kids wanted a tarantula :unsure: so we bought them a ickle mexican red knee like in problems at all holding her until one day i got her out of tank to clean it and she ran up my arm into my hair..i swear to god this is true...nancy ran off screaming and mum had crapped her pants by now :sweating: i didnt want charlotte (spider :teehee: ) to fall cos apparantly tarantulas break like an egg if they are dropped :x so mum had to get a pot to cover over her and slide the lid under her to get her off my hair.....i was so freaked out by that i couldnt handle her again...kept shuddering every time i thought of it...needless to say no more tarantulas for the lovelands :wacko:
You would have found out if it was true if she ran up

my arm Sarah, i would have knocked her onto the

floor in a second just before my heart stopped :eek:
see i was fine with tarantulas..i was always over the reptile shop and dave(the owner) would always let me hold his furry friends(tarantulas ladies)..but after that...nooooooooooo waaaaaaaaaaaay could i hold one again.....having a massive spider in your hair is not funny....urggghhhh..shuddering away here :wacko:
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I really hate spiders, we get them all the time in this house they are horrible big massive brown ones. I need to get my mum and dad to catch them, we put them at the other end of the garden, im sure they just make there way back in though :lol:

I read that citronella is supposed to be good at keeping them away so i've covered my window and door in it :lol:

This was in our garden the other day, can't bare to look at this picture it creeps me out

[SIZE=14pt]If you want to live and thrive[/SIZE]

Let a spider run alive

I always try to pick them up with a glass and piece of cardboard to slide under, as spiders are good creatures - they eat all the nasty little beaties - like Trac :lol:
June Jonigk said:
[SIZE=14pt]If you want to live and thrive[/SIZE]Let a spider run alive

I always try to pick them up with a glass and piece of cardboard to slide under, as spiders are good creatures - they eat all the nasty little beaties - like Trac :lol:

I taught myself to pick them up by hand when I realised my fear was passing to my son - now not bothered by them at all
My dad used to say that June :thumbsup:


Im ok i never let my kids know i was scared i used to

say to them 'oh look at the spider, hit it with this' and

they used to kill it for me :lol:


And i always remember the day i got up and my GSD

Ruby had let a whole box of my lizard Ida's locust

loose in the house..................
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ann youve shocked me killing a poor ickle deffenceless spiddy :( there beautiful graceful things :wub:

shame on you, i will bring my remote on the 20th :- " (w00t)
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got your weapons ready today ann?? cos two are on their merry way to say hello to yer!!!! :clown:
June Jonigk said:
[SIZE=14pt]If you want to live and thrive[/SIZE]Let a spider run alive

I always try to pick them up with a glass and piece of cardboard to slide under, as spiders are good creatures - they eat all the nasty little beaties - like Trac :lol:

here june, my OH gets them i have a mega phobia of them. here it is cought in a glass while he tryed to find out what it was, (hed never seen a red one before lol)


(ill just not tell you what happened to it when he finished examining it :- " :oops: )
OH GOD ANN....... :x i nearly threw up my toast then...........spiders make me puke :x :x :x :x :x

cant eat anything if i see one :x :x :x

well done for killing the long legged monster................i would have done the same thing...........well i would have got robert to do it :wacko:
Sarah86 said:
I really hate spiders, we get them all the time in this house they are horrible big massive brown ones.  I need to get my mum and dad to catch them, we put them at the other end of the garden, im sure they just make there way back in though  :lol:
I read that citronella is supposed to be good at keeping them away so i've covered my window and door in it  :lol:

This was in our garden the other day, can't bare to look at this picture it creeps me out


I took a photo of one of these in my garden the other day too :lol:

I don't mind spiders, in fact I tried to save one yesterday in the lab at work. It had got its legs and those 2 front mouth bits stuck on some sticky tape stuck on a beaker. I felt so sorry for it cos it was still alive and trying to free itself :( so I tried to unstick its legs but it was stuck fast. I wanted to squash it to put it out of its misery but it was so big I couldn't bring myself to do it :b so I put it outside thinking that a brid my come and get it and at least it won't be suffering! I'm a bit of a soft touch aren't I? :b

I'm going to go and look now to see if its still there!
The spider has gone but there is one leg still left behind stuck to the tape :x
:x oooo i hate spiders big time ,i once knocked myself out because i saw one ,was in my mums house and she had few cuboards on a wall in her utility room about shoulder height and i was bending down underneath one looking for somthing and as i was moving bags this bloody great big spider ran up the wall :eek: i jumped up knocking my head on the cuboard and thats the last i rember was out bloody cold i was :- " :lol:
hely said:
OH GOD ANN....... :x   i nearly threw up my toast then...........spiders make me puke :x   :x   :x   :x   :x
cant eat anything if i see one :x   :x   :x

well done for killing the long legged monster................i would have done the same thing...........well i would have got robert to do it :wacko:

meddling said:
June Jonigk said:
[SIZE=14pt]If you want to live and thrive[/SIZE]Let a spider run alive

I always try to pick them up with a glass and piece of cardboard to slide under, as spiders are good creatures - they eat all the nasty little beaties - like Trac :lol:

I taught myself to pick them up by hand when I realised my fear was passing to my son - now not bothered by them at all

I could lend you Zuey, eating insects is his favourite passtime! (w00t)
Painted Lady said:
meddling said:
June Jonigk said:
[SIZE=14pt]If you want to live and thrive[/SIZE]Let a spider run alive

I always try to pick them up with a glass and piece of cardboard to slide under, as spiders are good creatures - they eat all the nasty little beaties - like Trac :lol:

I taught myself to pick them up by hand when I realised my fear was passing to my son - now not bothered by them at all


trish g said:
ann youve shocked me killing a poor ickle deffenceless spiddy :(   there beautiful graceful things :wub:
shame on you, i will bring my remote on the 20th :- "  (w00t)

Trish they dont look very graceful stuck to the back of a

remote im telling you :lol: