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Old Fashioned Whippet

thanks for posting , good to see them , wow ann , you little trend setter you :)
Rachel, can you get your hands on any of the Whippet Champions books eg the 1960 - 1986 one? You will see some old fashioned whippets in there - and mind you, it should not be always assumed that this is a derogatory term, although quite often it is used that way. But there are some of those "old fashioned" whippets that I wish I could have now. ;)

can i ask who owned the blue dog one i would love to own
He belonged to me, Selbrook Blue Print.
wasent he a lovely boy
This photo was taken before 1977. The judge is Arthur Westlake. from left to right. Jane Lonsdale-Hartley, Daphne Raines, Mrs Chapman and yours truly. I suppose they could all be classed as english whippets. I know they are all not standing very well.View attachment 65282
its quite sad to see this picture, the 2nd whippet from the left opitimises what a whippet should look like, perfect and showers talk about improvement

Rossette to Ruin
Anne McDonald said of my boy (Dumbriton Soul Train) in her critique .

"Could almost be described as an 'old fashioned' type of whippet."

Here he is (sorry not the best photo-dumped him on the table and told him to stay)


I have had Bradley described as old fashioned - he is in my signature!!
Maybe we could turn the question around and ask what is purely "modern" trait in Whippets, one that was not there say 30 years ago and before?

I think one would be size, the other the heavy greyhound type Whippet.
Hi all,

thanks for the replies so far, and interesting in that the few latterday dogs posted as illustrations are so different! I did have it in mind for some reason that it might relate to fawn dogs but Silas, you've gone and confounded my theory with your lovely brindle boy!

Re. the Whippet Champions book (1960-1986) I have it and it was with some of these pictures in mind that I posted my query! Just by their age these are 'old fashioned' but I am quite amazed by how different a lot of the early ones are in shape to modern day dogs - in particular, the thing that strikes me are their croups! very cut away in the '50s! so I can't think that these apply to the dogs in the modern crits.

I like your idea Seraphina, of deciding what a modern whippet is and then deducing what an old fashioned one would be, I can see more length of loin, a less curvy topline and more rear angulation in some of the champs when comparing them in the Whippet Champ books of 1960-1986 and the latest 1996-2005, then again, some could equally be in either book! It's an interesting exercise if anyone has both books.

I wonder if there have been any champions who in their day were described as 'old fashioned'? I doesn't seem to be a derogatory description, all the dogs I saw had placings...

More 'old fashioned' pics would be lovely! :)
Hi all,

thanks for the replies so far, and interesting in that the few latterday dogs posted as illustrations are so different! I did have it in mind for some reason that it might relate to fawn dogs but Silas, you've gone and confounded my theory with your lovely brindle boy!

Don't ask me why she called him old fashioned, I have no idea. It would take somebody with more knowhow than me to comment. :clown:
Silas, didn't she call him 'almost old-fashioned' - even more confusing! still lovely though and very obliging posing so well for his pic!
Maybe the judge was refering to his size? To me he looks like a lot of whippets in todays show ring. Certainly not an 'old fashioned english type' . :unsure:
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On looking at pictures, one bitch that I think wouldn't look to out of place in todays ring would be Wingedfoot Claire de Lune. Although the pic in the Champions book is not good, I have seen much better(Douglas Todd's The Popular Whippet). Another is Inadown Wispering Witch.

The topline of the Whippet is one of the most reconisable changes & bend of stifle.

The Whippet has certainly changed some things for the better & some not!!

One thing is for certain, you can't turn back the clock.
Maybe the judge was refering to his size? To me he looks like a lot of whippets in todays show ring. Certainly not an 'old fashioned english type' . :unsure:
I would have to agree Bertha, I remember him & I don't think he was old fashioned, just not a big dog.
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It has just struck me that the Champions book 1960-1986 has dogs in it which the youngest are 25 years old!!

How frightening that these are now classified as Old fashioned.

My Spanish Steps was born 86, she is now classified as old fashioned (w00t)
On looking at pictures, one bitch that I think wouldn't look to out of place in todays ring would be Wingedfoot Claire de Lune. Although the pic in the Champions book is not good, I have seen much better(Douglas Todd's The Popular Whippet). Another is Inadown Wispering Witch.The topline of the Whippet is one of the most reconisable changes & bend of stifle.

The Whippet has certainly changed some things for the better & some not!!

One thing is for certain, you can't turn back the clock.
I hope this is how I do a quote thingy... here goes

Are the changes in topline and bend of stifle (is this the same as rear angulation) purely cosmetic changes or did this shape make for, poor movement perhaps - was there a reason other than for the sake of looks that it has evolved to be what it is now?

Wasn't it Claire de Lune that Douglas Todd desribed as being a big whippet? Can't find the blooming book now.

If we could turn the clock back, or even halt it here as whippets are now would that be a good thing? I'm very resistant to changes, so I would probably say yes, but can the whippet be bettered or should we be looking more to the past?? Ooo eerr! I've come over all philosophical! (why isn't there an emoticon with a book looking intelligent!? lol)
On looking at pictures, one bitch that I think wouldn't look to out of place in todays ring would be Wingedfoot Claire de Lune. Although the pic in the Champions book is not good, I have seen much better(Douglas Todd's The Popular Whippet). Another is Inadown Wispering Witch.The topline of the Whippet is one of the most reconisable changes & bend of stifle.

The Whippet has certainly changed some things for the better & some not!!

One thing is for certain, you can't turn back the clock.
I hope this is how I do a quote thingy... here goes

Are the changes in topline and bend of stifle (is this the same as rear angulation) purely cosmetic changes or did this shape make for, poor movement perhaps - was there a reason other than for the sake of looks that it has evolved to be what it is now?

Wasn't it Claire de Lune that Douglas Todd desribed as being a big whippet? Can't find the blooming book now.

If we could turn the clock back, or even halt it here as whippets are now would that be a good thing? I'm very resistant to changes, so I would probably say yes, but can the whippet be bettered or should we be looking more to the past?? Ooo eerr! I've come over all philosophical! (why isn't there an emoticon with a book looking intelligent!? lol)
I was wondering about that too - has the ''modern'' whippet's movement changed? since I wasn't around 25 years ago :p
Wasn't it Claire de Lune that Douglas Todd desribed as being a big whippet? Can't find the blooming book now.
Douglas Todd mentions in his book about the correct movement of Wingedfoot Hildebrand but states that he was never shown because of his size. W. Hildebrand was the brother of Ch W. Claire de Lune.

Also mentions in his book about the increase in the size of some whippets in the 1960's.
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