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Oh Dear God, The Poo!

lol thanks guys, ive gotta say its been an experiance (w00t)

there was a little old lady in there before us, she was bed ridden and doubley incontinent and her son left her to rot. i feel really sorry that she had to end her days in that filth because the house had obviously been loved and well taken care of. im guessing the poo got under the vinal tiles as the commode was being emptied, they must of missed and the sloppage was drawn into the soft part of them.

yes we did get the house mega cheap as a result of this, we got £15,000 knocked off the price and its not really taken that long to get it livable. just need to decorate downstairs now and then move in.

dana loves her huge garden, after having none at all in the flat she now has a whole 100 foot to play in and i think she is trying to wee on each and every part of it (w00t) she is not too pleased at having to come back to the flat after a day at the house though (w00t) bless her :wub: