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Omg I Killed It


The one and Only ....
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Just caught this out of the corner of my eye running across the sofa


The girls have already gone to bed so they couldn't eat it, i had no

choice i had to whap it with the remote.........that just knocked one

of its legs of and it statred to run again, so i whapped it another it a

few more times in panic......that stopped it than goodness :x

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You MURDERER Ann :'( :'(

How could you :'( :'(

Poor little spider - what harm was he going to do to you - it might have been a Mummy or a Daddy, orphans :'( :'( left in the nest waiting in vain for Mummy or Daddy to return :'( :'(
Well i hope they dont come looking cos i've got

the remote in my hand and im not afraid to use it :lol:
:eek: blimey Ann if you do that to a small innocent spider im staying out of your way :- "
sod the spider.....does the remote still work? (w00t)
kill one spider and you get two tomorrow..thats what my nan always said...mind you she did talk a load of crap :teehee: hope you got something handy for tomorrow our ann :wacko:
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Painted Lady said:
kill one spider and you get two tomorrow..thats what my nan always said...mind you she did talk a load of crap :teehee: hope you got something handy for tomorrow our ann :wacko:
Oh i hope not i hate them they make me feel sick, im gonna sit

here all night now with the hoover on to suck them up and then

i daren't turn it of in case they crawl out :(


And im pleased to say Julie the remote survived :lol:
i remember when elisha was a tiny baby :wub: and i was feeding her in the small hours of the night -_-

i noticed a massive spider on my shoulder..........thank god i had a double bed....... :unsure: :unsure: .....gave elisha a soft landing when i dropped her and legged it (w00t)
meddling said:
Get therapy ann - spiders don't tend to kill you in this country :huggles:   :huggles:   :huggles:
No Clair but heart attacks do :blink:

Omg Julie i would have freaked out as well :eek:
:x :x

YUK!!!!! I'm really really scared of spiders. I won't kill them tho cos it's not their fault I don't like them. And also cos I couldn't get close enough to them to swat em (w00t)

If I had that lot anywhere near my house the FOR SALE sign would be up the same day :x
a couple of years ago the kids wanted a tarantula :unsure: so we bought them a ickle mexican red knee like in problems at all holding her until one day i got her out of tank to clean it and she ran up my arm into my hair..i swear to god this is true...nancy ran off screaming and mum had crapped her pants by now :sweating: i didnt want charlotte (spider :teehee: ) to fall cos apparantly tarantulas break like an egg if they are dropped :x so mum had to get a pot to cover over her and slide the lid under her to get her off my hair.....i was so freaked out by that i couldnt handle her again...kept shuddering every time i thought of it...needless to say no more tarantulas for the lovelands :wacko:
J.T. said:
:x   :x YUK!!!!! I'm really really scared of spiders. I won't kill them tho cos it's not their fault I don't like them. And also cos I couldn't get close enough to them to swat em (w00t)

If I had that lot anywhere near my house the FOR SALE sign would be up the same day :x

Don't buy a thatched cottage then!!