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Older aggressive dog


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Our family dog has been with us for about 13/14 years now and is in good health. He's never been one for young kids but we've always managed to avoid any issues. He's in good health and not really showing any signs of getting on.

Last year he was attacked in our garden by two Staffys and he's never really been the same since. He has recently bit me and cornered my in the kitchen. He has bit my brother and is also showing heightened signs of aggression towards my young daughter.

I'm just wondering if anyone has any advice or tips on how to help him?

Thanks in advance.
An elderly dog, he may have a problem that is not visible to you.

I think a visit to the vet may be a good idea!
I agree, a trip to the vets is needed. Any sudden change in behaviour can be medical and needs checking out x
Yeah I'm thinking the same. Thanks guys, I'll keep you up updated.